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There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • If you think 26% is bad, in Russia it's going to be priced at around ₽80-100k(~$883, VAT included), but the median monthly salary is ₽43.500 - $480... That's well over 100% median household income given that over 38% families only have a single parent. And I'm pretty sure that's not even the worst out there, think like Argentina has an extortionate import tax or something?

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    MI6 and CIA warn of 'reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe' being waged by Russia
  • Here ya go.

    Before you go on to tell anything,

    A military parade is a formation of soldiers whose movement is restricted by close-order manoeuvering known as drilling or marching [...] parades may also hold a role for propaganda purposes, being used to exhibit the apparent military strength of a country.

    The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon is a 24-man rifle platoon led by a Captain and Platoon Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps (USMC). Often referred to as The Marching Twenty-Four, the unit performs a unique silent precision exhibition drill. The purpose of the platoon is to exemplify the discipline and professionalism of the Marine Corps

    This is definitely a parade. Don't think I need to argue that synchronously throwing rifles at each other counts as pass juggling.

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    MI6 and CIA warn of 'reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe' being waged by Russia
  • It’s called tradition, you silly bitch, and you are correct to laugh at it because it indeed looks stupid as fuck

    I think this applies to all ceremonial military stuff: The queen's guard, the India-Pakistani border guards (at least they own it), the french foreign legionnaires who go out with a fucking axe and an apron, the US also has a tendency to flash ancient rifles on parades and then... juggle them? And so does Russia, aside from whatever that shit in the OP-post is, always brings out an old WW2-era tank on parades, alongside with the only available prototype sample of a new one, which then proceeds to stall in the middle of it and has to be towed out with said WW2-era tank.

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • Floor 0 is for those weird buildings built on uneven ground where you enter floor 1 from one side, but floor 0 from another, so it's neither really underground to warrant negative floor number, nor is it fully on the ground to be positive.

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    Some basic info about USB
  • On gigabyte boards, red ports were/are signifying their "ON/OFF charge" and "3x power" gimmicks. Basically means that it's a usb 2.0, with 1.5A limit over normal 500mA, and remains powered when the PC is turned off.

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  • They don't even need to do that. Just blast music straight into the water. It's not like anyone would be listening anyway.

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    Anon doesn't like reddit
  • Whenever I stumble on reddit I make sure to post disinformation or some kind of dumb shit to throw a wrench into the LLM training data they sell to google.

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • Funny how I could probably understand what you mean if you said it without translation. Sounds very simillar to срать тесьма, which is also shit tape, though it's not a correct grammatically in Russian. To my knowledge, we don't have a specific name for it, but if there were I'd say it'd either be студенческая/солдатсткая (student/soldier) paper because they're so poor, or жоподёрка (the assripper)

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    If China wants Taiwan it should also reclaim land from Russia, says president
  • what’s preventing China from just taking ALL of Russia

    What for? Russia is already drifting into becoming a China's satellite state. Besides, there's another resource-rich, sparsely populated, 99.9% Asian country right by their border, with barely any security and which would've been part of China already if not for some weeb. If they are going for conquest, Mongolia would be the second target right after Taiwan, but attacking it would tip off Russia to go all in on defense.

    Russia would never threaten China with nukes, because 1) China ALSO has nukes, and 2) China has been the only thing keeping Russia afloat recently.

    The problem here is the amount of them and population density. Just one bomb dropped randomly somewhere in China would probably cause more casualties than the entire Chinese nuclear arsenal targeting the most populous Russian cities. And Russia has an order of magnitude more...

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • Well, it that case you're referring to, the guy was actually snooping around which would fall into doing stupid things. But, just in case, just this once, here's a free get out of jail free card: If you ever got caught just say that you're an orthodox christian who came to Russia to enjoy based traditional culture in this bastion of anti-woke-ism and family values, and complain about some dumb shit like how western liberal agenda prevents you from hitting your wife or something. They can't put you on TV while you are in prison, so they'll have to let you go.

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    17% of the US's Infrastructure & Jobs Act goes to transit. 67% goes to conventional highway programs
  • In my country, the most popular taxi app(yandex) has an option to allow hitchhikers. If you and other person order a ride with this option on and a similar route, it will pick one of you then the other, and then drop each other off. Currently, the savings are not as good as I would expect, roughly 15-20% off for both, and there are hard limits like 2 minute wait time with no paid waiting, non-refundable order fee, only one person, no baggage, and this option only shows up if you're either taking a long ride or if someone's already riding one that somewhat coincides with yours. Sometimes, no second is found and the company, but mostly the driver, just have to eat the discount they gave you for enabling it. But, already as is, taxis are wrecking public transit and car ownership by utilizing cheaper immigrant labor. With scale they can potentially be filled more consistently and with more than 2 riders, and with autonomous cars there's no need to pay the driver, even further reducing the cost. Also, never parking could massively increase throughput on some of the streets where there are entire lanes are filled with parked cars. At least in my city, this has enormous potential. The only problem is that competition is lacking, therefore reduced cost won't necessarily result in lower prices.

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • The one that's just like a concrete block with few holes in the floor? God that shit's terrifying. Grew up in Russia and luckily never had to use one of those as they were never the only option. But if I had to, I'd rather shit my pants instead. Had to use shoddy garden toilets, squat toilets and toilets with no stalls before a few times each, all were awful experiences, but this thing, it combines all three for the ultimate discomfort.

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • Well, I wouldn't worry about 2 and 3 that much. It's just that as a foreigner, especially if you are from the US, you will most definitely fall under the surveillance of FSB and the cops will look at you twice, but they're not paid half-decent enough to actually give a shit and do their job properly. They might harass you here and there but if you don't do anything stupid like protesting in red square or doing selfies in front of military bases, then they'll have nothing against you. I imagine that's not that much worse than living in the US under CIA's umbrella and trigger happy cops. Other than that, it's not nearly an extreme hellhole like NK, Afghanistan or Syria that people make it sound like. In fact, you can get by in Moscow or St. Petersburg without a guide or translator just fine. I'd rather advise to watch out for the tourist traps(the usual), and to avoid getting out of the city limits and into the suburbs because of the much increased crime levels.

    Ah, and put the fact that for every dollar you spend there, you put 20 cents straight into Putin's pocket into that list...

    And also that you'd probably need a visa and it's a hassle...

    And that you'd probably need a Russian friend to get you hooked up with the basics and avoid going through the bureaucracy - like with currency exchange, credit card, carrier plan, etc...

    Also that weather is rather harsh there...

    And also that it's probably the dirtiest country on earth because city planners didn't zone out lawns and parks properly therefore the mud gets spread absolutely everywhere...

    And that internet is half-broken, with half sites censored while the others block everyone from Russian IP's because sanctions...

    And that Ukraine might not let you in afterwards...

    And that you'd for sure be questioned by your homecountry's intelligence services...

    And that's about all that I can think of.

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • Don't go to Russia. Every once in a while you can encounter this atrocity. Yes, it has holes right out of the roll, no perforation whatsoever and not even a hole that you could hang it on and therefore outer layers are always dirty. And, of course, feels like a sandpaper, tears when wiping, but stretches when you actually try to get a piece. Please don't tell me that this exists outside of Russia, that'd be way to much assrash for this world.

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    The Collector
  • The only person I know working in finance couldn't even afford their own ThinkPad. In fact, they are a bit malnourished as they can't even afford food some of the time. But they do live in this big, mostly empty house, which I could never afford in my entire lifetime, and towards mortgage for which most of their money goes. Something-something appreciating assets yada-yada

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    I hate people like this
  • Maybe they've realized it after the fact? Maybe they were regulars there and/or times suddenly changed? Maybe they're not telling something? I don't know. As a manager I would've just left a number to call to check what's up, and as visitor this review wouldn't affect my decision to go there anyway.

  • Alright, the title is a bit clickbaity, but hear me out!

    Little background: Since the start of the Ukraine invasion, Russia and Belarus have been hit with massive sanctions, and a lot of stuff suddenly became unavailable. That includes quite a few video games that became unavailable on steam. Helldivers being one of them. And, since it started, a lot of people, myself included, have left the country in disagreement with the regime, mostly to ex-USSR countries, like Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Others, who, for some reason, are unable or are unwilling to move, either resorted to piracy, or got their steam accounts switched to one of said countries, mostly with help from friends in one of them. This is a good thing in a way that that that it moves place where the taxes are paid, and gives more power to those countries, especially as they grow wary of their warmongering neighbor and increasingly drift away from their shared USSR past, effectively weakening war machine.

    Now with geographic restrictions put on all of those countries on Steam, I've been pondering if there's a way to still somehow buy this game for my friends to play with, some of whom are still residing in Russia, and stumbled upon this:\_2\_versiya\_RF

    This is a totally legit, official store of one of the oldest major publishers in Russia, and official SONY's partner. What caught my attention is that they have two separate versions available - one for Russia and Belarus, and another for ex-USSR countries. The first one is a little problematic as it means that SONY is continuing doing business in Russia and doesn't give a fuck about it waging a war. But whatever. The second one, on the other hand, is completely nuts. As far as I can tell, it is the only place where you could obtain the game officially in said countries. With the price of roughly $40 with 20% VAT included, that'd be $8 straight into Putin's pockets for every copy sold. Sweet liberty! Plus whatever the publisher's cut is, that gets further taxed down the road. For a person who fled from dictatorship and is conscious about where their money go, or for a citizen of a country that was invaded and is still partly occupied, or a person displaced from their home because the peacekeepers just told them to fuck off and left, that sounds like a bad joke.

    I do realize that VAT from video game sales is a drop in the ocean, compared to oil and gas exports. But still, I'd say that a good enough reason to keep pushing SONY to lift geographic restrictions on Steam.


    I'm currently in a country with lots of companies straight up spamming every single number. But, I guess it's by law, all those messages have a word signifying that it's an ad.

    My question is whether there's an app that could auto-remove them, preferrably removing the notification as well and ideally keeping the stock messenger intact.

    I've tried a few from the play market's top but none seemed to work, some didnt even have such a feature. Also tried some automation tools, but couldnt find one that could delete SMS messages.

    Any suggestions?
