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im proud of who i am 🏳️‍🌈

monolingual loser, hope to learn more languages 💔

she/they - lesbian biromantic

4 wk. ago

Fart Sounds

  • nice try. no profile picture nor bio, account just made today, spamming stuff minutes ago. bot.

  • Rant

    i’m not religious. stop trying to force me to be.

    stop trying to give me an ultimatum, saying i’ll go to hell or that we can’t be friends if i don’t pray.

    if i’m uncertain that god exists because there’s NO PROOF EITHER WAY for me.

    i’m not a “perfect” straight christian woman like you are, i’m not going to change myself because my looks “tempt” men. i dress for me, not for men.

    i don’t CARE if same-gender relationships are “sins” and you’ll go to hell. there are some pro-lgbt churches. i don’t care if “all women are for is to complement men and they’re inferior and they should only be with other men for that reason”.

    this shit makes me so mad. i don’t have to be religious if i don’t want to be. there’s this one straight christian woman i know and she hates other women it’s so annoying, and she claims to support the lgbt but “doesn’t care about gay/trans rights”.

    omfg shut up, there’s some actual kind christians despite me not being one myself, but these people obviously aren’t.

    if you’re genuinely curious as to whether i pray,

  • i mean, i have to strain to remember the name of the guy who harassed me, so i probably won’t remember his name either after a decade :)

    thanks so much

  • ah, he said “let’s be friends” but he wanted to get back together in the future and i was willing to do that, but obviously not now.

  • thanks ❤️ ig cuz it’s so recent and i still harbor some old feelings, i feel like he can change

  • i also notice that although he’s bi, he’d only talk about hot men (especially fictional), wouldn’t mention me to other people, and would talk to me about his crushes as if we were just good friends. he would also try to make moves with some of them, presumably not telling them about me

  • No Stupid Questions

    would getting back with an ex be a bad idea?

    my ex-boyfriend sam (19m) of a few years has been my longest relationship (as i’m still young). he ghosted me and i started to lose feelings for him. however, i still had hope.

    he also “forgot” about me when he would give gifts to other people, wouldn’t mention me under “people he appreciates” but would mention everyone else, and wouldn’t even tell people abt me.

    due to all this, i started to question actually being a lesbian who was only into guys because of comphet.

    however, last night, when he finally saw my messages (he doesn’t use social media a lot), he apologized and said he should’ve done something other than ghost his gf. he agreed that we should break up, and said he was being this way due to mental health problems, and that if we got back together, he’d be a better bf.

    he explained he still had feelings for me and would love to still be friends.

    that’s when i realized that i had genuine feelings for him that were still there, not just comphet. i always loved him and fe


    so… i talked to my ex

    for anyone who wants to give proper advice or know our ages, yes, we are still quite young. i’m 18f, he’s 19.

    i recently broke up with sam, my long-distance bf of a few years because he ghosted me. last night, he finally answered his phone and got to talk to me, that he’d love to still be friends but he was ghosting due to poor mental health.

    he explained that he knew it was wrong and he should’ve done something other than ghosting his gf, and despite having mental health problems, he still indeed had feelings for me and would like to give it another try when he can be a better bf and is more mentally stable.

    on one hand, i kind of hope he doesn’t lose feelings for me, as i think my feelings for him are still kinda there, but i also would support him with romance and such no matter what, and even if he doesn’t have feelings for anyone.

    i also hope he gets better and don’t want to pressure him into a relationship he’s obviously not ready for. i think he should take his time. i also


    saua ian-núe ón khúu, khúu si LGBT khóm ón óa?

    ni síin, ni khóm nái khúu si LGBT khéen Uá 😊

  • 好又!我心好耳君心好

  • 好日、Aurora。我是drbollocks。何君心这日?

  • No Stupid Questions

    uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend?

    besides all that, she has an odd sense of humor but is really nice. not only this, but has been my friend since middle school, and i dated her in sixth grade. she has always been christian, but she’s practicing it more and feels like she has to “repent for her sins” and whatever.

    she used to be a lesbian and then genderfluid but now she’s cishet and idk if she’ll understand what i’m going through, i also hope she didn’t decide this due to christianity.

    and the gender identity and pronouns jokes feel weird to me as an enby and a lesbian 😓

    will this end up actually bad for me like those superevangelicals?

    is this abuse??

  • it was bc my current gf hated that i was a trans man

  • is this abuse??

  • im obv in pain and he yells at me for it

  • is this abuse??

  • i detransitioned. tysm

  • Khía uíne khóm ian ón Uísi?

  • mine was a good ex, we were quite assholes in middle school but we’re on good terms and she’s nice now.

    but considering shes straight, i probably don’t have a chance anyway

  • Lesbians

    what is happening…

    it was around 1am and i was trying to sleep, and suddenly i thought “what if i get back with my ex from sixth grade?” (i’m still friends with her)

    i started to get a warm and fuzzy feeling, so i was like “ruh oh raggy… i can’t get another crush again…”

    she’s straight now, and my tired brain decided it was one of those things where i’d understand if she said no and continue to be her friend but would be like “yeah, why not” if we dated 🤷‍♀️

    i thought that even if i was an immature ass at 12, i could be better and we could try again now.

    however, when i woke up, my feelings completely vanished and i had no desire to date her at all.

  • yes. i used to be a typical straight girl, but at an early age, i realized i didn’t care what the gender was. i heavily preferred men but wouldn’t mind dating a girl (bi-curious).

    my first girlfriend was in middle school (6th grade) and after that, i liked a lot more girls than guys.

    i still had male crushes though and was quite open to dating men. (bi)

    when i transitioned to a man, i was still bi, but later began to prefer men again. (especially because i had bad breakups with women where they would cheat/ignore me/treat me badly)

    i identified as gay until i got back with my gf and realized i still held feelings for women. subsequently, i detransitioned (due to some trauma/transphobia) and questioned being a lesbian.

    after i officially broke up with my bf of a few years who didn’t treat me right, i realized i didn’t actually have feelings for men at all and it was comphet.

  • Welcome!

  • thank you so much! i have another too!

  • uá/уá

    ni uíne ákhe aaaa

    ni ákhe ón okha sénkho san khí: ni nái núe ón sénkho, ni uíne ákhe en ón sénkho sú nún.

    ni nái khúu núe en síkheén íu ón Uísi.

    óa sénkho nún! (éla sénkho súno :) )

  • 我、(wa) - me

    人女 (sal’on)、- her

    人男 (sal’tok)、- him

    君 (gun)、- you

    人多 (sal’da)

    人 (sal)、- person

    女 (on)、- woman

    男 (tok)、- man

    多 (da), - many/much/very

    誰 (dare) - who

    眠、(miem) - sleep

    全 (jon) 、- every/all

    無 (mu) - none/no

    食、(tabe) - eat

    飲 (in) 、- drink

    物 (mono) - thing

    来、(lai) - come

    行 (gyo) - go

    与 (ata) - give

    作、(so) - do/make

    持、(ar) - to have

    見、(mi) - to see/seem

    是, (i) - to be/yes

    保, (bo) - keep

    得, (to) - get/take

    让, (rang) - to let

    放, (fo) - to put

    言 (go) - to say, language

    北 (kita) - north

    南 (mina) - south

    東 (azu) - east

    西 (nishi) - west

    送 (song) - to send

    可 (ka) - can, able

    少 (suko) - small

    前 (mai) - before

    後 (ato) - after

    間 (jan) - between

    中 (chu) - in

    外 (dai) - out

    時 (ji) - at/time/place

    上 (oi) - on, up, over

    下 (sha) - under/down

    周 (žu) - around

    通 (dori) - through

    又 (mata) - too

    二人 (ichi-sal) - together

    一人 (ni-sal) - alone

    由 (yu) - by

    从 (kon) - from/because

    和 (e) - with/and

    离 ( - off/away

    至 (ita) - to, towards

    为 (wei) - as, like

    的 (de) - for, of

    到 (ita) - till

    比 (pi) - than

    后 (ho) - then

    何 (nan) - what

    写 (se) - write/draw/writing utensil

    漢字 (kanji)/日写 (il-se) - kanji

    汉字 (hanzi)/中写 (chu-se) - hanzi

    試 (tame) - test

    基 (ki) - basic, simple

    亚洲 (ya-shu) - asia

    主 (zu) - main

    等 (toshi) - etc

    当 (tong) - now

    好 (ho) - good

    坏 (pe) - bad /無好 (mu ho) - not good

    那 - that (nan)

    这 - this (zei)

    甘 (gam) - sweet

    よ - (yo) - exclamation marker, only hiragana word

    戦 (zen) - battle

    档 (dang) - document

    日 (hi) - day, sun

    夜 (yari) - night, evening

    心 (sin) - mind/heart(noun), to think or feel (verb)

    坏心 (pesin) - disgusting, bad feeling

    木 (mog) - tree, plant

    家 (kazo) - parent, 家多 (kazo’da) - family

    住 (ju) - to live, inhabit 分 (fen) - to divide, parts

    or, if, but/though - 或 (kuo), 如 (ru), 但 (tan),

    other, any, some - 他 (hoka), 任何 (renan), 或 (kuo)

    瓶 (ping) - bottle

    火 (hua) - fire

    冰 (bing) - ice

    浸 (immersion)

    楽 (re) - fun

    Place - 場 (baba)

    住 (ju) - to live, inhabit

    分 (fen) - to divide, parts

    Posession is determined by word order “Wa sin” - I feel Sin wa - My heart/brain

    团 (sua) - group

  • Love Islandese/Aidaogo

    the words i have so far

    (the original chart where all the words were there seems to be lost, i had to redo some of them and a lot of them are unfinished, i will repost when i update it.)

  • i will make individual images to post :)

  • Love Islandese/Aidaogo

    my writing system prototype thus far:

    Love Islandese/Aidaogo


    welcome to my community! this community is for my conlang aidaogo, or love islandese, spoken on the fictional island of love island in asia.

    it is minimalistic so far, with few words like toki pona, as i was thinking “what if there was a toki pona but mainly for east asia?” but more can always be added!

    the main writing system is chinese characters, though latin and a glyph-based system can be used (the glyphs will be posted soon).


    Uá o óno ón Uísi! (Wiki)

    Ni nái óno ón Uísi si Uá. Khía-núe khén nái saua sin íu ón Uísi.

    Khía-núe khén uá si ae, san ian saua oé en áne khóna


    Sána séne uá Uá khóm khué ón sénkho, ian khóm uá ón Uá? (What language will Uá sound like when people start to speak it?)


    Khía-núe síin séne?

    ni ón óa 😊


    List of words/Íu si uá/И́у си уá

    á - not, no - á

    ae - everything - аэ/ай

    oé - animal - оэ́

    aí - reptile - аи́

    uá - speech, talk - уá

    óa - good - оá

    íe - bad - и́э

    khéen - using - хэ́эн

    khái - disgusting - хáи

    ian - person - ян

    iasía - mirror, reflection - яси́а

    iéo - yellow, green - иэ́о

    o - to hold, have - о

    kháa - fish - хáа

    khána - noise - хáна

    khóm - come - хóм

    khási - plant - хáси

    khén - can, possible - хэ́н

    akhú - raccoon - аху́

    khíi - fruit, vegetable - хи́и

    khín - also - хи́н

    khísi - piece, cut - хи́си

    khíen - rock - хи́эн

    khó - goop, paste, powder - хó

    khon - air, spirit - хон

    khúe - color - ху́э

    khúu - group - ху́у

    khué - ear, to hear - хуэ́

    áan - to steal - áан

    ákhe - to sleep or rest - áхэ

    áso - blue, green - áсо

    auá - head, leader - ауá

    ékho - block/square - э́хо

    én - clothing, cloth - э́н

    ée - cold, ice - э́э

    séi - fire, hot - сэ́и

    úi - big - у́и

    íi - small - и́и

    ókhu - mouth, to eat - óху

    ina - line - ина

    íu - paper - и́у

    óie - red - óие

    ón - is, at, exist - ó

    Community Promo

    a community about and in my toki pona-based conlang ^ _ ^


    khóm óa!

    Uá Lasín

    khóm óa saua khúu Lémi si Uá :)

    Уá си́них

    хóм óа сауа ху́у Лэ́ми си Уá :)


    welcome to the Lemmy community about Uá :)

    New Communities

    a community about and in my toki pona-based conlang ^ _ ^

    Constructed Languages

    glossary of words in my toki pona based language

    name of language: uá

    name meaning: speech, language, talk

    writing system: latin, cyrillic (recently added)

    there are 9 sounds in total

    “a” - like father

    “e” like bed

    “i” like in “see”

    “o” like in “store”

    “u” like in “moon”

    n “New”

    s “Save”

    kh, like in “Hat”

    “m” - “Money”

    Accent means the syllable is drawn out slightly/more emphasis

    á - not, no

    ae - everything

    oé - animal

    aí - reptile

    uá - speech, talk

    óa - good

    íe - bad

    khéen - using

    khái - disgusting

    ian - person

    iasía - mirror, reflection

    iéo - yellow, green

    o - to hold, have

    kháa - fish

    khána - noise

    khóm - come

    khási - plant

    khén - can, possible

    akhú - raccoon

    khíi - fruit, vegetable

    khín - also

    khísi - piece, cut

    khíen - rock

    khó - goop, paste, powder

    khon - air, spirit

    khúe - color

    khúu - group

    khué - ear, to hear

    áan - to steal

    ákhe - to sleep or rest

    áso - blue, green

    auá - head, leader

    ékho - block/square

    én - clothing, cloth

    ée - cold, ice

    séi - fire, hot

    úi - big



    i’m moving on from a bad person. i just needed to talk because… jeez


    my friend for 4 years is someone who i had to cut contact with. they’ve completely discarded me, perhaps before i cut contact altogether and won’t even look nor talk to me.

    they are definitely something else, and i should probably feel good about that but it kind of hurts. part of the reason why seems to be because i’m an autistic woman, as she makes fun of autistic people and views them as lesser despite using autism as an excuse to be “stimmy”.

    she also used to do the “don’t leave me for these other people! they don’t understand you like i do” thing. for years she convinced me that most everyone is ableist and evil and that i would never be good enough.

    she convinced me it’s normal to treat people badly when you wanted to “mold” them into the person you wanted them to be, and it wasn’t until sometime last year that i realized this behavior was harmful.



    what’s your favorite constructed language? any of you created your own?

    i love the idea of creating conlangs. i’ve experimented with the idea of them in years past but have never done anything with them, let alone created one.

    i did create some toki pona-based ones as they consist of few words (~100) but i want to create ones that aren’t just based off toki pona.