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How did you acquire the first 1000 words?
  • That's perfectly fine. Don't worry about forgetting words. You will forget them, look them up again, forget them look them up again, eventually they'll stick. Focus on the reading. Don't treat it like a vocabulary lesson. Every day you're here to read, as long as you reach the end you're good, over months you'll realize you learned a lot of vocabs.

    At first because the text will be so dense with new words yes it will take a long time to read, that's why I typically only read a short maybe half a page per day. Then gradually increase that as your vocabulary grows over months. The goal should be to encounter say 50-100 new words a day. Notice I said encounter not learn.

    Those websites where you look up words are really useful. Make sure they have text to speech and read out loud in the language not in English even if you see the translation in English that's fine.

    Also do a lot of listening along with the reading. I usually get myself an audio book and its corresponding text, chop it up into 1 minute and half a page segments, for each segment listen once, then read looking new words up, then listen while reading at the same time a few times, trying to follow a long, looking up any words I forgot, then listen without reading a dozen or so times until I can follow along. Then movd on to the next segment.

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    You ever recover a lost memory?
  • Might wanna write them down as soon as you wake up.

    Dreams can sometimes inspire creative work so to me I like remembering them.

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    You ever recover a lost memory?
  • I heard smell is particularly good at bringing back memories, sometimes even in Alzheimer's patients.

    To me it's hearing that seems the strongest, especially music.

  • So one time, I was on a bus and this guy next to me was very bored and said "When the bell rings, the time will be 10:30 am...DING!", "When the bell rings, the time will be 10:31 am...DING!", in a robotic voice.

    At first I was confused. I didn't know what he was talking about. Then I stared at him and I could just feel a wave of nostalgia. A very distant memory almost forgotten came back. I'm 7 years old, bored at home with nothing to do pre-internet. I call a landline number that has a service that tells you the time and just listen in... that's exactly what the telephone lady would say. OMG he's imitating the landline time service lol

    It felt very satisfying too. It's like a eureka moment but for memory rather than thought.

    Anything similar happen to you?


    Today I read a headline that said "Doctor who saved a senator's life now stranded...", but I only read the first part as "Doctor Who, saves a senator's life". I was like Doctor Who? Saved someone's life? That's amazing!



    It's in beta but it's been out since september of last year and all I can think is WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME THIS?

    I've been using desmos for years now and always wished they had one. I'm gonna spend the evening plotting random surfaces to see what they look like.


    Well not quite but close. I'm holding a hard disk that has ALL of Wikipedia's text in 10 different languages.

    Yes you can download all of Wikipedia and yes it can easily fit in a hard drive. Isn't that amazing? Text is incredibly dense compared to images and video. Around 22 GiB for English Wikipedia alone and 56 GiB for the 10 languages I downloaded.

    I also have all of Wiktionary in the same hard drive. It's around 16.4 GiB.


    Besides lemmy of course

    Edit: By community I didn't mean lemmy community. I meant like a fandom for an old or obscure piece of media with still some activity


    I'm a reddit refugee trying to figure this out. It seems to me like it's a decent idea to break up countrol like this, but unfortunately there are some inherent problems that mean it might not work in the real world.

    The biggest in my view is that communities are scoped to the instance they started in. You could have 2 different communities with the same niche and the same or similar name but different insurances and the subscriber numbers will be split across them. I think this is damaging to growth because it spreads active users.

    Eventually if the niche grows one of the communities of the niche will be the biggest and most active. So generally users will consolidate around the instances with the most active communities thus making those instances have a lot of control and defeating the purpose of federation.

    Is there something I'm missing here? Because currently I'm not convinced this can both grow and keep things decentralized.
