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Religious people: The world is ending
  • What about the way in which Pope Francis touches science?

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    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • Daniel Suelo should do science

  • Is there a way to release a work under a copyleft license without preventing other people from sharing a copy of it on YouTube (only allows selecting standard YouTube license or permissive Creative Commons license) and similar platforms?


    Common vs. required

    I just realized that a lot of my personal improvement in understanding the formation of romantic relationships can be described as discerning the boundary between what's common and what social norms require. When there were too many things that are in the common category but were not known by me to be in it, I could not always be myself, and I had a narrow view of the acceptable paths I could take (which was especially bad in my situation with girl 4, in which none of the truly socially acceptable paths (including abandoning the situation) were part of what I thought I could do).


    My squarespiss doomain expires tomorrow and I can't set a working card without getting this error and idk if I will get the transfer code fast enough to switch to cloudflare registrar AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


    About me (ignore if you're viewing Local or All)

    (Posting this here mostly just so I don't have Pisstagram-exclusive content)

    My name is Joseph Silva. I'm studying software engineering at ASU Polytechnic, and I'm considering doing human systems engineering as a minor or second major. I'm Catholic. I make lots of good YouTube poops. I contribute to the server code of Lemmy. I recently started a project codenamed Pansystellar to teach things related to willpower and social connections, and an unintended effect is I'm starting to become curious about psychology. Other hobbies include hiking and going to the gym. I like rabbits, the colors green and pink, and the Rust programming language. Website:




    Dorm hallway
  • I put my Lemmy instead of my Instagram on there

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    Private voting has been added to PieFed
  • This might work well with a separate per-user random secret value instead of the password.

    Overall the vote privacy issue is a tough dilemma for me.

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    Correct usage of a hand-me-down MacBoo
  • I tried it but I can't tolerate it crashing every time I close and reopen the laptop

  • Finding out that t2linux is too broken was like finding out that Santa isn't real


    Hello New Century Residents!

    I know it is dry here in the dusty state of Arizona, however, our fire alarms in Century are very sensitive. Every year we have a student who has a very restless first night from 1-2 hours of their fire alarm going after using a humidifier. Please refrain from using humidifiers in your room so that you are not this person!! A humidifier will trigger your fire alarm and it will take at least 1.5 hours to reset.

    Thank you!


    Pansystellar v1.0.0-alpha.2 released


    Girl 7 (at E2, a camp for incoming ASU engineering students)

    Shortly before we left, we did performances that we previously prepared in groups. Girl 7 is one of the girls I mostly thought about before, and she was in another group that was doing a song parody. Anticipation started building up when I saw her with one of the microphones in the beginning. When she sang her part, I was very delighted by her voice. Later, I told her that she sounded so beautiful. She thanked me, smiled, and overall had a reaction that I like so much. I should have tried to have a conversation with her (e.g. asking if she sings a lot), but I didn't think of doing that. This shows the importance of considering the possibility of conversation potential in every single interaction, so Pansystellar will teach that and also list simple ways of continuing a conversation so it can be done fast enough even before the whole thing becomes habitual.

    After we returned to ASU, me and my dad were walking to the car to go home, and it was in front of a building, and I saw no one other than girl 7 in front of the building, and she appeared to be waiting to be picked up. After I put my stuff in the back of the car, I immediately went in the car, and now I think I should have first ran to the girl and asked if she wanted my number. In addition to the crush prediction concept I will describe next, faster recognition of the possibility that it was my last chance would have helped.

    Later that day, I started to have crush toward her. (I said it that way because I realized that saying "a crush on" instead of something that matches how other feelings are communicated could be a brainwashing factor.) That evening, girl 7 was the only life I saw at E2 that I thought about more than the bathroom rodent.

    The next day (today), I noticed patterns in what happens before I start to have crush. The main one is a girl visibly feeling very good after I say something to her, which is what happened with girl 7 and multiple other girls in the past. Another one is me sensing dominance in a girl (this indicator seems to be mild). Then I realized that this knowledge could be used to predict crush before I have it, and that I could kinda act on predicted crush instead of only present crush. This results in a new category of speed, especially for the build-up of courage and fear of regret, and for decisions of who to interact with. It can also create a less foggy view of desires and emotional reactions. And the concept of acting on future crush means working around the constraint of time itself, which is a very marketable feature of Pansystellar 😂

    Another thing, not about this girl in particular: I realized very late that people at E2 would be likely to enjoy and understand my youtube short about Joe Biden saying we're "created by the Go you know the you know the thing" because the referenced programming language Go is more likely to be familiar. I could have gone to someone (maybe someone whose name tag indicates a computer science related major) and showed them this, instead of only showing people my less niche stuff. Pansystellar should encourage people to avoid forgetting how much shared interest is around them.

    Update: the first wave of crush toward her (currently the only one) lasted less than 3 days

    Vision of the Pansystellar Architecture
  • I can hardly believe this was only 16 days before the first alpha release of Pansystellar

  • You can now post here


    Pansystellar v1.0.0-alpha.1 released


    I started working on the book

    🎉🚀 I just made a huge advancement in seeing what's inside of the mindset shift that happened after my situation with girl 4 and is the foundation of the Pansystellar Architecture.
  • Regarding the importance: feedback will become more important after the first alpha release happens for version 1 of the project's learning experiences (probably only a free ebook for version 1), and absolutely necessary after it enters beta

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    Anon hates fast food
  • Proprietary food 🤮

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    🎉🚀 I just made a huge advancement in seeing what's inside of the mindset shift that happened after my situation with girl 4 and is the foundation of the Pansystellar Architecture.
  • Almost any feedback is acceptable. "Almost any" because I got comments saying "get mental help" and "this is deeply creepy" which are too vague to be considered respectful. But even in those cases I don't do removals or bans, and I encourage them to be more specific.

    The most helpful thing would probably be links to surprisingly good existing relevant work.

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    Probably the most important relationship formation example that I know
  • In an alternate reality, this project is codenamed Chilistellar

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    Bacon tho
  • What you're referring to as taste is in fact taste + nutrition

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    Probably the most important relationship formation example that I know
  • The most relevant insights from ChatGPT:

    • "People often feel uncomfortable with the ambiguity and uncertainty that comes with undefined relationships. There is a cultural tendency to seek clear labels and definitions quickly, which can stifle natural relationship development and exploration."

    • "This story challenges the notion that there is only one right way to develop a romantic relationship, advocating for a more organic and patient approach."


    "I attended a retreat at this couple’s house, and they told us this story. I see it as an example of liberally seeking connection and not being afraid of causing people to suspect feelings, all before you even know your feelings and desires. Today, I realized how important this story is.

    In high school, they became very close friends. They even spent so much time talking on the phone every night. The boy dealt with people thinking that he had a crush on the girl, and he kept on denying it. If I remember correctly, the friendship being platonic seemed a little weird to the other people. After 4 years of friendship, he knew his criteria for his future wife and eventually realized that the girl met all of the criteria. So they talked about this and eventually were in a relationship. The boy valued starting relationships with the trust of a deep platonic friendship. Now they are married and have a kid. (During the retreat, the kid drooled on a table, and the dog licked it.)

    When I heard this story, it kinda felt like a glimpse of the future.

    This might be the only time that an adult in my life ever spoke positively about being in such a deep friendship and not quickly start dating. In fact, my own parent once spoke a little negatively about it, and it was about my sibling’s friendship. For the Pansystellar Architecture, I am choosing freedom. People should not be expected to be so decisive.

    To be clear, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should force yourself to wait for 4 years or start with lots of strict criteria.

    Slightly related fact: At that retreat, we all got flower pots, planted something in it, and kept them. I planted a type of flower called pansies. That’s where I got part of this project’s codename from."

    Name the big culture or mindset problem(s) that this goes against


    The story you shared goes against several prevalent cultural and mindset problems:

    1. Rush to Romantic Relationships: In many cultures, there is significant pressure to quickly transition from friendship to a romantic relationship if there is a close bond between a boy and a girl. This rush can undermine the value of deep platonic friendships and the importance of building a strong foundation based on trust and mutual understanding.

    2. Fear of Ambiguity and Uncertainty: People often feel uncomfortable with the ambiguity and uncertainty that comes with undefined relationships. There is a cultural tendency to seek clear labels and definitions quickly, which can stifle natural relationship development and exploration.

    3. Pressure to Conform to Societal Expectations: Society often expects individuals to follow a linear path in relationships—meet, date, and marry. This story challenges the notion that there is only one right way to develop a romantic relationship, advocating for a more organic and patient approach.

    4. Skepticism of Platonic Friendships: There is a common suspicion and skepticism towards platonic friendships between men and women, often leading to assumptions that one or both parties have hidden romantic feelings. This mindset devalues genuine platonic relationships and creates unnecessary tension.

    5. Rigid Criteria for Relationships: The story highlights the value of having criteria for a future partner but also emphasizes the importance of allowing relationships to develop naturally over time. It challenges the idea that one must have a predefined set of strict criteria before starting a relationship.

    6. Lack of Emphasis on Emotional Connection: The story underscores the significance of emotional connection and mutual respect as the foundation for a lasting relationship. It goes against the superficial approach that often prioritizes physical attraction or societal status over deep emotional bonds.

    By highlighting these issues, the story promotes a culture of patience, emotional depth, and freedom in relationship-building, encouraging individuals to seek meaningful connections without succumbing to societal pressures.

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    Girl 3 at school
  • Because of your refusal to elaborate despite being active on Lemmy, I'm not confident that you are not trolling. I’m done thinking about your comment. Good luck in life

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    Girl 3 at school
  • This is all I can think of:

    • Maybe the post doesn't make it clear enough that my discomfort was about the situation I perceived myself to be facing, not about the fact that the girl had a boyfriend.
    • Maybe it's easy to misinterpret the use of the phrase "the McDonald's girl" as meaning that some events in this situation took place at McDonald's instead of at school.
    • Maybe you think that sending the thing with the message "I'm trying to impress you" was creepy. Until now, I haven't suspected this possibility. If it's true, then I want to know specific rules that it violated, since that's the level of simplicity being pursued in Project Pansystellar. (Either way, the probability of doing things like this might be naturally reduced by the exploration goal)

    Edit: also I realized I forgot to mention that I asked before sitting at the table
