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  • Yeah most conversations about suicide suck at least imo. Having had quite a history with suicidal thoughts, I always just kinda look like :| when looking at most suicide prevention stuff. I’m sure that these efforts are somewhat effective but they also can lead to guilt and shame in the intended audience. If only the world were to get better

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    Scratch Rule
  • I just think it rubs it’s seemingly smooth bald head on it’s opponent but actually it has shark skin

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    Emacs 29.1 released
  • EmacsOS when? Seriously I need more emacs in my life but EXWM stalls so the only solution is to emacify every element of the setup to make it not stall (no change need for EXWM as it is emacs and thus perfect)

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    rule :wq
  • This is why real ones use Emacs as their web browser, window manager, note taker, terminal emulator, and file manager. Oh also you can use it to edit text Emacs truly is the best

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    whats a game that you got significantly far into, only to realize you were doing something wrong or missing a key feature/ability altogether?
  • Not necessarily a feature but I went into Forager blind and was playing on a shitty linux laptop through wine, leading to me playing at half speed for about 12 hours before I eventually opened the game in a window on accident and discovered that the game was meant to run at 60 fps and my laptop just couldn't handle running it at that speed in fullscreen
