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Gaza society 'on brink of full-blown collapse' says UN official
  • I think the total number killed by Hamas rockets EVER is like 30 to 50. Might be a little off. It's more about draining Israel's money and putting up a show than anything else.

  • UN General Assembly set to hold emergency meeting on Gaza

    The UN General Assembly session will take place next Tuesday- as Egypt and Mauritania invoke UN Resolution 377 ‘Uniting for Peace’ to call for an urgent meeting

    Gaza society 'on brink of full-blown collapse' says UN official
  • What's the standard for this in the U.S.? It reaches only as far up the ladder as anyone can definitively prove. Abu Gharib saw like, what, a lieutenant fired or something. But when it's "the enemy", all of a sudden we assume by default the decision came from the highest levels, and it's carte blanche to wipe out 2.5 million people living in a giant concentration camp, in a supposed attempt to do regime change.

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    Gaza society 'on brink of full-blown collapse' says UN official
  • Israel doesn't care about their citizens, they're carpet bombing Gaza and flooding tunnels they know the hostages are in. They had the option to just do a hostage exchange since day one. This is some mixture of annexation and Netanyahu trying to hold on to power.

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    Gaza society 'on brink of full-blown collapse' says UN official
  • It might be time for Israel to agree with the hostage exchange Hamas put forward a bunch of times and stop genociding the civilian population of Gaza.

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    Biden says that 'if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running'
  • Prohibition? We still have drug prohibition. Woman's suffrage? It's something, but women's votes still are as useless as everyone else's, especially if you refuse to vote for anything to actually change (and they still have a wage gap). 75-day school year - what? Jim Crow? Improvements but black communities institutionalized, ghettoized, gunned down by cops, and still a wage gap. See prohibition.

    Plus, now our government is totalitarian, eating a third of GDP, massive surveillance state, largest military on earth, quarter of the prisoner's on Earth, constantly trying to censor the internet, economy is insanely unequal and getting worse, inflation over the long term getting worse and wages not keeping up with them, housing prices skyrocketing, and currently openly engaged in a genocide despite nation-wide protests. Need me to keep going?

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    Biden says that 'if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running'
  • Wow, sorry, didn't realize this was still going.

    What is my feasible solution? General strike and/or total shift to third party to implement direct democracy. 100 million people can go out and waste their vote on a petty tyrant like Biden or Trump, or 100 million people can actually start making real changes. You're all in a prison of your own making.

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    Biden says that 'if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running'
  • Good luck with your attempts at incremental change, that've been going on for a century while our society has completely devolved into fascism, a bipartisan police state and a genocidal global empire. You are clearly the brilliant visionary we need to guide us into the uncharted future.

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    Biden says that 'if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running'
  • "Our democracy" has been dead for a century. You guys are like rats running around a maze with your moronic "lesser of two evils" between two parties all controlled by the same interests.

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    Biden says that 'if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running'
  • Both parties openly backing and arming the genocide in Palestine, the most well-documented genocide in world history, despite overwhelming public opposition, is not a binary system, it's a one-party system. We are living in dystopia already, the Democrats shave 3% off of whatever the fascist Republican platform is and say "we're the best option." Stop being a fool and see the system for what it is.

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    Always remember, both sides are just as bad!
  • Not voting or voting for a third party is not a vote for Republicans, it's not voting or voting for a third party.

    You should be ashamed to vote for any of the major two parties giving their full backing to an ongoing genocide. The myth of Democrats and Republicans as meaningfully separate parties is dead.

    (edit) And to be absolutely clear what I mean here. Their economic policy, the towering administrative state, the military funding, the Federal Reserve, the bailout policy, the surveillance state, the DHS, TSA, ATF, CIA, FBI, all the international imperial meddling, empire building, regime change & overthrowing democratic leaders shit, it's all the same goddamn thing between both parties. They literally only bicker about small fry social issues and hope the gullible people in the public who haven't studied anything won't notice the bipartisan consensus on everything else. It's honestly embarrassing how much people sit around and defend Democrats, you have no idea what 95% of what they actually uphold even is. We were all screaming 2000-2008 about Bush cementing a police state into power, and then Obama came along and literally normalized the entire thing, and now it's like that's all forgotten history.

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    Big one
  • That is the risk with taxes. You can't stop paying them, so politicians, in some circumstances, are able to use them for things you don't want.

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    Always remember, both sides are just as bad!
  • IDK what the fuck you guys have been watching for the last two months. I've been watching a genocide unfold with unaninmous bipartisan support. If you can see that and don't think both parties are beyond redemption, you're part of the problem.

    I'm assuming we're talking about the actual parties/politicians here, not the people.

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    ‘If you don’t leave, we’ll kill you’: Hundreds flee Israeli settler violence
  • Yes, the Wikipedia article you're quoting goes on to state:

    On 5 June 1967, as the UNEF was in the process of leaving the zone, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other facilities, launching its war effort.[24] Egyptian forces were caught by surprise, and nearly all of Egypt's military aerial assets were destroyed, giving Israel air supremacy.

    You can shut up now tbph. Not responding further.

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    ‘If you don’t leave, we’ll kill you’: Hundreds flee Israeli settler violence
  • What's the specific claim you're making? Israel did in fact start that war, with a "preemptive" air raid meant to cripple Egypt's air force. And the political history of the region doesn't abrogate the right of its long-established inhabitants to the land - this is an Israeli propaganda talking point.

  • Israeli tanks besiege Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital

    The situation in northern Gaza’s sole remaining medical facility is ‘catastrophic’, the Health Ministry says.

    0 UN chief says killing of civilians in Israel’s war on Gaza ‘unparalleled’

    Gaza health official says Israeli forces killed 12 people at Indonesian Hospital, shooting at anyone leaving facility.

    15 Premature Gaza babies evacuated to Egypt; 12 reported killed at Indonesian Hospital

    A group of 28 prematurely born babies evacuated from Gaza's biggest hospital were taken into Egypt for urgent treatment on Monday, while Palestinian authorities and the WHO said 12 people were killed at another Gaza hospital encircled by Israeli tanks.

    0 Israeli air strikes kill dozens in south Gaza ahead of offensive

    Israeli air strikes on residential blocks in south Gaza killed at least 47 Palestinians on Saturday, medics said, after Israel again warned civilians to relocate as it girds for an onslaught against Hamas in the enclave's south after subduing the north.

    1 Biden administration staff sign open letter demanding cease-fire in Israel-Hamas war

    Hundreds of federal employees signed an open letter calling on the president to "urgently demand a ceasefire" and the de-escalation of the conflict through the release of hostages and provision of humanitarian aid.

    35 Israel-Hamas war: Palestinians dig mass grave inside Israeli-encircled Gaza hospital

    Palestinians trapped inside Gaza's biggest hospital were digging a mass grave on Tuesday to bury patients who died under Israeli encirclement, and said no plan was in place to evacuate babies despite Israel announcing an offer to send portable incubators.

    1 Israel revises Hamas attack death toll to 'around 1,200'

    A spokesperson for Israel's foreign ministry said on Friday that the death toll from the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in southern Israel had been revised to around 1,200 from a previous government estimate of 1,400.

    20 Israel’s ‘day of war against hospitals’ in Gaza, says al-Shifa director

    Hospitals repeatedly attacked by Israeli forces in Gaza City, thousands of patients and displaced people fear for lives.

    0 Canada must call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

    MSF Canada Executive Director Joseph Belliveau has written to PM Justin Trudeau urging him to bring about an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

    9 Media watchdog says it was just 'raising questions' with insinuations about photographers and Hamas

    The head of an Israeli media watchdog says it was simply ‘raising questions’ by wondering whether Palestinian photojournalists who documented the Oct. 7 attack on Israel had been tipped off in advance that it had happened.

    8 US forces under fire in Middle East as America slides towards brink

    At least 40 separate drone and rocket attacks have been launched at US forces by Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria over the past three weeks in response to American support for Israel in the Gaza war.

    2 Gaza officials say hospitals come under new Israeli attacks

    Gaza officials said Israel launched air strikes on or near at least three hospitals on Friday, further endangering a health system swamped with thousands of casualties and people displaced by Israel's war against Hamas in the Palestinian enclave.

    3 Red Cross says humanitarian convoy came under fire in Gaza City

    The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said a humanitarian convoy came under fire in Gaza City on Tuesday but was able to deliver medical supplies to Al Shifa hospital.

    4 Netanyahu says Israel will have ‘overall security responsibility’ in Gaza after war

    Prime minister rules out general ceasefire as Israel marks a month since Hamas attack

    0 One month’s death toll in the Israel-Hamas war, in charts | CNN

    It is a month since Hamas launched its unexpected and brutal attack on Israel. More than 1,400 Israelis were killed in the assault, and more than 240 were taken hostage, according to a count by Israeli officials. The Hamas-run Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip says more t...

    0 Israel’s psychological operation in Gaza

    The brutal Israeli war on Gaza is aimed at devastating Palestinian bodies and minds alike.
