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You just finished setting up all your services and it works fine - how do you now prepare for eventual drive failure?
  • I use duplicati for docker containers. You just host it in docker and attach all the persistent volumes from the other containers to it, then you can set up backup jobs for each.

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  • I believe they usually follow the trail of the ants walking infront of them so when they're walking in a circle they'll technically walk in a circle indefinitely.

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    Minimalist and Linux noob, but also a masochist so I installed Arch.
  • Until now the easiest experience for me I actually had was Arch. You have to do everything yourself but i found it way easier to fix things in Arch than in any other distro I used.

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    How many people live in their own property?
  • I got that, I knew exactly what you meant knowing the whole picture. I just thought it would sound a bit wrong to people not understanding the situation.

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    How many people live in their own property?
  • Just that the right wing parties are the least friendly towards social equity, they just make the people feel like they are. They're constantly making decisions that heavily impact lower income households, but run around telling their followers that the other parties are taking stuff away from them. The rise of the AfD is quite scary and the self called "centrist" parties are basically doing nothing to stop it and are fueling the runovers to the AfD. I'm sure you know this, I just wanted to give some more context to your right wing party argument.

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    How many people live in their own property?
  • Germany has a huge problem with "landlord companies"(don't know what they're exactly called. Basically more than half of the appartments in Berlin are owned by two big companies, and either one of them did absorb the other recently or they're in the process of it, I haven't kept up to date. They're has been public referrendums with way more than 50% supporting the expropriation of those appartments in Berlin, yet nothing has been done by the local government even though experts have already confirmed that it would be completely legal and in compliance with our basic law(something similar to the ammendments in america).

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    Get woke
  • I was just recently thinking about some planet from Star Trek where there are certain limitations, like the day being too hot for humans but the night being ok. And then I recognized exactly this fact.

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    For Free!
  • It's the blue life matters flag used by right wingers to show support to police who are fighting the black lifes matter movement.

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    Dig begins for German soldiers executed by French Resistance
  • Here in Germany too. My dad even found a hand grenade with some friends when they were kids.

    There is a new undetonated bomb found about once per year or so where I live(Aachen). But roman structures are way more common here. Basically every new construction, they dig up a roman wall or something similar, and then they have to get archeologogists to check out if it is significant enough to be preserved. The whole city is littered with windows in the floor to see those structures.

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  • Ich finde die formulierung des Artikels und ich nehme mal an auch des Gerichtes einfach blöd. Meinetwegen kann es nur eine sexuelle Nötigung sein weil der Mann direkt aufgehört hat nachdem das Missverständnis geklärt wurde. Aber es eine Einwilligung zu nennen weil die Frau dachte das es ihr Mann war finde ich halt einfach schwierig. Sonst könnte man ja auch bei Sachen wie heimlich Kondom ausziehen argumentieren das es ja eine Einwilligung für den Geschlechtsverkehr gab. Eine Einwilligung ist ja kein Freifahrtsschein sondern eine Erlaubnis für eine bestimmte Sache unter bestimmtee Bedingungen. Das Vertragsrecht funktioniert ja ähnlich. Und da muss es auch nicht explizit ausgesprochen werden.

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    " not supported in this browser", fuck you Discord
  • File upload is not a chromium feature, it's a super old basic feature. It's just their pittiness and upcoming drm implications. I bet if you set your user-agent to chrome it woould work just fine.

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  • Ja aber mit der Entscheidung Alkohol zu trinken hat er auch die Entscheidung getroffen seine kognitiven Fähigkeiten einzuschränken. Wenn er es dann nicht schafft zu merken das er in der falschen Wohnung ist, ist er daran selber schuld.

  • I need a universal nice bike hand gesture. A thumbs up or ok sign is just not enough for me. Do you have anything for that or have an idea that can be easily understood.

    Yes this is because i just saw someone with a nice gravel bike and couldn't give more than a smile.
