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Instance Admins: Check Your Instance for Vote Manipulation Accounts [PSA]
  • Just beware the bias here. Only pointing this out for people working against their agenda doesn't mean there isn't the same going on for the other side...just that they aren't going to point it out as it doesn't help their agenda.

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    The poll is over, and the result is clear:
  • Asking mastodon users whether they'd choose AI over Privacy is like asking Elon Musk if he'd rather end poverty or buy another mega yacht.

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  • Fair. I just didn't realise mine was so big. Time to have an existential crisis about how big my other blind spots are!

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  • What on earth makes you think anyone here has any details on people making "six figures"?

    That is a paltry sum that the mob give zero shits about.

    To some, it seems like an incredible amount of money. To others it is several orders of magnitude too low to even consider.

    Don't worry about the people making 6 figures. Worry about the people making 9.

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  • Saudi nationals don't pay tax. The oil sustains their economy.

    Think about that for a second. Your entire population doesn't need to pay tax because you make so much money from oil. Imagine the lengths they would go to in order to protect that. And the atrocities their people would overlook.

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  • Legit didn't think of it like that and I like to think of myself as an above-average-intellectual-left-wing-european.

    Thank you for the spark.
