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Indiana police have dogs that sniff specifically for cash at the US’s 2nd biggest FedEx hub, then they simply keep the money
  • I have never heard of dogs being used to mass inspect USPS packages. I'm unsure if that would qualify as a reason for opening USPS packages. I can tell you as someone who lives in a community infamous as the source of many illicit packages (and the destination of the subsequent illicit payments), common knowledge here is to use USPS.

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    California Governor Unveils Emergency Rules To Ban Hemp Products With Any 'Detectable Amount' Of THC
  • Fuck this dude. The day after the supreme court ruled that cities can outlaw homelessness, he leveraged the ruling in CA. This is the type of shit you get from a auper-lib governor, in a super-lib state. To be clear: fuuuuuck the republicans, but dems aren't actually trying to do the shit they represent either. I'm not here with some alternative that will fix our shit real soon, but CA is a good example of the dems having all the power, and still working against the people.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • How many times can I tell you that you're missing the point. None of what you said matters! When Biden or Harris can barely even pretend to be against genocide, and continue to be responsible (via their current positions of power) for arming the Israelis, that is an acute emergency. The only reason that a potential dem voter is considering voting for Stein instead, is that, #1: she's on the ballot, and #2: she's against the genocide.

    Any of your attacks or criticisms of her are irrelevant as long as those two things are true, or until Harris makes a drastic change to her policy.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • You're missing the point. Nobody has to trust her word. She doesn't have to be right about everything, she just has to be correct on this particularly important issue. Nobody thinks Jill Stein is going to win. Nobody. So they don't have to imagine how she would implement her platform. It is irrelevant.

    The problem for the democrats is that they are so WRONG on this one thing (genocide), that a certain subset of their potential voters can't bring themselves to vote dem. Some of those voters may be bluffing and some may not be. Dems will roll the dice and hope for the best, rather than come out against genocide (my prediction).

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    Watching ml and world argue in every thread be like.
  • I'm not talking about "Liberalism", I'm talking about "liberals". They aren't driving me crazy because of some obscure philosophical tenets, though "scarcity harm reduction" might do it.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • I don't know how you can come to such a conclusion from my post history. I'm sure i would get a good laugh out of whatever example you "found". I don't hide the area I live in (Humboldt county, California). I was born and raised on the east coast. I'm not going to get much more detailed than that, but you probably wouldn't believe it anyway.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • You're grasping for justifications where there are none. The US could very well guarantee Israel's security from Iranian attack the way it is doing right now: by parking a carrier strike group nearby. Incidentally, we could use those same assets to simultaneously enforce a no-fly zone over Israel to prevent further bombing. Beyond that, Israel guarantees its own continued existence by way of a nuclear arsenal.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • I don't care what the dem leadership says about it, nearly as much as I care what they do about it. That the Biden admin and the rest of the dem leadership have real power to stop Israel, yet don't do it is materially the same thing whether they wring their hands about it or not. Maybe the confusion is around the word "support". I don't mean it in the sense of like, thoughts and prayers. I mean "support" in the sense of send offensive weapons, block any hostile measures by the UN and run interference on public demonstrations against your genocide. Plenty of dems fit the second meaning. The first meaning is irrelevant.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • Holy histrionics, Batman!

    Edit: You should really examine how you can hold me responsible for what may possibly happen to all those people you listed, purely based on how I do or don't vote... while at the same time categorically rejecting any responsibility of the democratic leadership for supporting the genocide in Palestine.

  • Please suggest somewhere else I should post this. I took an OTA update last night for Lineage4microG and my OnePlus8T just bootlooped. I tried downloading and manually side loading both the most recent and previous versions, but they keep failing with a kInstallDeviceOpenError. I am desperate to get back into my device without wiping the data.


    I currently use a Hetzner VPS in conjunction with a Hetzner storage box. Generally I'm very happy with this setup, but I recently had a VPN failure which resulted in a very stern email from Hetzner. What I would like to do is keep the storage box, but move my torrenting/jellyfin server to a different company. I'm worried about them deleting my ~12TB of media if I slip up again!

    Basically I want a comparable value to Hetzner, with a US based server. Who's got recs?


    I like used Thinkpads. I bought a T430s off eBay and used it for several years. Recently I got a T570 from work. It had a screen issue, so I bought a new screen. That didn't fix it so I bought a new mobo, but it has a loose drive connector so won't boot. Just now I killed it for good by putting an nvme in a sata slot lol.

    Anyway, I need another laptop and I don't want to buy something new. The t570 did everything I needed it to, but I'm concerned about the design/build quality. What Thinkpads are people running these days that aren't very old but still solid?


    I use LOS with microg on my OnePlus 8T. I have been running rooted with Kitsune (magisk fork), and I always follow the process to maintain root when upgrading LOS. Today I updated but somehow lost root. So I went through the process of rooting again: downloaded the boot.IMG, patched it on device, moved it to PC, booted into fastboot, flashed patched.IMG to current slot. Kitsune still says N/A. Anyone else having similar trouble? Or maybe just care to point out something obvious I'm missing?


    Does anyone else vacillate between feeling hot (attractive) and repellant?

    Some days I feel like all the women around me find me desirable, and other days I feel like none of them do. I rarely feel 'in between'.

    I don't really like feeling either extreme. For one thing, I don't trust either feeling! Feeling unattractive is obviously a bad feeling, but feeling ultra attractive is also bad. It leads me to uncomfortable fantasies and an inability to distinguish normal interactions from flirtation.

    Does anyone else feel like this?


    I am having some trouble with a Nextcloud server. I set up a digitalocean droplet to test contact syncing for work. I went with the setup that I use at home, which is Yunohost and Nextcloud. This was/is working fine to sync contacts with iOS using the built-in support for CardDav accounts in iOS.

    I made a snapshot of the server and rebuilt it on a work account (also Digital ocean). I reconfigured it for a new domain name, and got a letsencrypt cert. I can login and manage the admin and user accounts.

    I set up an iPad to use the new server, and it seemed to work fine. However, I subsequently tried a couple other iPhones, and it won't connect to the account.

    It isn't a fail2ban thing, because on the same apple devices that I can't connect to the accounts on, I can go login to Nextcloud in their browser.

    What is happening?

    Edit: I seem to have fixed it by reinstalling the server from scratch. I wanted to eliminate any problems that may have been caused by restoring from a snapshot previously linked to another domain. Everything is working at least for now.


    It was mostly alright. I got to shoot a lot of different weapons. Almost bit my tongue in half from clamping down during the bad history lecture about communism. Since this crowd included work colleagues, I don't feel like I can be honest about my politics. Ugh, it was tough not to shut that shit down though!


    I'm looking for a good, reliable way to download embedded YouTube videos. These videos are not always accessible on, so the method can't be specific to that site. Thanks for any recommendations!


    I'm new to Windows deployments, and I need some help. I've gotten as far as setting up a new system from a Windows 11 image downloaded from MS, configuring it/installing software, and then running sysprep. I made a WinPE boot thumbdrive, but I'm stuck at capturing the Windows image part. Part of my problem is that I'm trying to make this in a VM. Is that more trouble than it's worth?

    Is there an easier way to do this? I've seen people saying I can use Linux tools like Clonezilla, which sounds good to me, since I'm very comfortable with Linux-- but I read that might cause problems. One thing mentioned was licensing.

    I would be deploying these images 100% onto Lenovo machines that we purchase from CDW, so I'm not sure how licensing would work. Is the license tied to the MAC? Will they auto-register once I boot them with the new image?

    Thanks for anyone that takes the time to help me understand this :)


    How can I allow a user/s to edit/update shared contacts in Exchange/Outlook 365?


    Hells Angels are moving into my area for the first time. I have a generally negative view of them, but have some friends who feel otherwise. I would love to hear your experiences related to the Angels specifically, but "1%" clubs as well.


    The phone number field on the Verizon website has increment/decrement by 1 buttons, so you can select your phone number the long way, I guess!


    Hi, Linux! I've been using Linux for many years now, but haven't moved distros in awhile. I'm considering it now, and I really would like to migrate over all my customized system and software settings. So far, I am thinking of backing up everything that begins with a dot in my home folder, all of my systemd service files, and user/root crontabs. I know this is missing some things, but I'm not sure what. Any advice/warnings/examples people care to share?


    Hello friends. Recently went down a rabbit hole of information about RAF, and would like to watch whatever i can about them. Documentaries, dramas... audiobooks even. Any help/links appreciated.
