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  • Step 1. Built Internet to get away from TV

    Step 2. Corporate Greed TV moves over and ruins Internet.

    Step 3. Build New Internet to escape Old Internet Ruined by TV bloodsuckers.

    Step 4. Go back to step 2 and replace tech names with next itteration.

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    Disabling wi-fi on Samsung home appliances (specifically dishwasher)
  • Even owning Smart devices and having them always plugged in may potentially be a vector, Rob did a good breakdown on how this is achieved.

    Did you know that your IOT devices are secretly communicating with each other? This includes IOT devices that are not in your home. Did you know that what your IOT devices do may be transmitted to third parties? Did you know that your TV may also have the capability and may currently be transmitting your activity far and wide?

    There are secret communications occurring between IOT devices using protocols like Bluetooth LE, Zigbee, Thread, 802.15, and LoRa that you likely didn't expect or was not explained when you bought these devices.

    Just like Amazon Echo has been conscripted to work with the Amazon Sidewalk Mesh network, other networks are in operation

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    Mbin instances
  • Yeah I would definitely skip out on Mastodon and Lemmy directly. They're fine as a temporary visit but long term nah.

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    (How) can a modem spy on you?
  • I think your best bet is to assume that everything you don't control is a vector.

    The modems run binary blobs you don't control.

    A standard modem with a singular hookup to a router is as good as it gets. Maybe you are contemplating the modem as a combo -- if it is also a router and wifi, you can bet the ISP sees that as "Their Network" and not "Your Network" and any WiFi capabilities could be used to reverse hack insecure devices theoretically like smart TV or IoT.

    You could put the modem router combo in a Faraday cage to dampen the signal theoretically.

    That may not be answers to the query but I think the smart short answer is: yes, unless verified no.

    Edit: to go further, theoretically they can capture any traffic and if they get the encryption key decrypt the traffic.

    Or maybe with a quantum computer decrypt with ease. And if you have any leaks or there are backdoors then who knows what the consequences could be, cough cough xz

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    (How) can a modem spy on you?
  • Block the ISP DNS and use your own on the router level.

    You could look into wireguard or VPN on the router level.

    Probably OpenSense.

    As long ad your device has a IMEI though not like it matters.

    There's probably a million other things you would need too. Make sure your browser doesn't use its own DNS, eg, Firefox + CloudFlare by default.

    I assume you could theoretically split traffic up over multiple ISP's making it a PITA to try to make sense of.

    Also obviously separate trusted & untrusted devices, WiFi and wired into separate networks.

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    ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy
  • Imagine them disconnecting someone's land-line phone if they detected heresy against Zeus & Mount Olympus.

    They should argue that they are not qualified to be a police force, nor a courthouse. They are simply a private business & a utility.

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    Firefox Just a Puppet for Google
  • The Web Browser is the new TeleVision.

    There is too much financial power to corrupt for us to win this fight.

    The way out is to ditch HTTPS, HTML & CSS and create a new spec that is purposely limited in its scope suchas Gopher or Gemini (although I might argue Gemini is slightly too narrow as I think it would need Images, Audio & Video and maybe Input Forms depending on scope)

    HTTP & HTML must die. It had a good run, it's time for a new Hyper v2 world outside the mainstream downtown doofus hangouts of social media & Advertising impersonating Internet Things like search, social & email.

    We need a new web browser without all the legacy garbage & complexities. Without the DRM corruption shoehorned by Amazon, Disney, Netflix & Google.

    And it needs to be limited by design to just what is needed so financial interests can't corrupt & screw it up.

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    Firefox Just a Puppet for Google
  • This is called Controlled Opposition.

    The Oil Companies do the same thing -- fund the leaders of anti-oil activists in countries where they are not #1 and use them as a proxy to target and harm their competitors.

    Profit. Rinse & repeat.

    Mafia tactics. The oil companies let government money and investors innovate in the solar industry and pay all the upfront costs. Then did a controlled collapsed and bought the companies IP up in bankruptcy for pennies to the dollar. And now that the oil companies own the Patents & IP it's totally okay for you to morally buy their products.

    The bottom line is that The House Always Wins and what matters is who is allowed to collect the money for the grift. Territory of who is allowed to buy & sell on what streets.

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    Firefox Just a Puppet for Google
  • We would be better off if Firefox didn't exist and the EU broke up Google for Anti-trust. At least then Manifest v3.0 DRM might not have come to be.

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    Remember Cutefish? Pretty sure it's dead
  • Is it me or is source forge just the mark of dead things.

    I always avoid that place. It feels like where you go to get broken stuff.

    They're gonna take me out back and shoot me for saying it but Launchpad too. Like I'm glad it works for you but it feels like when Debian had a website in 2015 that looked like 1997. How are we going to attract new talent when the rift between the average developers and the old guard widens over time. All the git VCS modernization supercharged development. Like bugzilla was "fine", but " fine" was the problem in a world of better when you couldn't even upload a > 250kb jpeg and other legacy hold us back stuff.

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    Why People Arent Buying Sony Xperia Phones
  • If you swap it out for Lineage problem solved. I agree & strongly recommend against using a stock Sony ROM. It kind of defeats the point of buying one.

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    Why People Arent Buying Sony Xperia Phones
  • There you have it folks. Its expensive and you pay upfront. Most people don't have $1500 laying around to wing at a phone yet alone a $500 emergency budget sadly. Especially these days.

  • I want to be able to copy text to a "Copy Box".

    In early RTS you could bind units to number keys 1 through 10 by pressing Ctrl + # and then # to recall that selection.

    I want to be able to have Multiple Copy & Paste boxes like Copy 1, Copy 2, Paste 3

    Is there anything like this on Wayland already?


    I think it would be great to have a archive so that the various documentation, comments and hacks / workarounds could be searched.

    The reason I ask is because they block VPN traffic, restrict some content behind a login wall and I have blacklisted them from my DNS so I plan on never returning.

    But I find myself lacking odd tips from the Sway community and other communities.
