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This is a major Life Pro Tip
  • That doesn't match my personal experience at all.

    Using the toilet with each other present has been a thing in every relationship I've been in. And no, at no point was that a kink of either one of us.

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    This! Is not! DRY!
  • How does the season or it being rainy or not change anything? I have been air drying my laundry all year round for the past eight years and I live in a pretty rainy climate.

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    This! Is not! DRY!
  • You do not need to watch your clothes dry. They dry all on their own. You are free to do other things in the meantime.

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    This! Is not! DRY!
  • Not sure how this relates to anything other than that you seem to be shook enough by what I said to dig through my comment history.

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    This! Is not! DRY!
  • Honestly, for me personally this doesn't make any sense.

    Firstly most fabric softeners are terrible for the moisture wicking abilities of fabrics. You should never use them on towels, bed sheets or any clothing that you expect to absorb sweat to some degree. They are known to contain chemicals that can pollute the ground water and they also cost money.

    Now taking into account all that and the fact that using a dryer is very energy intensive, I find making all those comprimises just because you want your clothing to be soft is less than understandable.

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    This! Is not! DRY!
  • I live in a 190sqft (18m²) single bedroom apt and I have the space for it. The amount of people that have even less space should be pretty low. At least the drying rack folds up and hides behind a cabinet. The dryer doesn't.

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    This! Is not! DRY!
  • I don't get why people would waste energy on drying clothes with a dryer if you can just as well air dry them.

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    Verpackungsmüll: Mehrweg bald auch bei Paketen?
  • Wenn man das so betrachtet, hast du vollkommen recht. So weit habe ich leider gar nicht gedacht. Eine Art Mehrweg-System für die Verpackungen der Sendungen wäre echt eine coole Sache!
