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I do not think any of you actually played 3.5 you praise so much
  • The big one was its complete lack of mobility abilities or ranged attacks, so a party with overland flight could attack it pretty much with impunity. Iirc that was most commonly paired with shrinking a bunch of boulders, carrying them up with you, then dropping them right as the shrinking spell expired. This is all from memory 15 years ago though so details could be a bit sketchy.

  • Coming from other distros like Debian or Ubuntu, I'm used to package versions being set at the moment a distro version is released, and then those packages pretty much just get bugfixes until the next version of the distro in 6 months/2 years/etc.

    I started using Fedora recently, but it looks like for a lot of packages, all currently supported Fedora versions get the updates, not just the testing branch (for instance, when Plasma 5.27 came out, every active Fedora version was updated).

    Does Fedora just use distro version numbers for specific core package versions, or is there something I'm missing here?
