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I've been told this is offensive
  • The hole in the card

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    Napoleon: Ridley Scott’s director’s cut is an anti-Great Man comedy
  • Thank you. If you're ever in Philly shoot me a message and we can get a drink sometime.

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    Napoleon: Ridley Scott’s director’s cut is an anti-Great Man comedy
  • I told you I'm interested in history and your response was to assume I've read/watched no other Napoleon content including all-time classic War and Peace? Come on, man. That's condescending to the extreme. Our tastes don't have to be the same for me to not be ignorant of real history and other famous adaptations of Napoleon's story.

    I didn't say it's bad because it was made bad on purpose. I said (or at least attempted to convey) that I found it funny and that I appreciated the satire. I think it's a good movie. Well shot, extremely well performed, and relatively pointed satire mocking the rising trend of strongman politicians. Like any good satire it takes comedic shots at current people/events by filtering its criticism through some other setting and characters. I wouldn't describe it as an accurate docu-drama even remotely, but I'd say mocking would-be dictators by making such people look ridiculous is worthwhile for its own sake.

    It's a bad history lesson, but not every work set in a historical setting needs to be accurate. Shakespeare's historical plays hardly were. He had a clock bell tolling in Julius Caesar, for Pete's sake. Cartoonish ahistorical satire is a valid genre.

    It seems to me what you're bitter about is that you had your hopes up for a documentary or extremely accurate and respectful drama. Sorry this wasn't that, but IMO the last thing we need right now is a movie glorifying any emperors here in the States.

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    I've been told this is offensive
  • You can also tell by zooming in and looking at the focus/detail/resolution difference between the card's art and the wood of the table along the edge of the cut-away hole. That slightly jarring difference of resolution is a dead giveaway for a photoshop.

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    Napoleon: Ridley Scott’s director’s cut is an anti-Great Man comedy
  • I have an interest in history and I liked it a lot. If you go into it knowing it's making fun of the Great Man narrative, it's quite funny.

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    Napoleon: Ridley Scott’s director’s cut is an anti-Great Man comedy
  • I liked the first cut, but it did feel incomplete to me. Guess this new version is for people like me.

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    I've been told this is offensive
  • 10K at the low end.

    If it makes you feel any better, the wood grain in the hole doesn't line up with the wood grain of the rest of the table. It's a slightly sloppy photoshop.

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    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • Yes, it did need the /s.

    Good on you for reflecting on your ineffective communication and correcting course.

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    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • I guess don't know how to break it to you that saying "f you" is not creative without being on a high horse then.

    I give you a decent counterargument with some bonus alliteration and all you can muster is a strawman?

    Also, speaking of cope. To say that a person using curse words instead of a witty remark is somehow smart cause smart people use curse words doesn't sound right but I don't how else to interpret the ETA you made.

    You've reversed cause and effect here. I didn't say that all people who curse are smart. I said smart people curse.

    You've argued from a cliché and from a strawman misrepresentation of my original point. I hope someday you look back and cringe at your small-minded pretentiousness in this thread.

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    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • Scientific studies have shown that curse words relieve physical pain better than any alternatives.

    So there are some situations where anything else is an objectively worse option.

    ETA: I'm willing to bet the reason this is being downvoted is due to the holier-than-thou attitude you're copping, OP. It's also something of a classist-coded cliché to claim that people who curse lack vocabulary, intelligence, education, or creativity. This is, of course counter to the fact that studies have shown that people with higher intelligence are more likely to use salty language.

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    One car accident, endless spam calls
  • There are websites where you can sign someone up for as much spam at once as possible

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    What are some words you swear people use to try and sound smart?
  • Happy to help! I love uncommon words and love to see them used correctly

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    What are some words you swear people use to try and sound smart?
  • Vis a vis is used in an uncommon way here. It typically means "in relation to", "compared with" or "regarding"

    "The poodle needs more grooming vis a vis most other breeds of dog"

    "The poodle needs more grooming compared to most other breeds of dog"

    The use of erudite is slightly wrong. It's an adjective meaning knowledgeable, but you used it like a noun.

    "Steve is really erudite"

    "Steve is really well-read"

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • He doesn't have the original Pro Tools 0.8 sessions with the raw takes, plugin settings, etc.

    That's the level of potential preservation we're missing out on here. Not just the final product, not just the stems, but the full original raw takes and the mixes that made those takes into the original final products.

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    Proper sound balancing
  • Compressors and complementary EQing will solve 90% of your problems. The rest is the subjective stuff.

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    How do you play/stream media from your server during offline hours?
  • Jellyfin doesn't need any particular setup to work directly from LAN because it doesn't ever try to use a central login provider the way Plex does.

    The only reason OP is struggling with it is because they set it up so that they can only connect to it via Tailscale.

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    Advice for adding aftermarket Tremolo
  • Floyd Rose also does the FRX, which can directly replace a Les Paul style bridge.

    I've replaced tremolos with aftermarket models before, but it was always a drop-in replacement because I'm not comfortable doing anything crazier than drilling bigger holes for tuning machines on my guitars. One botched measurement or slip of the hand and you've got a permanently ugly guitar.

    There's also this trem for the Tele which requires no new holes

  • Shadows of Luna II, from my concept album One Year War Shadows of Luna II by @entropicdrifter | Suno

    Progressive Power Metal, anime influenced, virtuoso shred guitar, keyboard melody, dolby atmos mastering, epic, Gundam song. Listen and make your own with Suno.

    It's based on episode 4 of Mobile Suit Gundam. I'm making a concept album that covers the key events of the show/movie trilogy. Volume I, covering the first third, is complete.
