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uv under discussion on Mastodon
  • Or new possibilities... See: UV, pixi, hatch, ruff, polar, pyarrow, pydantic, data fusion, deltalake, fastuuid, granian, Robyn...

    I'm not a c expert and I'm not comfortable in writing python extensions in C...

    But with rust you have the compiler that, if you constraint yourself to the safe part of the rust language, is checking for you for several stupid issues. In rust, I can focus on fixing logical and other implementation errors. Coming from python I feel much more at home with rust (async, yield, iterator, generator, closure, match, walrus, etc) than with C.

  • Jump
    Are there any studies done on how much linux can save governments money if they do a whole migration?
  • I believe the question is missing somehow the main points... even if the switch cost the double or triple there are several strategic advantages that should take into account:

    • use Linux allow to growth the number of high specialized professional workers, investing on local resources;
    • invest in a local network of specialized companies, instead of financing the silicon valley with ours public money;
    • be less dependent by abroad technologies, get a major control of the system used;

    These are few that come to my mind...

    What would be really interesting to know is the percentage of the investment that stay in the region/country following a linux-based/opensource IT infrastructure for public bodies vs the current closed M$|OSX paradigm.

  • Should I Rust or should I go?

    "Is Rust a great fit for this project?" I get this question quite frequently so I think it's time to write down my thoughts if it can avoid you some painful and costly mistakes. Short answer: no. Coming from someone who wrote a successful book about Rust (Black Hat Rust)

    I think some raised points are relevant...
