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COSMIC Alpha 2 is landing on September 26th
  • Question: if I download the current alpha, does it only contain Cosmic, or also the normal Gnome DE?

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    Is there a Windows 10 inspired launch menu?
  • Either the ArcMenu extension for Gnome, or the Deepin DE.

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    DaVinci Resolve not recognizing iGPU
  • DaVinci Resolve does not support Intel cards under Linux. Not iGPU, and not even the DEDICATED Intel cards. No Intel at all.

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    Small linux-friendly laptop
  • It usually all works except the wifi in some models. The driver exists, and it's an available download in the official repos (just not in live cds, due to licensing), as long as you have a usb-to-ethernet adapter to install it. However, with Mint 22 I noticed that the wifi driver was finally included in the kernel and livecd by default.

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    [SOLVED] No HDR option in Bazzite/KDE after connecting computer directly to display
  • Things to try: a different brand cable, an hdmi-switcher.

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    Small linux-friendly laptop
  • I have the mid-2011 model, but that one has only 4 GB RAM. For 8 GB RAM you need to get to 2014 model or so. As long as it's Macbook Air with 8 GB RAM and 11.6 screen, you're in business.

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    Small linux-friendly laptop
  • Your best bet is an Intel Macbook Air with 11.6" screen from a few years ago. They're even lighter and smaller than the current macbook airs. I have one myself running Linux Mint 22. Just make sure it has 8 GB of RAM (it works with 4 GB too, but you can't have too many tabs open). They sell for $200 refurbished.

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    Is there any easy way to install a Linux distribution directly to a USB drive?
  • Linux mint will install and run from a usb drive as long as you unmount it upon loading its live version. Then it will allow to install on it during the installation procedure. I have an old Mac Mini and an old Macbook Air running Mint 22 that way.

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    Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • If the PC you're building has the latest and greatest hardware in it, you might find that Linux might not support that stuff yet. You might get lucky, but you might not either. It usually takes a little while to get new hardware supported. So it might be a better idea to install Linux on your older computer, then there's no reason to buy a new PC anyway. Linux uses about half the RAM that Windows uses, for example, so it's like you did an upgrade anyway. As long as you have over 4 GB of RAM, you're fine for desktop usage. Windows requires 8 to run as well that Linux does at 4. You'd only need to upgrade if you're after extreme gaming support.

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    Installed Debian on 2010 Mac Pro
  • Depending which version of the MacPro you have exactly, that machine from 2010 is around the speed, or slightly faster, than a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8 GBs of RAM these days. The problem is the energy consumption, not really a green machine to run.

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    What to try in a linux distro ?
  • Naaah... you know enough by now. Just try to replace Windows from your friends' PCs with Linux. And tell them to do the same soon too.

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    Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)
  • In that case, if it's just CLI, you don't need a new computer. Use your phone or tablet to ssh inside your main Linux computer.

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    anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • Raspberry Pis are also ARM-based, and you can use them as desktops. Only problems are that they aren't very powerful for media usage (e.g. video editing, 4k video decoding on youtube, blender etc). If you're not into such high performance media production, then sure, they're fine for everyday usage.

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    GNOME 47.beta Released
  • You can always provide them with enough standardized APIs that don't break, to make them useful. The situation that's right now is unacceptable.

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    GNOME 47.beta Released
  • That's more acceptable than to have them break every 6 months.

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    GNOME 47.beta Released
  • No, there is a third option: you freeze the API for the extensions. That way, nothing breaks. And if an app uses private APIs (or public APIs that are not meant for extensions' use), then and only then you treat it as unsupported.

    And yes, the constant breaking is a big, big problem. I use 6 extensions to make the desktop the way I want it to. In every release, I get at least 4 of them breaking for several weeks each time. The last time, the dock extension I used broke with the new Gnome version, but when it got disabled, the "favorite" icons on its dock did not reflect on the Gnome's default dockbar. All that stuff, are unacceptable for a proper usage in 2024, especially for people coming from Windows that expect stability (no matter what people say, Windows IS stable). I use Linux since 1999, but it's that kind of stuff that i can't stand. I want stability. The days when I was hacking on Gentoo in 2003, are long gone. I'm now in my 50s and i don't have time for that shit.

    So, yeah, the third option.

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    GNOME 47.beta Released
  • I use Gnome, and I'm not a hater, but if you're expecting some harsh criticism for it, here it is: Extensions breaking so easily should not happen. It's an extreme pain in the butt every 6 months. They should establish an allowed API that's frozen, while extensions that use private api calls, don't get posted on the gnome website/extensions app, so they're harder to find. Simple.

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    YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • The ads have become too long. Some of them are 40 seconds long, for a 3 minute video. That's unacceptable. I have thought about it, and I think the best would have been a single 8 second ad, unskippable. But never more than that. That, I could take. But multiple ads (even if they're just 5 secs each but you have to be vigilant to press "skip"), or long ads, or interrupting ads, are just too much to accept.

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    Are there any distros that could run on a pentium 2?
  • With 32MB of RAM you can't go far. The Linux kernel barely runs on it, and that's just the kernel. NetBSD also has a minimum requirement of 32GB of RAM. One other thing you can do is try to run BeOS (not Haiku, but BeOS). It could run on 32MB of RAM (it still preferred 64 MB, but it could run on 32 too).

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    Has anyone achieved using their laptop as their only device?
  • If you're trying a less "smart" phone experience, just buy a dumb phone. They still exist. Phones are needed for emergencies.

  • Posting takes too long?

    Starting today, I noticed that posting a comment takes upwards of 2-3 minutes until it's committed (the "reply" button is turning round and round for a long time). Is there something wrong with the servers or some sort of moderation? Not sure what's going on or why.


    Weird loading screen username

    Hi! Thank you for Lemmy! So, when I load the page with Chrome, I'm always shown as logged out. I have to refresh the page, and then suddenly I'm logged in. I found that this bug exists only on Chrome, on all OSes (Linux, Windows, and Mac), and it exists both on, and on

    But that's not the weird part.

    The weird part is that when I reload the page, half of the times, the username becomes something like "killingcore" or something like that (it doesn't stay On for very long, so I can't read it well) before it changes to "Eugenia". I don't understand what that username is. Is it some kind of security problem? Or some cache, part of the normal code? It's really weird.

    I noticed that that weird username happens only on, not on .world.

    Edit: I reloaded the page a bunch of times to retest, and what I'm reading is something killthrillrope or something like that. And it changes back to Eugenia almost instantaneously. It happens now once every 4-5 reloads of the page.

    Edit 2: A few hours later, and it now loads this user for half a second before it loads mine: Not only that, but it loads his dark theme for that half second (my default is light theme).
