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What are your favourite books, any genre!
  • My my my. You definitely know how to rile someone up! Will look up both. Thanks again. Did/Have you read Always Coming Home? I couldn't get through it the first time, but images from reading it still linger in my mind.

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    What are your favourite books, any genre!
  • I've read some of her Hainish Cycle and some from the Earthsea series, also LHoD and Omelas and some of her non-fiction. But didn't know about Birthday of the World until this! More Le Guin is always good. Thank you.

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    What are you currently reading?
  • I took a break (almost a week now) after reading Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon. Before that, it was her The Bluest Eye. Thinking of reading The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
