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iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air
  • Whoever can afford this can already afford the laptop alternatives. My guess is that this will be a convenient "nice to have" item whenever bringing along a tablet over a laptop feels like less of a hassle.

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    Are there apps that mimic notification leds on amoled screens?
  • I wanted to use this but it made my DT2W and lift to wake completely useless. It's a pity because these are the only two issues I had with it.

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    The lock-in problem at the heart of the Apple monopoly lawsuit
  • Erm, that's not the same thing that the comment was referring to. We're talking about paying twice for essentially the same app on two different operating systems.

    That's different from the lock in that you are referring to. Your explanation involves installing the same purchased app on two devices running Android.

    Also, I have a lot of apps and games that only require me to make a one time purchase on either Android or iOS.

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    Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use?
  • I've literally tried every single fix like toggling settings, installing and playing around with custom kernels or trying out root apps, and I've never been able to reduce the aggressiveness of MIUI's RAM management.

    That issue persisted even on my flagship-equivalent end MIUI devices. It only seems to disappear after installing AOSP-based custom ROMs.

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    Android users in S’pore to be blocked from installing unverified apps as part of anti-scam trial
  • This is my biggest objection. That's like when all the good drinking happens.

    I guess that's the issue with the lack of information in these copied and pasted laws.

    That law only applies to drinking in public. You can simply go to a bar and drink all you want.

    It was implemented after the Little India riot incident in 2013.

    If you're caught drinking in public, you're probably going to just get a warning and receive instructions to dispose of the alcohol. But things would be a lot different if you refuse to do so.

  • I think it would be a useful addition for customisation.

    For example, the margin could be set as such that it appears as a single line separator between posts/comments.
