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Google has a VPN service now
  • Of all the replies, this is the first one to actually make a good point instead of random google-bad handwaving.

    Thank you

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    Google has a VPN service now
  • No VPN ever protects you from ad-tracking. Like literally none. That's not what they are for. VPNs protect you from someone intercepting your traffic on the way to the websites you want to visit. It protects you from malicious public wifi or a malicious ISP. It does not anonymize you in any meaningful way.

    Addition just to explain: Google is tracking you on the website you visit, with the help of said website. So no matter whether you use a VPN or not, if you visit that website with or without a VPN, with all the fingerprinting that happens nowadays, they would probably just get a datapoint like "Oh, user X just moved from home internet to VPN" and that's it.

    Like it literally does nearly nothing if you don't ALSO do 100 other important things to anonymize yourself. A regular user has nearly no chance to stay anonymous the moment they use a regular browser and a VPN would not help them at all.

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    Google has a VPN service now

    Dude, they don't only do ads. Google has a whole bunch of payed-for services that are never touched for ad-tracking. This is one of them. You are implying that Google Cloud would also use ad-tracking based on customer data, which is absurd.

    Please stop spreading this FUD. Just because the free services are payed for by ads does not mean that everything they do is.

    (edit: Paid, not Payed)

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    Google has a VPN service now
  • So your argument has nothing to do with the product itself and everything to do with "hurr Durr Google bad".

    Which is fine, and a valid opinion, but has nothing to do with the product.

    I'm annoyed because 90% of the comments here imply or outright state that google will use this data for ads or other means, which has no basis in reality.

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    Google has a VPN service now
  • I'm super confused by the FUD spread in nearly every comment here.

    Pretty much every argument boils down to "we don't trust google does what they say", which is funny because I'd like to challenge anyone to provide evidence that google actually sells any of your data. They sell advertising slots that they promise will find the right people, but your data never leaves google. No advertiser gets to see it.

    This VPN service promises and has been independently audited to never log or analyze your traffic and even has built in provisions to anonymize your traffic within Google so they can't reconstruct it.

    So apart from the questionable assumption that google is blatantly lying, what's the argument here? Apart from maybe missing some popular VPN Features like country selection.

    Also this is for people that already pay for Google storage anyways, so I don't see the problem for the intended target audience, it's sticky an improvement in privacy for them and they get it for free. It sure as hell beats getting your traffic intercepted and ads injected into random http pages like some ISPs do.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Quereinstieg aus business intelligence + Elternzeit. Die IT Welt ist oft nicht so geil zu Frauen... Sie wollte auch ewig Mal die Firma wechseln aber mit Kindern ist Stabilität und eine stressfreie 100% remote Arbeit gerade wichtiger als Geld. Wir haben mehr als wir brauchen.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Da bist du denke ich sehr schlecht weg gekommen. 45k war mein Einstiegsgehalt als PHP Webentwickler direkt von der Uni in München. Vor 10 Jahren ...

    Zeit sich einen neuen Job zu suchen mein Freund.

    Meine Frau, 5 Jahre Java Backend Entwicklerin auch in München verdient 58k.

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    Why I dislike snaps
  • Pretty much every alerting system I know also has a filter option to only apply automated discovery rules to certain filesystem types.

    But yes, most don't first squashfs or mounted read-only snapshots by default and it sucks.

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    What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • But it does. If the universe was deterministic, choice would be impossible because all outcomes would be predetermined.

    Quantum randomness may not directly provide free will but it does exclude determinism, which would make free will impossible.

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    What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • I'm mostly with you except for the determinism. Not only do we KNOW that the universe is fundamentally probabilistic and not deterministic, all our technology works extremely hard to combat random errors because small electronics are absolutely not deterministic, they are just engineered to have a low enough randomness so we can counteract it.

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    Jobs im Linux Bereich?
  • Auf anderen Systemen entwickeln als sie später laufen ist schon ein ziemlich altes antipattern in Zeiten von VMs und Containern...

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    Jobs im Linux Bereich?
  • Da bist du meiner Erfahrung nach aber in komischen Firmen unterwegs. Nach vielen Jahren web Consulting für einen Haufen Firmen habe ich bis jetzt nur bei Media-Saturn PHP auf Windows gesehen und da auch nur bei deren legacy Systemen. Alle anderen waren auf Linux.

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    What are your programming hot takes?
  • That really is one hell of a hot take 😀

    I for one really love the zoomed out preview on the right that has become popular in recent years.

    Really hard to do in a terminal. If you have errors you can see very fast where they are located/clustered in the file and can already tell just by the shape of the program where it is.

    Another example: GUI color picker directly in my editor as a tooltip above color values in css/html templates.

    Another example: inline preview of latex or Template fragments.

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    Kevin doesn't share though
  • In Germany we need coins to unlock supermarket carts, so I use the coin pocket for it's intended purpose to house my one coin.

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    Haushaltsbuch-SW/-App mit Anbindung zu Amazon gesucht
  • Alternativ hat Amazon auch eine Funktion dir alle Daten über dich auszugehen. Dann bekommst du eine riesige zip Datei die auch Details für alle deine Bestellungen enthält.

    Mit Programmierkenntnissen ist das nervig aber durchaus möglich aufzubereiten.
