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CNN Presents Health and Wellness
  • Wouldn’t that be ideal? Working for your goals along with working for your needs. Problem is jobs tend to take away a lot of energy from us and that is by design.

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    CNN Presents Health and Wellness
  • Yeah, that feeling accomplishing something is really important. Been working for a product company since June 2024 when I finished a project I actually felt like I made something tangible, unlike in most companies I worked in, where accomplishments are really hazy and undefined. Today you are working on one thing and tomorrow on another thing.

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    CNN Presents Health and Wellness
  • I have never had a job that improved my mental health, not once. And I am actually very privileged in general. Jobs have been net negative for my health, even with regular therapy.

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    Star Wars Outlaws in the UK Sold About Half of Assassin's Creed Mirage
  • Ubisoft games are just not worth it. I bought Avatar Frontiers of Pandora after hearing glowing reviews. After about 20-24 hours, the game just became boring. Just as I exited the first area into the second area, I have probably experienced everything that game had to offer. The locations look cool, but are devoid of anything fun. Missions are cut and paste far cry missions. Story was bland and predictable.

    As an example Outcast 2 was similar in structure to Avatar and Far Cry games. But for whatever reason, I had more fun with it to the point that I actually took time to get all the achievements, which is rare AF for me.

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    If you could "Eternal Sunshine" a piece of media so that you could listen to it for the first time again, what would it be?
  • Full Metal Alchemist. All the twists, heartbreak, even the victories against an unimaginably powerful foe, but most of all, the many, many humane moments that makes it one of the greatest stories I ever read. I really want to experience it for the first time again.

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    It's official: consoles cost as much as gaming PCs now
  • Why would I buy a digital only console for 700 usd? My pc is digital only. The only reason I even buy consoles is physical games, but Sony wants to stop giving that option.

  • Everything hurts. I know I am going to die single but that doesn’t lessen the pain.
