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Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • Having them be appointed by politicians isn't making much sense either. It's not a secret that many judges have their own political affiliations since they often get appointed with support from different political factions (see the supreme court in the US). In theory, you're right. In practice, it doesn't always work that way.

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    German warships to cross Taiwan Strait for first time in 22 years, defying Beijing’s warnings
  • Germany got fucked "in the ass" because of capitalist greed, not because of "people like me". If it was up to me our industries would've never left the country in the first place, and most of the privatizations wouldn't have gone through. Corporate greed would've been stopped, and foreign companies that don't have the interest of the people would've been nationalized a long time ago. But that's not the reality. Besides that, there's plenty of nazi like rhetoric going around nowadays. Green politicians talking about "the poison of Islam" [1], which reminds me a lot of the antisemitic rhetoric from WW2 (see "Der Giftpilz" [2], talking about jewish people as "the poisonous mushroom"). Besides that, Germany didn't denazify properly after WW2 anyway ("Persilscheine", proper card carrying nazis in the first democratically elected government, and so on). The chancellor talking about "deportations in big style". The CDU trying to ban refugees from going to any public events. And these are not even the nazis in the AfD. It might be 2024, but mentalities haven't changed much, we're just picking other out groups to stomp on, mostly because we're not tackling the real issues at heart.

    But again, to get back on China, Germany is very well conducting major business with a ton of authoritarian countries, stomping on workers' rights all across the world just to enrich German companies, and thus I won't take their virtue signalling for anything more than just virtue signalling. They can talk about "feminist foreign policy" as much as they like while increasing business with Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, and now even working with the Taliban. They can talk about green policy as much as they like, while funding lithium extraction mines against the will of the people in Serbia. They can talk as much as they like about democracy, while empowering cops to break limbs and beat the shit out of protesters at peaceful pro Palestinian demonstrations. They can talk about humanity as much as they like, while funding a genocide in Gaza and an illegal occupation in the West Bank. And I haven't even voiced an opinion on these policies, I'm here just pointing out the hypocrisy. If they care so much about Taiwan, they should at least make it clear that it is due to geostrategic interests, not because they suddenly found their love for democracy and what not other nonsense.



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    German warships to cross Taiwan Strait for first time in 22 years, defying Beijing’s warnings
  • Bootlickers for what? I'm talking about Germany funding Israel to commit its genocides in the Middle East. You're the one licking boots if you still have the zionist boot down your throat. Also, it's quite telling that you see nazi germany getting "fucked in the ass" by Russia as something bad.

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    German warships to cross Taiwan Strait for first time in 22 years, defying Beijing’s warnings
  • I'd rather my country not get involved in these superficial platitudes as long as they keep funding aggression in other parts of the globe. If they didn't fund such aggressions, then I wouldn't mind, but as of now, it only looks like pathetic virtue signalling to me.

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    German warships to cross Taiwan Strait for first time in 22 years, defying Beijing’s warnings
  • I agree that they are doing a genocide against the Uyghurs and that should be stopped. I don't agree with any "holy wars" or whatever you're on there, and I'm not a fan of "liberal democracy" either, since I myself am a communist. I don't see how the german navy crossing through the taiwan strait will change any of that, or if it has absolutely any value, since Germany very well funds an active genocide right now and they don't seem to have a problem with that or the tyrannical Israeli government either. This is just more pathetic virtue signalling.

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    German warships to cross Taiwan Strait for first time in 22 years, defying Beijing’s warnings
  • We've got bigger fish to fry at home. My government is actively fueling a genocide in Gaza and doing business with a shitton of other genocidal countries, so virtue signalling with our military by crossing some random strait in east Asia doesn't make me feel any better about anything.

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    Jordanian driver kills Israeli security guards at border with West Bank
  • Jordan has a right to defend itself. The IDF doesn't own the West Bank and doesn't have a right to be there. The occupation has been declared illegal by the UN. So, rest in piss you won't be missed.

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    Thousands of leftwing protesters show anger as Michel Barnier made PM
  • I find it hilarious how liberals will literally always side with the fascists rather than side with the leftists and have their wealth threatened.

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    How a Single Family Was Shot Dead on a Street in Gaza
  • Yeah, because the tide is turning so hard that not even the most turbo zionist media publications that still have an ounce of a good reputation can keep straight up posting IDF propaganda.

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    Gun in hand, the Israeli settler tells the Palestinian: I will kill you
  • "Obvious solution"

    Says the guy that was literally trying to tell me earlier that Israel has a legitimate claim to the West Bank. Where would that second state be? I say we give a part of Germany so Palestinians can create their state and not stand in the way of the apartheid state with a biblical right to other people's lands.

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    Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition
  • He's straight up ignoring the will of the people, so it's pretty much the same shit to me. A wanna be dictator throwing rocks in the wheels of democracy just because he doesn't like the election results. Same thing could be said about Macron.

  • House passes GOP bill to sanction ICC as it seeks arrest warrant for Netanyahu

    The House passed a GOP-led bill that would impose sanctions on the ICC after its top prosecutor recommended war crimes charges against Israel's Netanyahu.

    https:// /r%C3%BCcktrittsschreiben:-craig-mokhiber,-leiter-der-ohchr-vertretung-in-new-york.

    Die “Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost” wurde am 21. Oktober 2007 als Verein gegründet. Am 9. November 2003 wurde in Berlin unter dem Namen “Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost” die Sektion der Föderation “European Jews For A Just Peace” (“Europäische Juden für einen gerechten Frieden”) in den Räumen des Hauses der Demokratie und der Menschenrechte ins Leben gerufen.

    9 Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov't ministry

    An Intelligence Ministry document revealed by Local Call and +972 shows how population transfer to the Sinai is reaching official discussions.
