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The Product is . . . Comprehensenility
  • Fuck, I hope that's not on mine. I had bottom surgery and they have paid upfront for everything except the OR day. $120k just sitting for a year as I ping the insurance and hospital every month.

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    A worker won $600,000 after Twitter said his goodbye messages showed he had resigned. The case holds valuable lessons for staff and employers.
  • OMG the OSS at my first job was like that, but they wouldn't give contractors the lock code. So after I was waiting 30 min to go pee I spun the lock, went pee, came back and waited an hour outside the door. We both got a talking to, him by his command and me by my company. I snapped back and pay, hours, and lack of trust and that if they tried to gig me for this I was walking out and not coming back. That was back in 2012 and I have changed jobs multiple times. I like the team and what I do, openshift and kuberneties is awesome to get teams to update their code. But as you said,no remote, except for development.

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • So your solution is to let the Nazis be in power because you don't want the government involved in politics? Segregation and slavery would still be around if not for the federal government.

  • Not sure if this has been posted but i finally saw it.

    TARGET ST. LOUIS Vol. 1© tells the story of how the United State Military conducted secret chemical testing on citizens of St. Louis's Northside. Told through the eyes of the survivors who bravely share their experiences of being unwitting test subjects. Long before the current scandal of lead poisoning of the water supply of Flint, Michigan, the United States Army conducted secret experiments on unknowing residents of northern St. Louis using toxic chemicals. The predominantly African American residents of northern St. Louis are the focus of this film. "Target: St Louis Vol. 1" shares their disturbing story of how these Cold War experiments occurred and the film examines the actions of the US Military that extended beyond the guarantees of public safety promised to US citizens by the Constitution.


    I saw a post on Reddit but don't have an account anymore. They gave a pad to a cis lady that asked for one and was asked why they had one.

    My question for post op people. Do you use a pad or have discharge? I wear a liner everyday. I don't have much on it after the whole day but it's still something that I don't want on my underwear. Maybe I need to do the silver nitrate stuff again on the bit of granulation skin?
