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Record number of Americans are homeless amid nationwide surge in rent, report finds
  • When did I say Biden is to blame for everything?

    I mean, sure, you didn't type that exact sentence but when you provided an itemized list of why Biden is to blame for each item in my original comment, it's not a huge leap of logic to think you blame Biden for these things.

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    Record number of Americans are homeless amid nationwide surge in rent, report finds
  • It's interesting to see the assumptions and projections you put onto me. All I've said (or implied snarkily) is that the housing and homelessness crisis that we're seeing in America is a multifaceted issue, and much larger than trying to simply blame one man.

    For what it's worth, I have no love for Biden and think he could be doing a hell of a lot more from his position, as could the rest of the corporate Democrat party, as could literally any Republican with a spine, but unfortunately we're stuck with a party that won't act and a party whose only purpose is to block the other.

    I still don't think you can distill the housing issue down to just 'Biden bad' though, so you should really do some introspection and see if your anger towards Biden might be blurring your viewpoint a little bit

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    Record number of Americans are homeless amid nationwide surge in rent, report finds
  • You cracked the case!

    It wasn't anything like coordinated rent increases from large groups of landlords using a pricing app, it wasn't a worldwide pandemic disrupting the market, it wasn't America keeping housing as an investment vehicle instead of a means of sheltering humans, it wasn't decades of wealthy investors buying housing to convert into rentals.

    Nope, all of that complexity can be tossed out the window because one single man is to blame: Joe Biden. All in his first term as president too!

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    Haier response to my feedback after Louis' YT video.
  • It almost assuredly was not escalated to global. I received the same canned answer from them earlier and asked to be put in contact with a person from the European company.

    Their response was to send me here:

    If you poke around, you'll find that there is no effective way to contact anyone by email unless you've got a specific support question with a model number attached, so I sent an email directly to

    Will it matter for anything? Probably not. Will at least one guy have to read some stern words about an attack on open source development? Yep, and that's good enough for me I guess :P

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    A defiant Netanyahu says no one can halt Israel's war to crush Hamas, including the world court
  • It's because behind both parties is a unified force known as the military industrial complex, which loves any excuse to make and sell weapons.

    Say our government decides to send 100 million dollars in military aid to another country. Most, if not all, of that 100 million is sent as physical armaments rather than actual currency. The government gives companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, etc the actual money for this aid effort, and their products (weapons of war) are what is sent along as aid.

    As it turns out, companies like the aforementioned love any excuse to sell more weapons, and carry large amounts of sway with politicians on both sides of the aisle, so they pressure those sales to continue.

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    Retiring House Republican says $174,000 isn't enough money for members of Congress: 'Most of us don't have wealth'
  • I have no love for our politicians, at all, but that's somewhat misrepresentative of the situation.

    They're not spending their money only in one state. They usually have to maintain multiple residences, one in their home state and another in the notoriously expensive DC metro area. DC cost of living eats a significant chunk of that value, I'm sure

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    Why can't code be uncompiled?
  • Probably depends on how comfortable you are at reading assembly instructions for your specific CPU, but I think generally the contextless source code is probably preferable. Either way you've got a headache of an investigation in front of you though.

    here's an example of what it might look like with either option

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    Why can't code be uncompiled?
  • It depends on the specifics of how the language is compiled. I'll use C# as an example since that's what I'm currently working with, but the process is different between all of them.

    C#, when compiled, actually gets compressed down to what is known as an intermediate language (MSIL for C# specifically). This intermediate file is basically a set of genericized instructions that are not linked to any specific CPU. This is useful because different CPUs require different instructions.

    Then, when the program is run, a second compiler known as the JIT (just-in-time) compiler takes the intermediate commands and translates them into something directly relevant to the CPU being used.

    When we decompile a C# dll, we're really converting from the intermediate language (generic CPU-agnostic instructions) and translating it back into source code.

    To your second point, you are correct that the decompiled version will be more efficient from a processing perspective, but that efficiency comes at the direct cost of being able to easily understand what is happening at a human level. :)

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    Why can't code be uncompiled?
  • The long answer involves a lot of technical jargon, but the short answer is that the compilation process turns high level source code into something that the machine can read, and that process usually drops a lot of unneeded data and does some low-level optimization to make things more efficient during actual processing.

    One can use a decompiler to take that machine code and attempt to turn it back into something human readable, but will usually be missing data on variable names, function calls, comments, etc. and include compiler-added optimizations which makes it nearly impossible to reconstruct the original code

    It's sort of the code equivalent of putting a sentence into Google translate and then immediately translating it back to the original. You often end up with differences in word choice that give you a good general idea of intent, but it's impossible to know exactly which words were in the original sentence.

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    The author of this article believes her electric car is friendly to the planet
  • I completely agree with that message, but until we get to that point there is a clear utility for EVs.

    Shifting urban development to be less car-centric overall will take decades of effort, if not generations, and we can't expect people to quit their commuter job, sell their car, and find an overlap of employment and public transport that works for the planet when there's no social or infrastructural support for it.

    In the meantime, to me at least, it makes sense to transition to EVs instead of ICE while that infrastructure is developed. It seems to me that perfect (a public transportation focused society) is becoming the enemy of good (reduced emissions for the sea of single person vehicles we currently have), or at least that is frequently my perception when every thread talking about EVs has people in the comments mentioning manufacturing costs as a hurdle, when the only plausible alternative is ICE vehicles with more environmental impact

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    The author of this article believes her electric car is friendly to the planet
  • Asking purely from a point of ignorance - is that not the same for ICE cars? Sourcing of battery components is a clear difference, but ICE cars also require materials to be sourced, manufactured, transported, usage input costs, drive on the same infrastructure, and also require disposal after they're no longer operable.

    Are these metrics truly that different between EV and ICE cars? If not, then all we're really saying is that "making cars is not good for the environment" which, while accurate, seems like an insane point to use against EVs when comparing them against ICE

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    GM dealer chatbot agrees to sell 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe for $1
  • Say what you will about the AIs, I normally find it exceedingly difficult to get the GM customer support team to provide me with python script assistance so this is an overall improvement imo

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    Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign
  • The other side of this being someone saying "we're not going to legislate anything that will help you, and fuck you for asking, but vote for us because we won't actively genocide you" which is not really a great selling point but yeah at least we're avoiding the worse stuff.

    It's a bit ironic that it's always "Vote for Democrats or democracy dies" when that setup is inherently undemocratic, since your vote can't go anywhere but the single choice that lets you still have a vote

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    Judging from the level of complaints, air travel is getting worse
  • Yeah let's compare it to a list of things that Republicans have touched that have objectively improved:

    • ?

    You're right, that's way better :)

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    The Problem with Jon Stewart cancellation highlights a problem for Apple’s content
  • He can say whatever he wants as an individual, but Apple is absolutely preventing him from speaking on their services because he's saying things they don't agree with. Don't be pedantic

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    Twitch Streamer Hasan Piker Raises $550,000 for Palestinian Relief Organizations
  • How about you start a fundraiser that generates over 850k for relief efforts, and then I'll be happy to imagine that you've contributed to it.

    Whether you actually did or not is irrelevant, because you'll have raised nearly a million dollars for a good cause

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    Airbnb bookings dry up in New York as new short-stay rules are introduced
  • If they can't afford to sit on multiple empty houses due to increased AirBnB regulations, then they can always sell some of those assets back into the market. In fact, that's the point of the regulation :P

    The idea of some poor landlord barely scraping things together because their 50 rental properties (and thus millions of dollars worth of assets) are less profitable is preposterous
