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Alternatives to GitKraken?
  • Seconding magit, emacs is an awesome ecosystem well worth learning, and magit is fantastic. I recommend doom emacs - the greatness of vim keybinds for editing with the greatness of the emacs ecosystem

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    London's DLR trains too speedy so engineers slow them down
  • The speed limits were brought in after Transport for London (Tfl) engineers found there wasn't enough of a safety margin between the speed of the trains and the maximum recommended speed.

    Literally the second paragraph

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    Anon believes in Gaben
  • The games themselves are still good overall - but they're forcing that you need a psn account in order to play them. It started with helldiver's 2, it was wildly popular - then a few months after launch they started forcing that you had to have a connected psn account in order to play even though they said it was optional when it launched.

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    Google Search App Stopped Working For A Few Hours Last Night.
  • What are you even talking about not having a choice? I agree Google is awful, but even on pixel phones you can change most aspects of it - definitely including your browser/search app and engine. Just switch to Firefox and/or use duckduckgo, or any of the other browsers and search engines that are readily available. I haven't used chrome in years, but if you're a chromebro I'm pretty sure it supports changing the search engine too.
    If your launcher doesn't support changing your search engine/app in a built-in search bar, throw a different browser widget up on your home screen or get a new launcher with a better app/web search widget, unless you got your phone from work or something with restrictions in place you can easily swap out your launcher for a 3rd party one. I personally use Niagara launcher and like it a lot, if you want a more traditional launcher there's KISS (It's also foss), and launchair

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    Release 10.9.11 · jellyfin/jellyfin
  • Throw it in a crontab job if you're on Linux even, 1 line in cron to run everything there to update on whatever schedule you want

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    Proton Wallet Review: Is Proton Losing Touch? - Privacy Guides
  • ... What? The entire post and article are about the crypto wallet they made, it doesn't even mention AI. They did sort of go into AI with proton scribe (llm model for writing/proofreading emails) but that's completely separate from this post and article.

    Side note, they're still working on mail, drive, VPN, and their office suite apps. Their proton docs got real time collab earlier in the year iirc. They have different teams doing different things, wallet was a bad decision and a waste of time and resources, but it doesn't mean they aren't doing other things too

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    In search for a good VPN
  • On an extra note, I actually switched to slskd (since writing that comment earlier today)because the nicotine app bugs me sometimes (it's just the app ran in a VM), so far I like it

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    In search for a good VPN
  • Protonvpn lets you port forward. I use docker and have a gluetun container that connects to protonvpn, all of my other docker containers for sailing the high seas (arr suite, qbittorrent, sabnzbd, soulseek client, etc) are routed through it and I have port forwarding setup to the ones that need it. For soulseek I use nicotine-plus-docker, all traffic is routed through the gluetun container, the port is forwarded, and a bit shy of 700 gb uploaded since March so I can confirm it works well.

    I don't think the protonvpn Linux client supports port forwarding yet so only docker things can do it right now afaik, but anything I want permanently through VPN runs in docker anyway

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    Judge Moves Donald Trump’s Sentencing In Hush Money Trial To Nov. 26
  • They'll still claim interference because he has ongoing court cases, maga cult followers may not be good or smart people, but they are skilled at mental gymnastics around why them losing was unfair or justifying Trump's actions

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    Oof ouch owie
  • You're so right, she obviously doesn't deserve to be derided, we should show her love and support because she died, it wasn't her fault she was indoctrinated like this.

    For good measure, let's posthumously pardon the Nazis that murdered hundreds or thousands of people and were later killed when their camps were taken. They were just victims of the Nazi extremism indoctrination and media, it's a bit distasteful that people still slander them /s

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • Have you tried QOwnNotes? I haven't used it but I've seen it, looks like it ticks everything you want.

    I would also highly recommend logseq, org-roam, or vimwiki. For mobile support, definitely use syncthing (logseq has a paid sync feature, but it's not worth it over self-hosting syncthing imo. It's easier technically speaking, but syncthing is pretty easy too)

    Logseq - I use this now, primarily because the mobile app is as great as the desktop version. Links, tasks, etc are all smooth and I love the workflow. Only reason I don't think you'd like it is you can't really have your own defined dir structure.

    Org-roam - uses .org files that have their own syntax and such, also foss and non-proprietary though. I used it for a while because the emacs ecosystem is very robust and I use emacs a lot. Primary downside to this system is mobile support hurts, I used OrgNote for a while but just didn't like it much. (If you go this route, highly recommend using doom emacs instead of just vanilla. Vim keybinds are the best keybinds)

    Vimwiki - uses vim keybinds, love it. Same issue as org-roam though, mobile support makes me cry. There are plenty of foss mobile md editors, but none of them feel good. You can use this as a wiki via GitHub and have access to it from any web browser and make edits there as well, but it wasn't a very pleasant workflow personally.

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    What's one thing you should never cheap out on?
  • Great flour, consistent every time, no filler or weird blends like others might have, great recipes, employee owned, etc.

    They also have gluten-free flours (both measure for measure and straight up) and good recipes for them. I'm not gluten free but I have a friend that is and the chocolate cake I made them with their flour and recipe was one of the best gluten free cakes there ever had (it's better than some gluten cakes I've had tbh)

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    What's one thing you should never cheap out on?
  • There was a post earlier asking for slurs for beginners in a hobby that buy the top of the line stuff for the hobby. Don't cheap out on starter gear, but don't go for top of the line right out of the gate either

  • I've been trying to find a game that I played probably 10 or so years ago. I thought the name was digiminer or digimon or something like that but I know it's not those games.

    The game (from what I remember) was about mining as a robot or in a ship of some sort. It was 2d. Whenever you mined areas it dropped pixels to be picked up that you had to fly/jump/move over to. I think it had a vacuum that you equipped to grab everything? You could upgrade and such to mine faster/larger and have a better pickup area. The mining area was mainly on the right side of the screen I think, the left side was all empty. The game was fully free, and I'm pretty sure that to run it you had it all downloaded in a file then ran the .exe.

    I could be getting some of the ideas wrong, it's been a long time since I played or saw the game If anyone can help identify this game I'd appreciate it! I've been trying to find it for a few years, I remember it being a fun time sink

    Edit: the game was dig-n-rig by digipen


    I've been using Linux for the better part of 4 years so I'm not new to it, but I've always learned stuff on an as-needed basis. Today I ran into an issue that I want to prevent in the future since I had a mini heart attack thinking about how my last backup on this system was... Never since I'm an idiot who forgot to set it up like I have on my laptop. Here are my steps:

    • Ran sudo pacman -Syu; sudo pacman -Syy like I do every few days
    • packages updated
    • restarted computer
    • can only boot into emergency mode

    The journal was really long so I moved past it and went to the pacman logs, linux had updated from to Nothing else was important enough to cause the system to only boot into emergency (gcc, vbox, some libs) so I did a quick pacman -U to the cached version for both Linux and Linux headers and rebooted - hurrah it was fixed! But I have no idea why it happened, or how to prevent it.

    Has anyone else ran into this issue when updating? Any advice for preventing future crashes or issues like this so I don't fear updating?

    Edit: Thanks to everyone for your advice! I ended up following multiple bits of advice. I reinstalled arch to get btrfs as the filesystem (didn't have anything important other than some docked-compose files and books yet) and grabbed the linux-lts kernal as a backup as well. I haven't configured snapper yet, but it's on my list of things to do.
