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  • Is the United States supposed to take in an unlimited number of unauthorized border-crossers every day?


    Is that the way it's going to go down? The right falsely accuses the left of being for "open borders", and the left's response is to actually just take the bait and make that their stance?

    no borders is and has been the leftists stance.

    In 1933, and again in 1937, the Roosevelt administration modified the “likely to become a public charge” restriction, but kept it in place. German Jews attempting to immigrate to the United States in the 1930s were still often rejected for economic reasons.
    As a result of these legal and administrative obstacles to immigration, less than 20% of the German quota was filled during FDR’s first term. The Roosevelt administration focused on domestic problems, chiefly combatting the Great Depression. Though Americans certainly had information about the threat Nazism posed to German Jews, few could have imagined the persecution would escalate to mass murder. FDR did not take significant action to aid German Jews, either by ordering a diplomatic protest or by publicly supporting increased immigration.

    damn, sure sounds like letting people in who need help could have saved an awful lot of folk

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    Despite a national spike in homelessness, some US regions are finding solutions
  • What if they don’t want to live where the housing is at?

    decriminalize/stop persecution of people living on the streets

    What if they don’t want rehab?

    offer safe drugs and places to use them

    What if they don’t want mental health care?

    keep the offer open and let them make their own decisions

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    Pentagon ex-UFO chief says conspiracy theorists in government drive spending
  • There is absolutely no reason to remove that unless we have alien stuff, or simply severe corruption in the pentagon/military/private defense contractors, etc

    its either aLiEnS or what our entire economic system is built on

    gee thats a tough one

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    What if cloths could disrupt surveillance cameras?
  • sure go buy a fancy designed tshirt of ir blinding led glasses but regular sunglasses and a common facemask work way better and infinitely more common.
