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Study Finds Superior Health Outcomes in Dogs Fed a Plant-Based Diet
  • FWIW, the lead author of this paper is an advocate for plant-based animal diets. Doesn't necessarily make the study less valid. The data is what it is. But knowing the author is already of a particular mindset going into the study is worth understanding. Also worth noting, the paper is based on people filling out a questionnaire and is not a clinical study. Again, doesn't mean the study is not valid, but I think it is good to understand.

    My take away from reading it is that it seems like dogs can do well on an appropriate plant-based diet. But I think it is overstating the results to say that plant-based diets are better. At best I think you can say they are no worse than other diets. But even then, the sample size of respondents whose dogs were on a plant-based diet was much smaller than the other diets. They controlled for that statistically, but even so the study only included 336 plant-based dogs, which does not seem like a particularly large sample size.

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    How do you start a car and move it with manual shift "the right way"?
  • For the sake of teaching good habits, rather than telling you what I do, I would instead say read the manual for the car you're driving. Not all cars operate the same way.

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    Boyfriend confessed to lying about his drug usage
  • So he has gone from no drugs to doing meth in 2 months? His drug use is only going to continue to escalate. You say you have past trauma related to drugs, so I think your first priority has to be protecting yourself and your mental health.

    I saw someone say that if you care about him you'd try to help him stop. I strongly disagree with that. You have to prioritize your own mental health over him.

    Noone can make an addict quit. They have to want it for themselves and nothing you've said here suggests that is something he would want.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • Just write or choose a good ethical framework that is actually relevant for the management of online communities. There's better, more modern shit out there that also includes the principle of do no harm.

    You know what would be helpful here? Actually naming and/or linking to some of these better frameworks you think they should consider using.

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    NBC your Olympics coverage sucks
  • The television coverage may suck. I chose to spend the $12 to get ad free Peacock for a month and that has been great. Every event, ad free, with no fluff.

    Without that, probably would have never watched my new favorite event, kayak cross.

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    Charles Leclerc is the winner of the Monaco Grand Prix
  • You should still watch the first lap. Big action on that lap. And then literally nothing else happened for the rest of the race. Not one pass among the top 10.

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    Charles Leclerc is the winner of the Monaco Grand Prix
  • I know you are commenting on spoilers, so what I am going to say is beside the point. But since it has been spoiled, I'll save you some time. You should still watch the first lap, but literally nothing happened after that lap.

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    On Google pixel, is there a way to search ONLY locally when searching apps?
  • On my pixel, if I type something in to the search bar so it displays search results (any results) and then scroll all the way to the bottom, there is a settings button I can click on that takes me to settings for the search. If I turn all the options off, then I get just my local apps in the results.

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    Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees)
  • As you've already touched on, company culture is everything at small companies. If you fit in well, you'll love it. If you don't, you'll hate it. I would ask to talk to other people in the company besides the CEO and talk to them about what working there is like and what kind of person would fit in well. If the CEO (I'm assuming that is who you are interviewing with) balks at the Idea, that right there tells you something.

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    2024 Bahrain Grand Prix - [POST RACE] discussion thread
  • For me, if I go to the account settings, I can pick which language I want. If you set that to English, I would guess you'd get the F1 commentary as your default audio stream.

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    Is failing to set boundaries cheating?
  • It may not be cheating, but it is still inappropriate. It doesn't have to be cheating to be a problem. And I'm not sure I believe your bf when he says he doesn't respond. Why would the ex keep sending him nudes regularly if the ex wasn't getting any response? In my experience, once a cheater always a cheater.

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    Mortgage giant Mr. Cooper hit with cyberattack possibly affecting more than 14 million customers
  • I did, about a month ago.

    EDIT: Went back and looked at it. It was just a generic notification that an incident had occurred and that they were taking steps to address it. No details.

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    Behavior - Getting a second dog
  • From what you describe, I'm not sure it is a master of being uncomfortable. It may just be that he needs a break sometimes and is having trouble finding that if that 2nd dog always wants to be around him. I would suggest figuring out how to let the 1st dog have his alone time.

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    Why is there often a huge gap between a person being found guilty of a crime and their sentencing hearing?
  • Sentencing is a whole process in and of itself. Often consisting its own investigation and witnesses that is intended to help the judge determine what the appropriate sentence will be.

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    Ending Our Obsession With Bike Helmets
  • I have never heard anyone say wearing a helmet would protect against a car. Obviously that wouldn't be true. So not really sure why he keeps focusing on this. Seems like a bit of a red herring. That being said, if he doesn't want to wear a helmet, then don't wear a helmet (assuming it is legal where he lives). No need to make up excuses for it.

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    Rep. Jim Jordan to pursue third vote to be speaker of the House
  • I feel like the Dems have an opportunity. They already got the demonstration that Republicans are in chaos. Now I think the Dems would be better served to work with moderate Republicans to get a moderate Republican into the speaker role and be able to deliver the message that while the Republicans are in meltdown, Democrats are ready to get the work done.
