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What do you think of environmental protest groups?
  • 🎶 A-V, A-L, A-N, C-H-E, that's who we be 🎶

    But no quippy bars aside I've been wondering why we don't see harder eco-activists these days; now that things are visibly and noticeably getting worse.

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    What do you think of environmental protest groups?
  • When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will crackers realize that one cannot eat money.

    That's the spite I'm embracing at this point. When the world is boiling, and they lament to the skies? I'll be one of the last few, using their last moisturized breaths to laugh in those settler's faces. If we can't have justice, if we can't be properly recompensed for history? I'll accept spite and revenge at this point.

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    What do you think of environmental protest groups?
  • Based. We need more of them. Either people will understand through inconvenience, or show themselves a murderous, self-centered settler barbarian. It's either this, or we start putting down CEOs, C-Suite execs, and even non-exec vulture capitalists in the streets like the dogs they are cause we don't have time to keep fucking around trying to change hearts and souls in the heartless and soulless.

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    Pro-Palestinian Uncommitted Movement refuses to endorse Harris
  • They’re sitting on their fucking hands.

    The only just answer when the only options presented are both for genocide. History will know who collaborated by whose metadata is tied to the ballots-- and trust, with how many data breaches have happened up til now? People will find out who, when, and where; to a granular level.

    Honestly? I think when that day comes, the principled should put up a site the same way Kyiv and Tel Aviv did, lists with names, faces, SSNs, and 'last known location' data for every single Amerikan collaborator in genocide from say, I dunno... 2012 to present day? Wonder how much would change if naming and shaming were possible.

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    Pro-Palestinian Uncommitted Movement refuses to endorse Harris
  • Pffft, "Uncommitted"? Try "Abandoned". The democrat party has lost my support for as long as the democrat party continues to exist; because they are irreparably tied to genocide. Collaborators, comforters, aides, and abettors; one and all.

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    Pro-Palestinian Uncommitted Movement refuses to endorse Harris
  • I have no sympathy for you or anyone that doesn’t vote Democrat in this election.

    Funny! I have no sympathy for white supremacists like you and the rest of your party.

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    Pro-Palestinian Uncommitted Movement refuses to endorse Harris
  • or a third-party candidate that would help him win the election.

    Y'all still beating the 'wah spoilers' dead horse, huh? When will you settlers understand that anyone not voting for your genocider is a failing of the policies the candidate-murderer espouses, not the voter themselves?

    Rhetorical question. You never will; because it allows you to maintain your aggrieved victimhood while simultaneously sating your genocidal nature.

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    Are we asking enough hard questions about Ukraine?
  • If it's a primarily-English speaking outlet, then I can answer this question immediately for the crackers: no. They're not. Ukraine was exactly how I knew there wouldn't be a single cracker that had an issue with what Israel is doing to Palestine. As soon as I knew no one would stop the Banderites, I knew no one was invested in stopping the Zionists either.

    No hard questions were asked; all these crackers did was throw blurs over the insignias we called out before simply not taking photos if they couldn't get around the nazi patches.

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    Palestine solidarity activist arrested for wearing keffiyeh in Long Island
  • I don't believe shit you have to say about anyone who'd have a reason to wear a keffiyeh, Mr. White Power.

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    Palestine solidarity activist arrested for wearing keffiyeh in Long Island
  • Covid's still very much a thing (bc petri dish-assed crackers refused to lockdown, refused to socially distance, and have made the complications of their Nurgle worship all of our problems after the fact); ergo, still a health reason, NYPD is still the most violent and unaddressed gang in Amerika

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    'Please halt this activity': Not-so-open OpenAI seems to have gone full mob boss, sending threatening emails to anyone who asks its latest AI models probing questions
  • Oh that is fucking rich.

    These settler jagoffs get to scrape the whole internet, rob every writer, artist, musician, programmer, technical copy writer, documentation drafter, EVERYONE WHO'S EVER SO MUCH AS PUSHED A KILOBYTE OF DATA to this massive network, basically; but nooooooo you're not allowed to get under the hood of the theftbot all that piracy went into!

    Every day, techbros find a new way to disgust me with their actions.

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    Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins?
  • Never turn your back on a hillbilly, literally or metaphorically. Every single emergency response worker in my family has a story about getting run up on from behind by some backwater methhead because they were tweaking over the uniform loading meemaw, pawpaw, or a kid of theirs onto a stretcher; I anticipate the exact same thing happening here. They're gonna wait until the rest of the country turns their back then boom. Up comes the run-up.

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    Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins?
  • It's like they forgot about how MeToo got Old Yeller'd the minute someone accused Genocide Joe. They was out here like "we already gave up Franken we're not giving up the kidsniffer".

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    Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins?
  • She has no pro israel bias as woman married to a jew

    This part isn't necessary to bring up. We already know she's a patsy for the genocidal zionist lobby because you have to be to get anywhere in the democrat party. Evidence: everyone from AOC to Biden, Harris included. Bringing up who she's married to makes your point sound klan-adjacent.

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    Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins?
  • Oodles of historical precedent, too. All it takes is a few faithless electors. Hillary won by 3 mil, I don't care enough about democrat collaborators to look up how much Gore won by. All it takes is a few crackers to throw the election.

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    Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins?
  • "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Ours will still be a genocidal nation of thieves. Nothing of worth or import will change, except the amount of blood on democrat hands. Which will only accumulate further, and faster.

    The crimes of this guilty land will never be washed away but with blood.

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    Nintendo, The Pokemon Company sue Palworld maker Pocketpair
  • Look, I've got no love for Palworld-- I always found it deeply uncomfortable how the devs and the playerbase leaned into "lul monster slavery but with guns too"-- but isn't this ham-handed move on Nintendo's part just going to Streisand Effect another boom into existence, where eyes on Palworld are concerned?

    Dumb move by a pair of companies already sub-reviled for how litigious they've become.

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    Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • because Russia is 100% the aggressor of that conflict.

    Ah yes, because it was Russia who were the ones who indiscriminately shelled Donetsk and Luhansk. Because it was Russia who violated Minsk II. Because it was Russia who couped Poroshenko to replace him with a shit comedian and a few thousand Banderites. You NAFOid fucking ghoul.

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    Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • ...Trick and? You cannot seriously expect the principled to support genocidal murderers.

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    Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • If you aid and abet a genocide you deserve evil to befall you

    I pray there is a hell for you, bleak and unending.

  • South Africa's Case at ICJ Also Exposes the US and the West | Black Agenda Report

    South Africa's charge of genocide against Israel proves that this very serious word should be used more often instead of being treated as a rarity. The U.S. and the nations of the west have committed countless genocides and their actions must be labeled as such.

    I just love it when my OGs turn around and commit to paper things that I've been saying.

    > But if there is another point which is made obvious by this definition and that is that the United States has and is committing genocide domestically and internationally. Of course Black people played the biggest role in making this case beginning in 1951 when the Civil Rights Congress published the pamphlet, “We Charge Genocide ,” and documented the case against the U.S. government. The charges are still valid as Black people have been the group primarily victimized by mass incarceration and all the other impacts of racial capitalism, from denial of housing rights to decent medical care. > > If Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, the United States did the same and assisted others in Libya and Syria and Somalia and Yemen and Haiti. This long list of criminality is one of the reasons that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other officials call South Africa’s charge against Israel “meritless.” If they acknowledge Israel’s genocide it would not only expose U.S. culpability but they would have to acknowledge their own misdeeds as well.


    No, I don't care that 'it's more book keeping'; when 5e has kineticists, then we can talk.

    25 Negroes Steppin’ and Fetchin’ for Imperialism | Black Agenda Report

    The current Black political leadership in the country is filled with puppets, content with acting in the service of the empire. This misleadership class works to undermine international solidarity and African liberation.

    > The use of Black and brown puppets to distort the racial optics of exploitation was a standard part of colonial administration, and it has remained as a central element of neo-colonialism. It is not at all surprising then that imperialists would use the same strategy in the U.S. where some have characterized the country’s African population as an internal colony of sorts. Amilcar Cabral disagreed with the idea that the predicament of Black people in America is a colonial one, but he also said: “That is not to say that the aims are not the same. And that is not to say that even some of the means cannot be the same.”

    If you don't recognize the man in the header image of this article, this is Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, the "first Black movie star in Hollywood". In the near-constant role of 'Stepin Fetchit'. A literal Vaudeville minstrel, billed as "the laziest man in the world" across more than 40 fuckin films.

    Stepin Fetchit is the very face of the Black Misleadership Class. Shucking, jiving, and tapdancing sellouts to the White empire. Genocide minstrels. Imperialist rentboys.

    Traitors, in a word. These misleaders will sell anyone and anything for a crumb of 'getting theirs'. Ten years ago? It was Syria and Libya. Today? Palestine and Haiti. Tomorrow? It could be us. The misleadership class might share our skin, but they are not our kinfolk. We need to recognize that, and begin cutting them out with even more rigor than what we used to mind our own with.


    Blessed Wednesday, party people; let's get into it. Apparently, we've got some haughty, self-important Hollywood slimeball trying to corral opinions in manners that would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    > “...the Jews were the ones that walked side by side with the Blacks to fight for their rights. And now the Black community isn’t embracing us and saying ‘We stand with you the way you stood with us’? Jews died for their cause. Where’s the history lesson in that? Who’s teaching these kids? Because the fact that the entire Black community isn’t standing with us, to me, says they don’t know, or they’ve been brainwashed to hate Jews.” - Julianna Margulies

    The context here? More cudgeling for support of Israel. She wound up having to walk that nonsense back this past Friday, too, and even then, her 'apology' was just as lacking as the average youtuber's; probably GPT-written to boot.

    > "I am horrified by the fact that statements I made on a recent podcast offended the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities, communities I truly love and respect,” so on, so forth.

    As usual, settlers apologizing that what they said/did/etc. was found offensive; and not actually apologizing for what they did. The, "I'm sorry you feel that way"-type non-pology. I don't want to belabor some Hollywood slime for too long though; 'cause y'all know me-- I like to save my boot-heeling for the government; and as is usual out of me, it's with the sage words of Margaret Kimberley, who just HAS NOT BEEN MISSING since I've started reading her.

    > It is a bad sign when the leader of the United States Senate sounds something like an actress with bizarre feelings of entitlement. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer pulled off this dubious feat with his statements about U.S. policy towards Israel, what he perceives to be anti-semitism, and public opinion about Israel’s attack on Gaza. His remarks resembled those of actress Julianna Margulies, whose infamous rant differed only in its lack of politesse. Of course, a senator has better political sense and more awareness than an entertainer, but aside from the manner of delivery, their thought processes don’t differ very much. > > ... > > If Schumer and others expect a quid pro quo for their actions they should just say so. “Black lives matter but only if you say what I want you to say for the next few decades,” would be outrageous if spoken out loud but that is the gist of the criticism. There is also an assumption of superiority, a belief that one group has the right to make itself more deserving of sympathy and is entitled to silence others or to say that disagreements amount to bigotry and hatred. > >Most importantly, Black people have every right to speak on any issue that we may choose. We have a right to our own politics. We have a right to choose who we will unite within bonds of solidarity. We have a right to praise or to condemn as we see fit. Expecting otherwise is to treat us as supplicants without agency who depend on the whims of others who can then cast us aside whenever doing so is politically convenient.

    In essence, if we're expected to just sit down, shut up, and let the Democrats carry out their murderous whims-- (not even 'let', really, because they won't stop bleating, berating, and cudgeling us for uncritical support) -- then the genocidal uniparty has a few new things coming. The only way a subject-of-empire WOULDN'T be able to read the similarities between the Black plight, the Indigenous plight, and the Palestinian plight is if they were stricken blind, deaf, and dumb by the settlers in the first place.

    There's no denying there's a good deal of our kin been Sunken Place'd on shit like this. Look at the Congressional Misleader Caucus, or the Black Capitalists playing Pied Piper with their pseudo-cult followings. "I'mma buy up the block but ultimately only buy like .5% of it while smoke-and-mirroring your ass into thinking I'm all that and a bag of donuts". Why my gut keeps saying, "fuck educating or uplifting the settlers-- we need to be figuring out who of our kin is salvageable; and leave the ones that aren't to their inevitable 'reward'."

    We need to come together, meaningfully, as one mass, one giant middle finger to the Anglo-Zionist Axis, one cocked hammer against the settler project's skull. There is no future in which anyone is free without it.

    No compromise, no retreat, people.


    > The media misleaders are getting an early start on the 2024 presidential campaign season. Despite the fact that Biden has no competition from any democrat and the party has already said there will be no debates even if a competitor appears, Biden’s weak approval ratings and poor showing in polls vis a vis Donald Trump, have them running scared. They don’t know if Trump’s indictments will prevent him from running or if republican voters will choose him regardless of his legal complications. > > What are the misleaders to do under these circumstances? They have to begin the indoctrination process in earnest. This year their work is especially important in light of Biden’s role as accessory to Israel’s killing of more than 20,000 people in Gaza. The outrage felt by millions of people impacted Biden, whose approval rating is now only at 37%, an indication of peril for a sitting president. > > Not to worry though. Biden has help from Black pundits like Roland Martin, who in response to Arab-Americans declaring opposition to the man who is killing their people, raised the Trump specter right on cue. “Well @shadihamid @mehdirhasan, I totally get it, but Trump has made clear his Muslim ban goes into effect on day 1 and he will deport all Palestinians and immigrants who support them. His first time will look like recess compared to a 2nd one.” > > ... > > Be prepared for more bamboozlement under the guise of journalism. Understand that Black politics will not be part of any discussion. Making it so would create a problem for people whose goal is to win office while also excluding the people whose votes they need. Media are an important part of sham democracy. No one should expect anything more than, “But Trump!” between now and November 2024.

    This is genuinely all they got. The Donna Braziles, the Roland Martins, Colbert Kings, and Symone Sanderses of the world-- minstrels one and all, tap-dancing to the settlers' tune, and trying to fiddle the rest of us along to it like the settlers aren't murdering others the way they murder us.

    And that's how they'll do it-- by breathlessly shrieking about the orange hobgoblin THAT THEY MADE IN THE FIRST PLACE like he's ANY different from the rest of them. Democrats and their enablers will never 'earn it'-- they won't even try until it's too late. We need to be walking away and doing for our communities what the settlers would never do for us. Separating from the settler menace, on every conceivable level until we're fighting for the ground we intend to make ours. But never, hand in hand with those who think we're stupid enough to uncritically 'fall in line' behind their Genocider-in-Chief.

    No compromise, no retreat.


    > The horrific scenes of carnage have evoked revulsion for millions of people in the United States and around the world. Huge protests have taken place nationally and internationally and the zionists find themselves on the public relations defensive but will not concede defeat. They are using brute force to dox, damage careers, end careers before they start, withhold funds, and use other means to silence righteous indignation over Israeli war crimes.

    > Enter the Black misleadership class, which is both vulnerable to pressure and devoid of principles. Not only do they choose to go along to get along, but they always manage to put our collective name in their unscrupulous butt kissing.

    Apologies for the long time without a post here. Can't get back into the old account; so if you see it getting buck and out of pocket, that ain't me behind it anymore.

    To the meat of the article, "going along to get along"-- this is the root of why I believe we'll never get out from the thumb of genocidal colonials without a state of our own, carved out of Amerika's guts and governed to our own sovereignty-- so that the day comes when the world grows well and truly sick enough of the settler menace to start doing things about them, we can sit back, raise our hands, and say "Do as you will-- we're not with them. In fact, we'll help."


    I heard what the new campaign's tagline is supposed to be; and uh. Fuckin lmao. The only jobs he wants to finish involve imprisoning or genociding anyone darker than his nepo-baby failson.


    It makes sense when politicians lobby for war. They're padding their pockets off it. What I don't get is why the crackerverse lobbies for it when they don't get shit out of the deal but a further-scorched planet.

    Maybe it's just that same age-old barbarism coming out in the 'first world'.


    cross-posted from:

    > "Europeans, open this book, look inside. After taking a short walk in the night you will see strangers gathered around a fire, get closer and listen. They are discussing the fate reserved for your trading posts and for the mercenaries defending them. They might see you, but they will go on talking among themselves without even lowering their voices. Their indifference strikes home: their fathers, creatures living in the shadows, your creatures, were dead souls; you afforded them light, you were their > sole interlocutor, you did not take the trouble to answer the zombies. The sons ignore you. The fire that warms and enlightens > them is not yours. You, standing at a respectful distance, you now > feel eclipsed, nocturnal, and numbed. It's your turn now. In the > darkness that will dawn into another day, you have turned into > the zombie."

    0 The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine — The Black Alliance for Peace

    The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine   We say that a colonized people have a right to resist occupation and fight for self-determination by any means necessary !   The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people o

    cross-posted from:

    > > The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinians under occupation in the racist, apartheid settler state of Israel. We recognize the right of Palestine to exist and the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation. We call on African/Black people to remember our long tradition of solidarity with Palestine. > > > We condemn the monstrous and cowardly actions of the racist Zionist entity which is committing mass atrocities against the two million people who are locked in the open air prison of Gaza. As the crazed Zionists indiscriminately bomb civilians in Gaza, while characterizing Palestinians as “animals,” we are witnessing an international crime in real time - a genocide. This is a genocide that is fully supported and celebrated by other Western racist settler states - the morally depraved “international community.” > > Full text at the link.

    0 That one time when Sister Souljah schooled Cornel West

    Sister Souljah says public schools, private education, and college failed to teach her about culture, business, or organizing institutions in the black community.

    cross-posted from:

    > From what I read, and forgive me if I am wrong, Sister Souljah may not have been an explicit communist as someone like Angela Davis, but I came across this video today and found she was very on point. Solidarity to all of my black comrades. <3

    “Where is the white outcry…? Who are these ‘white good people?’ I want to see them. I want to meet them.” Positively prophetic.
