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Deadliest year on record as Phoenix heat fatalities rise by 50%
  • Not denying climate change, but there is more here than just the ambient heat. I grew up in Phoenix, and we didn't have a/c in our house or any of our vehicles. Even smaller stores didn't have a/c. We did have adequate ventilation, a crapton of fans and evaporative coolers and the good sense to take it easy from about 2 pm until sunset. We also had less pavement, and ironically a bunch of green lawns. The lawns were untenable from a water-resource perspective, but if the wind blew from your yard through the house, it was degrees cooler. I still visit, and the a/c has become a single solution to replace many.

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    One Regulation Could Have Stopped a Nationwide Car Theft Wave. Why Don't We Have It?
  • Agreed. To add, Car loans in the US come standard minimum 60 months, often longer. It's not a liquid market where consumers can switch easily once they've made a buying decision. In my family, we keep cars roughly the same amount of time it takes to rear a newborn to college age. There is very little interaction with "the market".

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    Bruno HTTP client, offline alternative to Postman/Insomnia
  • I think as the enshitification cycle speeds up on the net, the tolerance threshold from users will go down and they’ll switch earlier. MAYBE this will help interoperability. Trying out being less cynical lately and I’m not sure I believe myself.

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    California bill to have human drivers ride in autonomous trucks is vetoed by governor
  • Thing is, the folks that are pushing these technologies don’t give rip about safety OR jobs, just profits. The government should be considering all these things, they mostly are concerned about getting re-elected and scoring culture war partisan points. Tech doesn’t work in a vacuum. It is naive and dangerous to think is neutral.

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    Polish Government Develops Test That Can Detect If Someone Took Abortion Pills
  • Many good points here. While many boomers are conservative, conservatives are less and less boomers as they doddle off to the old folks home. At some point, blaming the olds is just a distraction.

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    Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find
  • I chose not to have kids. You can have my carbon offset.

    Individual guilt for systemic problems plays well to the elites (ultra-wealthy). Unless you’re a billionaire. Then I want my offset back.

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    Is... Is this a threat?
  • Yes. Digital Ocean was suggested by a colleague. When I looked it up it just took too much work for all the platforms I use. I’m happy to see all the suggestions I’m getting tho.

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    Anyone else feel that Lemmy just *isn't* addictive?
  • Even when someone is really raging in comments, I purposely frame it as sarcasm so I don’t engage. But here I am, engaging. Yep, just like Reddit for me.

    To serve the thread topic, I have about an hour a day free for some social media, regardless of the platform mix. Gave up Reddit as it got bumped.

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    Is... Is this a threat?
  • I wonder what the enshitification track looks like for a cloud data hosting company. I use it because it is convenient, has good coverage (iOS, windows and Linux (kinda)). Not secure, but I treat it like a big post card repository. What are folks using instead?

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    Trees Planted by the City in East Portland Two Years Ago Are Dead Because the City Didn’t Water Them
  • This hits the intersection of “it’s easier to get buy-in for acquisition than maintenance” and climate change requiring more maintenance than before. That said, native plants in the Portland area have always had to be drought-tolerant. Babies need extra care tho.
