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In case you didn't know, Aves (the gallery app) has a built-in video editor
  • Tried aves from google store and fdroid both dont have video editor. My old non updated simple gallery has it. Fossify gallery also doesn't have it. 🤷

  • Hi everyone, I remember I came across an extension from a mega thread I think, I think it was a Russian extension or something, basically it would translate(to English) and then talk in English online videos (eg twitch, YouTube). I lost the extension name. Anyone know what I'm talking about please?

    Script to extract m3u8 file from URL
  • Thanks for reply, appreciate it. The thing is when i try your code it errors out. So I had to use bingchat or chatgpt to clean it up. Any chance you could upload your file somewhere please?

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    Script to extract m3u8 file from URL
  • Thanks heaps for reply. Legend. After using chatgpt and bingchat I got the script cleaned up and working but unfortunately no output. 😥 I dont need the content, I just like to defeat these websites. Oh well. Dont want to bother you. My command was "node your-script.js"

  • As per title, I can get lyrics of songs/albums but surely there is the next level where you can karaoke your favourite songs. Thanks for reading.


    hi everyone, using xfce(main desktop) doesn't work, tried gnome and cinnamon and same thing. anyway know how to do this pls? thanks for reading.

    edit: ty all 4 input, looks like the solution is with window managers.


    hi, so for me when I need an image search or looking for a specific content, yandex is king for me. BUT for the love of Zeus all mighty, I usually get the f'en captcha. and after entering correct responses over and over again but still not progress, I give up. I use FF and brave, nextdns and protonvpn I ain't dropping those. but what do I do? 😭 alternative website? workaround? bend the knee, I.e. drop vpn/nextdns? tx 4 reading.


    hi, I thought I read someone's post about above somewhere but didn't save it and I don't think we can yet search communities so does anyone know of such app please? tx


    As above. Well done Dev/s. Ur in my top 2 lemmy apps. Who will win the race....
