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TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    So our group server has two components, the group server itself, which is not usually where you will be viewing things or logged in. So no special sorting directly on the group server.

    However on our normal server where the users live there is a "group directory" which is how they peruse the groups (as is the case for most fediverse activity). For the group support ont he client side there kinda of storting and filtering yes, but the sorting could be extended a bit to make it more powerful for sure.


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    TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    QWhen you say matodon groups do you mean the group server I wrote several years ago that integrates well with the standard, or did Eugene after years finally implement that feature lately?


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    TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    I havent played enough with lemmy to have an opinion. Very disapointed in their leadership though for reasons related to peripheral projects I wont get into.


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    TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    Correct me if im wrong but this isnt a top level post but rather a comment on an existing post?


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    I have made a brick in blender.
  • @ludrol

    Weird, I'd expect that to ruin a blender.


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    Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.
  • @raymccarthy

    Point is what happened the monkeys is perfectly normal and expected... so nothing "not straight" about that (other than the sadness of animal testing)...

    That said I dont like them as a companya nd wouldnt buy an implant off of them if I needed one, sure... but you'd need a pretty solid objective reason to actually block them.

    @ajsadauskas @technology

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    Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.
  • @raymccarthy

    Why? We already have brain interface links that do similar damage to neuralink, this isnt unusual or unexpected. In its current form it is rightfully used on terminal patients with locked-in syndom. In other words, people before it damaged their brain in a meaningful way and whom cant be further paralyzed.

    It would give these people a chance at someinteraction with the real world... What happened with the monkeys was about in line with other neural interfaces, its a consequence of the limits of the tech not negligence.

    @ajsadauskas @technology
