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German warships to cross Taiwan Strait for first time in 22 years, defying Beijing’s warnings
  • Russia was always on another side. The Ribbentrop Pact was a weak, untrusting handshake between two barbaric regimes with mutual hatred and a shared realization it would be easier to go rape and pillage more peaceful people instead of each other.

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    Russian banks say they've run out of yuan as Chinese firms pull away from the nation
  • India is taking advantage of the situation.

    It's understandable that a developing country wants cheap energy, also genuinely sad the world's largest democracy is funding a dictator's barbaric land grab.

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    Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • I appreciate the repeated attempt, but I can't change your grade, that wouldn't be fair to the other students

    To be honest, neither attempt really felt like a shanty anyway

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    NATO apologism
  • It doesn't sound insane at all. I don't know if its a training ground, but I'd bet my arm there's Kremlin funding being pumped straight into
