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Why Is Mike Johnson Flying a Christian Nationalist Flag Outside His Office?
  • be me

    live in suburban area of American major city

    want to fight the government(?)

    with a gun(?)

    open front door

    see woman walking her dog

    take pot shots in the air

    she runs away

    freedom secured

    mission successful go home everyone

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    Yikes 😬
  • previous big Twitter user here, technically, as the replies are threaded, this would be under BoFA > Tweets and replies > the reply we see above > this tweet attached.

    not literally "on their wall" but still findable without using a search function from the profile.

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    Paypal won't let me remove my debit card
  • I have this card.

    I'm an immigrant to the US by way of marriage. When I moved here we opened an account at chase where my now wife banks - a joint for us both and one for me.

    When faced with having three near identical blue cards I asked if there was any option other than blue

    Imagine my face when I heard possibly the most American phrase I've ever heard: "You can have the brand colors, or Disney"

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    Fry cooks
  • I guess we have different experiences. My prior experience was ITAM and ITSM procurement and third party maintenance on server equipment, support both sales and field maintenance spares on short term SLAs. And the warehouse robots there were very much calibrated per SKU and per warehouse.

    I then moved into the supply chain software space, mostly covering similar supply chain but we've branched out to cover other use cases (fashion, cpg...) but everything we work with has a specific buyer <> supply chain set up.

    It's totally understandable that different businesses could have different set ups

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    Finding a group
  • I've never played D&D ever but the only draw for me would be being a DM. maybe I just don't know enough about it.

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    Fry cooks
  • ok so I said

    • a packing robot can't change products without reprogramming

    you said

    • there are two warehouses you know of that are fully robotic

    I said

    • that takes more organization elsewhere though, e.g. supply chain

    you said

    • how would supply chain affect the robots

    I said

    • by changing the availability of certain products in different stocking locations

    if the product has to come from somewhere that isnt one of the two robot warehouses it affects the robots because they aren't being used, if the product is a different shape / size / weight or in different packaging it affects the robots as they have to be recalibrated

    edit to say most warehouse robots are more like giant dumpsters that follow a human around and the human puts the products in the dumpster.

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    Fry cooks
  • see my first reply: a packing robot can only follow directions within certain parameters and if those parameters change, a human can adapt instantly, a robot can't.

    You asked how and why it might change and I gave some examples.

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    Birds are great
  • I mean the other names make sense with additional context

    Both Tit- and Cock- as prefixes used to mean small (no laughing in the back, please)

    And Hoary means grey-haired or old-looking

    edit as I had to look this one up: "Booby" is an ellision of "Bobo" - as in "No seas tan bobo" (Spanish) - meaning "silly, naive, dumb..." as they tend to be quite tame birds

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    Fry cooks
  • Just off the top of my head: Stockouts, exceptions, recalls, availability, change in supplier, natural disasters (or similar like the Suez canal blockage), things like cyberattacks, materials shortage or inflation might cause internal or external changes both in your direct supplier or else in the manufacturers supply chain.

    Consider also some warehouses are forward stocking and you might run inventory management software to ship from warehouse A while stock is above x% and switch to warehouse B if it falls below that level (or, again, your supplier's supplier might...)

    Other products might have multiple ingress points to your supply chain and you have a dedicated buyer who makes changes based on the best price (perishables especially), others might be seasonally affected - either foodstuffs or things like sunglasses, winter coats, inflatable pools, pumpkin spice, christmas decorations... that are seasonable supply

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    DOJ prosecutors request gag order after Trump arraignment, citing social media threats
  • gonna be that guy but as you said you might be moving into education soon - and I used to make the same mistake myself but "remedial" has the same root as "remedy," so a "remedial class" fixes something wrong. "Remedial exposure" doesn't really make sense here as that would be "exposure that fixes something wrong with me" which is not quite what I think you meant

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    Since we're railing on corporate America...
  • We did a year of unlimited time off. I took 2x1-week and 1x2 week and a few days here and there.

    At the end of the year they announced no time off except Christmas and Thanksgiving days during Nov thru Jan and you can't take more than a week off at the time.

    They couple this with a company wide raise but if they don't change the policy after the moratorium ends in January I think I'd rather earn less and have more time off.
