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Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • Curse words themselves don't reduce the impact of a sentence on their own. Context is important.

    I'll try ask this in a different way: can you think of a time when a curse word seemed to fit the context of the point being made, or enhanced the impact, or felt powerful or eloquent? Can you remember and share the context of it?

  • NSFW
    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • Are you saying there's never a time where a curse word is appropriate, mr_no_swearing?

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    Kamala Harris gives first solo interview as Democratic nominee
  • She should have just said that she has the concept of a plan and then pivoted to whatever single issue she feels is polling well for her 🙄

  • NSFW
    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • You're talking about a different issue. It just happens to feature a lot of cursing. But cursing itself does not make a remark less clever.

  • NSFW
    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • I agree that cursing is often used as a replacement for "um". But you ever really appreciate someone who knows how and when to curse, with intention and as an infliction? It's a joy to behold.

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    Remarkable, now $10,000.00!
  • The price hurt. But the flipside is I use this every day for multiple hours so in the long run its worth it.

    Others do show interest but are immediately turned off by the price. Unfortunately it keeps it niche.

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    Remarkable, now $10,000.00!
  • I use a Supernote Nomad which is (IMO) their more capable competitor. I'm a messy thinker and a messy writer so the ability to scribble things down then move and resize paragraphs and easily tidy things up is great. I can have multiple notebooks and Supernote allows you to set headings, use tags, and create links between notes/notebooks to easily navigate, find, and reference things. It also lets me select text and add it to a built in reminder app so I have a systemwide list of things I need tondo with due dates etc. The reminder links to the note you created it from so you can easily refresh yourself on content.

    The Nomad is also small, like a travel notebook, so it's always with me at work. It has a lovely vegan leather book-style case, the stylus is a chunky metal pen with a ceramic tip, and the Nomad has a texture on it that depresses like paper as you write. So it's also just a really nice and straightforward writing experience when you need it to be, with digital conveniences a few taps away.

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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • That's some cringy shit.

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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • Why on Earth would you say that, unless you think your opinion is important and valid and worthy of being heard? Yet you out here arguing other people's opinions aren't. Wow, great mind. Cry about strawmen a bit more.

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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • She's not allowed to or qualified to have an opinion according to you?

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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • She doesn't decide who they vote for.

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    Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?
  • Fox News poll, right after the debate.


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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Disengaged voters aren't watching the debate

    They won't watch, but the debate can attract the attention of people who don't ordinarily think about politics but start to realize there's an election coming up. It's a broad group that I don't think you can generalize as broadly as you are (unless you're using the term "disengaged" to describe only the "refuse to participate in any way" camp).

    Similarly, undecided is more likely to describe people who haven't decided if they will vote or not - either side winning and otherwise forfeited vote is a good thing for their campaign. But I also think it's incorrect to assume there's people not still on the fence about the candidate - plenty of "I like Harris but I am not sure if she's good for the economy" voters, etc.

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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Agree, however if debates do have any impact on an election (Biden dropping out being an exception) it's to sway disengaged and swing voters. So Trump just plays to his base I think that would qualify as a loss for him.

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    iPhone 16 Storage
  • The 60hz screen is ridiculous. They need to make the phone WAY cheaper and acknowledge it's mid-tier. But Apple want it both ways - a premium brand charging premium prices and then shovelling bottom-end specs to funnel you to the even-more-expensive models.

    I hate the stupidly low base storage, but personally am not impacted due to my usage patterns and having cheap cloud storage so I'm not as passionate with my disdain!

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    Thank you!
  • Flat white is always made with some milk foam on top, traditionally less than a Latte.

    So the difference should be in the ratio of coffee to milk to froth, which is also true of other varieties like cortado.

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    Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor Americans
  • This is such a thorough and comprehensive takedown, I am impressed.

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    Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor Americans
  • There's nothing in the article but Meta PR! It's not factual reporting, and Fox has done nothing to corroborate the claims and provide actual analysis.

    Zuckerberg is vague about what he was asked to "censor" (humour and satire?) but also makes clear that Facebook rebuffed officials and all that happened was that those officials expressed frustration. What's the actual allegation here? Zuck got hurt feelings?

    Zuck refers to Facebook's mission as "helping people connect in a safe and secure way" to try and downplay the Cambridge Analytics scandal the fact that they're are an ad platform first and foremost. This is Meta prop.

  • Twitter owes ex-employees $500 mln in severance, lawsuit claims

    Twitter Inc on Wednesday was hit with a lawsuit accusing it of refusing to pay at least $500 million in promised severance to thousands of employees who were laid off after Elon Musk acquired the company.

    149 Commissioner brands Robodebt 'extraordinary saga' of 'venality, incompetence and cowardice'

    Unnamed individuals will be referred for criminal and civil prosecution after a royal commission handed down its report into the unlawful Robodebt scheme.
