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"Incorrect response. Please refresh the page."

I have attempted 10 captchas in a row, but to no avail. Each time, the response is marked as incorrect. The login issue is only part of the problem. When I try to redeem a freebie on my account, I encounter the same captcha issue. This persists regardless of whether I am using a VPN or not. It's becoming extremely frustrating.

domains on internal network
  • It depends if your reverse proxy is inside your home network or outside. It should work without any other configuration if you forward ports 80&443 from external domain with something similar to rathole and configure reverse proxy inside home network.

    This is not an answer to your question about using the same url, but see this article, it might be helpful. Tl;dr: mdns + reverse proxy.

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    Easy way to try out a bunch of different DEs?
  • Grab live cd and run it in qemu:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -machine type=pc \
    -cpu host -smp 2 \
    -m 4096 -device virtio-balloon \
    -vga virtio -display sdl,gl=on \
    -usb -device usb-tablet \
    -boot d -cdrom "$@"
  • I cannot update some applications. Jitsi and Amethyst for some time. Today Syncthing is failing to update. There is a popup with a question to update the app and after confirming nothing happens. After a few tries, there is a message that the package installer keeps failing and asks if I want to quit the app.

    What are good web hosting services for a social community platform? should I use AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or Something else? (Needs to be budget friendly)
  • It depends on how much cpu power, disk space, ram, side databases, backup space, etc. you need. Once you know all of it, just compare prices. Check also hetzner, scaleway, vultr, digital ocean, ovh. Good luck 🤞

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    Alternatives to Cloudflare tunnels?
  • I use rathole tunnel (similar to frp) on VPS and Caddy locally. VPS and my local machine are connected with wireguard VPN. DNS points to VPS, TLS certificates are managed locally by Caddy.

  • For example, I set firefox to some custom sink using pavucontrol, but now I want to reset it to default. How can I do this without using pavucontrol, just cli?


    Found it :) they are in ~/.local/state/wireplumber/restore-stream. To remove target sink, pipewire and wireplumber have to be restarted:

    systemctl --user stop pipewire sed -i '/:target/d' ~/.local/state/wireplumber/restore-stream systemctl --user start wireplumber

    Other solution is just to reroute all active streams to the default sink:

    sink="$(pactl get-default-sink)" pactl list short sink-inputs | sed -r 's/([0-9]+).*/\1/' | while read appId; do pactl move-sink-input $appId "$sink" done

    5 Self-hosting on Docker · Issue #31 · stophecom/sharrr-svelte

    Do you have any instructions on how to self-host this in Docker? Or is there an image somewhere to look? If not I can try to package it.

    Has anyone ever tried to run sharrr in a container?
