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Have you guys used over the counter teeth whitening treatments?
  • I had a really bad coffee stain on my front teeth. Had tried the crest ones for a while but they weren't helping. My hygienist did some treatment and told me it'll probably come back because of the texture of my teeth, but told me to use the crest ones a few days ahead of a special event if I wanted a touchup. Stain came back.

    Went to the dentist for an unrelated issue and my dentist noticed the stain, literally filed down my tooth in like 2 seconds and for free, and the stain has never come back again, lol.

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    What's your favorite and best Content to fall asleep to?
  • When not in the mood for talking, singing bowls for sure.

    When my brain can't stop and I need a distraction, either the sleep with me podcast or welcome to nightvale. Sometimes Sleep Whispers but that one can be over stimulating for my lil ASMR brain.

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    Ah sweet!
  • I'm not vegan or vegetarian anymore because I have a lot of allergies that prevent me from eating plant based anything. But I also try to limit it to locally and ethically harvested when I do eat meat.

    I identify as agnostic and definitely don't believe that any one living being is better or more special than the others (except maybe cats).

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    Indian airline tests feature that lets women book seats away from men
  • Yeah my sister went to India a few years back by herself and while thankfully nothing terrible happened to her, she said she would never go back. Just walking around she said the streets are majority men and they are not shy about staring at any woman (especially someone who was clearly a foreigner). Of course, parts of the trip were cool but definitely not the place to be travelling alone as a woman.

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    Ah sweet!
  • This is unironically one of my favourite questions to ask new friends. I've gotten a variety of answers, but my own response has always been yes, if the person was healthy and had clearly consented.

    In my opinion, cannibalism is bad for two main reasons, 1) it can be unsafe if the person was ill, the meat has spoiled, or if it's done too often (this has been studied in cannibalistic rituals) and 2) it's unethical if the person doesn't consent to it.

    Eating animal meat is non consensual and there can be diseases in there too - many people have died from it. Just because it's more socially acceptable, I don't really see it as an ethically better decision.

    I would 100% at least try my own home grown meat cells.

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    What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • When we started dating my partner told me I look like Jeff Goldblum (I am a female). He then bought us a Jeff Goldblum curtain for the bathroom and a portrait we put on the wall, as well as several records, keychains and cushions with Jeff (including that Jurassic park one). It's weird as fuck but Jeff's a handsome guy and a cool fucking person so I'm not too worried about it.

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    What are some good ways to alleviate hiccups?
  • I used to do this with a straw while head was upside down. Worked really well when I was younger but haven't tried it recently.

    I do the thing where you drink water while rubbing your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Success rate is pretty low tbh.

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    Is there anything you've *never* done, that wouldn't be believed when sharing this with others?
  • I don't like or watch hockey but I won tickets to a Canucks game once. It was pretty cool. My favourite part was the timbits team or whatever and it was just a bunch of like 4 and 5 year olds falling all over the ice at half time.

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    Full-size candy bars
  • Lol I genuinely don't know what's truth and what's a meme anymore when it comes to this guy. I don't really care anyway, just kinda wild.

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    JD Vance falsely accuses Algerian Olympic boxer of being transgender & weirdly blames Kamala Harris
  • Tbf I wouldn't mind going through years of medical and psychological treatments if it meant I was allowed to punch whoever I wanted to in the face. Not for sports or for transgender reasons, just for fun. Turn me into a weapon please.

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    How did you find your significant other?
  • I had two coworkers who were sisters and I got along with decently. Befriended the younger one and one day she invited me to a house party at the place she shared with her brother. Night ended with her yelling through the door "STOP FUCKING MY FRIENDS!" which I still think is hilarious.

    Anyway we partied a lot and then settled down later and we've been together for 8 years now so it didn't turn out too badly.

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    How did you find your significant other?
  • My first message to her contained a detailed, descriptive, as unceremonious as it was unambiguous list of preferences but it seems to be working out so far.

    Sounds like the foundation for great communication to me.

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    If your family weren't your family, would you still talk to them?
  • It's Facebook and YouTube probably. My dad is also in Canada and obsessed with American news but he watches CNN on a loop so at least it's not the MAGA people he's supporting.

    Still though, worry about your own country. We got our own issues we should be focusing on here.
