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Projects To Watch Out For: Ladybird Browser
  • I feel like this is a dumb question but why do web engines need constant development? I thought we had an established standard for HTML. Once a web engine matches that standard isn't that sufficient?

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  • I hope so, but every time I check the latest peak oil prediction it has been pushed further into the future

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    Who was holding the bags of holding again?
  • I go Bushwalking/ overnight hikes as a hobby. Inventory management is very important when you carry everything you need to survive in your pack. When I started rp-ing it took me a while to adjust to the fact that the same people who are hyper-fixated in the "reality" of Spell effects could not be bothered to pack a tent. Though I admit that the DM did not care about tents either...

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    NYC protesters demand Israeli cease-fire, at least 200 detained after filling Grand Central station
  • How much monetary support does Israel receive compared to how much does it earn from exports? I'm looking up their industries and Israel is into diamond cutting, which carries its own ethical issues
