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Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • Palestinians support Hamas because they want to be freed from the oppression of the fascist colonial state that Hamas is actively fighting against.

    If you're just gonna, idk, verbally condemn Palestine and do nothing else, then you can't claim to support Palestinians at all.

    Liberals seem to be sympathetic to the idea of oppression, but will offer nothing but condemnation from anyone who fights against it. Lawmakers kneel for poor George Floyd while they sign bills to raise police budgets. Liberals yearn for a free Palestine until they break out of their cages, then they yearn for revenge and genocide.

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    Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy
  • Interesting that it took some plucky telegram nobodies 15 minutes to figure it out, but it took the NYT two weeks.

    Incidentally, Zelensky arrives for a UN speech today.

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    Niger: We’ll Hand Over In 3 Years – General Tchiani - Daily Trust
  • I mean the best thing we can hope for at this point is a diplomatic solution with no foreign invasion. Even liberals can agree that a foreign invasion should be avoided at all costs.

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    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • Does it ever get tiring to latch your hopes and dreams on to obvious propaganda, only for it to be stripped away time and again?

    Or does your memory wipe clean like an Etch a Sketch?
