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An honorable warrior
  • Not sure who that is but obviously not Israel

  • Recognizing Palestine Is Rooted in Irish History of Colonization & Famine

    Three European nations have announced plans to recognize the State of Palestine, joining 143 other countries around the world in formal recognition. Leaders in Ireland, Norway and Spain cited a desire to support a political solution to the ongoing conflict in Gaza as the driving force behind the ann...


    [Video][Breaking Points] Pentagon Says No Aid From Gaza Pier Has Gone to Palestinians

    [Video][Breaking Points] The View Begs Charlamagne to Endorse Biden
  • But he can leave anytime he wants! ...As long as he recites their Loyalty Oath.

  • [Video][Breaking Points] Ireland, Spain, Norway Recognize Palestine as Independent State

    [Video][Breaking Points] The View Begs Charlamagne to Endorse Biden
  • "Do you now or have you ever failed to support Biden?"

  • [Video][Breaking Points] Why Red Lobster Actually Filed for Bankruptcy


    [Video][Breaking Points] Trump Leading in Critical Swing State Polling


    [Video][Breaking Points] The View Begs Charlamagne to Endorse Biden

    [Video][Breaking Points] New Polls Show Huge U.S. Generational Divide
  • Eh, it's easy to make such generalizations, but I think it's a lot harder to consider that what we see of that generation are either the ones who were sociopathic enough to rise to the top or the ones who survived what in many cases amounted to mandatory conscription for wars most didn't want to be in and a slow descent into larger quantities of corporate-backed state propaganda. To be a boomer who understood the mental trap the state locked you into is to be depressingly isolated to the point of substance use or self-harm.

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    [Video][Breaking Points] Congo Army Says Americans Involved in Failed Coup
  • Fuck up one coup, shame on you? How many is Amerikkka up to now, failed or successful?

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    [Video][Breaking Points] Julian Assange Wins Right to Appeal Extradition
  • I'd say if he went to the US he'd be found dead in a cell within a week. We all know how well the giant narcissistic toddler that is the US handles people who give it a black eye-- were it any more toddler-like Israel would kill it.

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    [Video][Breaking Points] Thomas Massie Curbstomps AIPAC In Key Election
  • Yeah, when they give me an alternate title I use it but sometimes this is all we get from them unless I'm going to start editorializing. Still, probably least bad video-based regular news show in English. I like Ryan Grim and Krystal Ball.

  • [Video][Breaking Points] Julian Assange Wins Right to Appeal Extradition


    [Video][Breaking Points] Thomas Massie Curbstomps AIPAC In Key Election


    [Video][Breaking Points] Inside Blinken's Meeting With Arab American Leaders


    [Video][Breaking Points] Congo Army Says Americans Involved in Failed Coup


    [Video][Breaking Points] Scarlett Johansson Calls Out Sam Altman over AI Voice Use


    [Video][Breaking Points] New Polls Show Huge U.S. Generational Divide

    [Video][Breaking Points] Republicans Defund US Military For Not Arming Israel
  • In theory, exactly what should happen. In practice? DC Ghouls need more childrens' blood for their ancient Eldritch Rites.

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    [Video][Breaking Points] Republicans Defund US Military For Not Arming Israel
  • It is! It can't all be bad news, sometimes we need some uplift too.

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    [Video][Breaking Points] US Consumer Sentiment Hits Six-Month Low
  • Crazy! Almost like a concerted effort to tell people to not believe their own experiences for financial and political gain not only doesn't work but actively backfires!

  • [Video][Breaking Points] US Consumer Sentiment Hits Six-Month Low


    [Video][Breaking Points] Republicans Defund US Military For Not Arming Israel

    Bo Burnham: How The World Works
  • At first I was like: How can capitalism allow this to happen without Bo being disappeared? But then I realized that not enough people will even hear about it for it to make a difference, and even fewer will believe it or listen seriously to its message, and in the meantime capital will just profit off of it. Also they let George Carlin live for quite a while and he said essentially the same thing.

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    [Video][Breaking Points] Canadian Nurse Details Horrors in Gaza
  • Unfortunately due to the desperation the people of Gaza are feeling I think we can expect more stories like this in the future, should they find a way to broadcast out from Gaza. At this point I'd be amazed if the healthcare workers aren't killed by Israel considering their history and lack of concern for even the citizens of the nation funding this genocide.

  • [Video][AP] Barge hits bridge in Galveston, Texas, causing oil spill

    1 American Medical Missions Trapped in Gaza, Facing Death by Dehydration as Population Clings to Life

    Upward of 20 American doctors are trapped in Gaza, some at the European Hospital, due to Israel’s post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing.


    [Video][Breaking Points] Tracking AIPAC's Hidden Spending


    [Video][Breaking Points] Biden Flips On Red Line, $1 Billion To Israel


    [Video][Breaking Points] Canadian Nurse Details Horrors in Gaza

    [Video][Breaking Points] Bill Burr Unloads on Bill Maher over Israel, Gaza
  • To be fair, not enough people push back against Bill Maher or call him out even that much. I suspect that's because he postures as some debate bro who's all into free speech until he encounters someone who mildly disagrees with him, at which point he unleashes the impotent rage of his tightly-controlled prestige television platform, proving that his supposed stance on free speech was a hypocritical facade all along.

    It is nice to see though, even a little.

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    The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt? (interview with Peter Watts)
  • If only there was some sort that prioritized the long-term good of all over the short-term large-scale gain of an entitled few. Ah, I'm sure it'll come to me eventually. Felt like I almost had it...

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    Justice Department says Boeing violated deal that avoided prosecution after 737 Max crashes
  • You mean they didn't double-tap themselves in the back of the head and throw themselves in the river?


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    [Video][Breaking Points] Hillary Clinton Says Protestors Don't "Know the History"
  • Just vote for the dem, one more time. Come on, this'll be the last time, then Trump will be gone and we'll all dance under a rainbow. 15k dead kids? Small price to pay for world peace. C'mon, for the kids. Vote Blue.

