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Apple rejects new name 'X' for Twitter iOS app because... rules
  • I admittedly didn’t read the article. Is that the reason or does someone already have an app called X? Either way they can just call it like “X - Formerly known as Twitter” but he’s probably too childish to do that.

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    App Store to require developers to describe why their apps use certain APIs
  • There’s not a lot of reason to hate it if implemented correctly which it very well might not be at first and likely will cause some headaches. Regardless, Apple should also do a better job of telling users the reasons too if they are going to be doing this.

    Right now, you fill out a whole bit of information about why your app might use specific private info, but Apple only shows minor information about it to the user. I’d much rather the user know the specific reason I’m using, for example, location instead of just for “App Functionality”. Would make a better user-developer relationship in my opinion and promote good transparency.

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    Memmy for iOS has hit the App Store
  • Oh nothing happened. I have an account on .ml that I usually use but it's been acting super slow all day long. Just something us refugees have to deal with 🦾

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    Memmy for iOS has hit the App Store
  • Hey all. Replying from .world since...well you guys know.

    Anyway, thank you for all your support over the past weeks. It's helped us get to this point.

    A word of caution: The build that was released is slightly outdated and there are a few issues that have already been addressed in that build. Unfortunately because you can't replace the build in review, we were not able to update it as we went through this nearly week-long back and forth with Apple. It required an appeal to get us onto the store.

    With that said, I'll be releasing the final version of 0.0.2 tonight to TestFlight, and will begin build versioning starting at 0.1.0, which will be the next release on the store. I'll try and have something submitted to them tonight and hopefully it will be reviewed and released within a day or so.


  • Some text to put inside the post.

