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Taking my three girls for a walk
  • They are beautiful! My wife loves Dumbos, we've only ever had one but he is indeed adorable.

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    nano 8.1 released
  • Yeah I've felt that way for a long time. It's done all that I need and more since about 2003.

  • Beans is our only adorable dumbo ear of the four boys, but out of the blue he started attacking his brothers, especially his almost twin (sans ears) Frank. When there's blood, we separate of course.

    Interestingly, after introducing the new bedding they have calmed down, or maybe it was just a temporary issue. Glad to have our boys all back on one cage!

    Ceres Fauna in her Virgin Slayer
  • This is a fantastic creator, very happy to be supporting them on Patreon. I think this might even be hotter than the nude version.

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    Is linux good for someone tech illererate.
  • Yes you'll fuck things up. Don't keep anything remotely important on it and screw around with it. That's how you learn. Blow your install away intentionally, try a different distribution the next time. There's a lot more variability between distros, and more customizability compared to Windows too.

    If you want to learn something new and different anyway. It's definitely not like Windows except at the most surface level; you can get by in the GUI for almost everything until something goes wrong, but that's exactly when you want to have been learning cmdline stuff, so you can try to salvage it.

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    Linux DNS settings is a total mess
  • chattr +i


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    Gaming laptop with good Linux support?
  • I was looking for a smaller (14" and not bulky) gaming Laptop, and ended up with the Lenovo Slim 7 Pro X. And I'm very happy with it; feels fairly future proof with 32GB of Ram and runs NixOS like a champ.

    Only has a GTX 3050 though, so it's not for the highest end gaming, but that's never been my priority anyway, it runs BG3 quite well and that's the beefiest thing I've thrown at it.

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    Cheap and good mini-PCs for gaming?
  • As mentioned, Minisforum and Beelink make great APU-based Ryzen systems which are going to give a great bang-for-buck. Get them from Amazon vs their dedicated website as some folks have had shipping delqys with the OEM website. ETA Prime does great reviews on YouTube of these boxes and shows what the FPS is like on some current, a few years old, and retro games for each one.

    If you want the smallest possible system, with room for one the smaller form factor discrete graphics cards I'd say the NUC 9 Extreme works very well. I have a GTX 1650 in it and it is perfectly fine.

    Steam Deck with a usb c dock is also a great option.

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    In-N-Out bans mask wearing for employees in some states
  • Funny how "muh freedom" means you should be able to not wear a mask, but others should be disallowed from wearing masks, even if they have actual safety or health concerns. Very consistent.
