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Led by the automaker BYD, China has established itself as the main car supplier in Mexico. The US worries China could use Mexico as a “back door” to sidestep tariffs and gain footing in the US market.
  • I contracted to one of the big 3 for over 30 years. When we decided to quit making cars and focus on trucks, SUV's, and crossovers it seemed like they were giving up future numbers for short term profit. It's obvious small electric cars are the future but our big 3 want to ignore that. Blaming the lost market share on small cars from China disregards that they chose to leave that market. Of course Asia would step into that market and fill it

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    A bit fucked up, isn't it?
  • Those traits gave me two things in my IT contracting career, the ability to roll into a new position at the same contractor so I didn't have to job hunt, and the contractor wanting nothing to do with bringing me in as a full time employee. I saw it as a win/win

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • If you don't vote Dem you're willing to let him win and don't see any difference between how the 2 candidates who can actually win differ enough to choose one over the other when one is a fascist

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • I always thought a parliamentary system made more sense so we could vote for parties that aligned more closely with our ideals and our ideals for our nation. France is currently showing how the divide between right wing nationalism, the leave it as it is people, and those who want more social and economic equity can still lead to deadlock as much as a 2 party system can. The powerful are so powerful now and our information is controlled by so few, with so little social responsibility or regard for the media as a watchdog over the powerful. They are the powerful trying to keep us in the dark.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • A 3rd party vote is a vote for neither but with a nod toward where we'd like to head. I loath the DNC just slightly more than the old RNC. With the RNC becoming a MAGA party, I could never vote for one of their candidates. When our vote is fascism or a DNC status quo I'll plug my nose like I did for Hillary and vote for whoever the DNC puts up. I'd really like to see the non DNC preferred candidate win the primary in 2028 and have the progressive arm of the party have significant clout.
    And yes, the DNC has unwavering support for Israel. What more proof do you need than Biden still sending weapons to them while a genocide is taking place? The Prog wing in the party is a great voice, but they have little clout and AIPAC has been effective at getting them out.

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    What's the most useless skill you've mastered, and how did you end up getting so good at it?
  • I remember reading about a Pa Kua Chang master who could walk through a crowd with a full teacup and not spill any. For whatever reason I started to practice walking with a full to the brim teacup (with or without a handle) and now I can go up and down stairs with one or two and not spill anything. Usually

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • Not imo. One side wants to kill me with no regulations on air, water, and food so a shit sandwich would be acceptable to them if it lines their benefactors pockets. The other side may want to get me to eat cauliflower because not only is it good for me but it lines their benefactors pockets

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • My son is a pretty good cook and has done this. Unlike a shit sandwich people actually finds ways to make food that's good for you taste decent. The only people a shit sandwich is good for are those selling the shit. A fitting analogy for our election.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • If we had a normal election I'd be voting 3rd party because of the Dem's unwavering support for Israel with a genocide happening there. Unfortunately our choice is like choosing between a shit sandwich or pureed cauliflower for dinner. Pureed cauliflower sounds disgusting but when so many people are going to choose the shit sandwich I better vote for Cauliflower so I don't eat shit

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    Lula says Elon Musk’s wealth does not mean world must accept his ‘far-right free-for-all’
  • Elon is the tech version of Murdoch and is more dangerous because of his worldwide access through Twitter. Unfortunately the extremists will have more of a voice and propaganda will overwhelm the media. Since the media is controlled by billionaires they have no interest in exposing them

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    Lemmies who post or comment way too much by your own reckoning(raises own hand), how do you have so much free time?
  • The Dr said my foot was squished like stepping on a grape and you can't put the grape back together again. But I'm so thankful to have a foot and leg at all after that so I appreciate what I have not what I don't have, even though it does get burdensome when pain or lack of movement is high

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    Josh Shapiro seeks to downplay his time as IDF volunteer after college op-ed resurfaces
  • I'm so glad all my thoughts from HS and college aren't saved somewhere for people to use against who I am now. But I would really prefer someone else. I don't like how powerful Israel is in our nations politics and would prefer someone with less connection right out of the gate unless he loudly and strongly denounce AIPAC on a regular basis

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    Lemmies who post or comment way too much by your own reckoning(raises own hand), how do you have so much free time?
  • I don't post a lot but I have a lot of free time due to being T-boned on my motorcycle from someone running a red light. My mobility has been seriously restricted since. When I was working full time and posting a lot on Reddit I was training corporate engineering sw. When I wasn't training I had a lot of time on my hands at work so I'd scroll reddit. I was also traveling a lot so I was away from home and reddit was sort of my travel family

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    Which ones of you had the "air-to-air kill of a crewed aircraft by an FPV drone" on your 2024 bingo card?
  • Imagine pods dropped like old parachutes but they become embedded in the ground with a drone controller and all the drones needed for the job at hand. You could drop hundreds of those in an area and create fortifications and drone weapon bases in one swoop. I imagine drone bases would be heavily protected from EMI type attacks
