Trump also shut down all South African aid, much of which is used to battle AIDS and HIV

yeah thats true, but if more people migrating from reddit batch edited their comments it would take away a lot of their revenue.
this is the best way to do it
be sure to uncheck remove submissions and remove comments check edit, and place the message you want to overwrite all your comments with. Best to not make it something mods would take down tho
Im not talking about deleting comments, its been known for a while that deleting the comments is useless because they'll just put them back up with a [deleted] username.
I would say that in the last few years, receiving a site-wide ban doesn't necessarily mean your a "bad actor". I got banned when reddit when wild with hammer when elon sieg heiled at the inaguration. Was before this rule change so i was able to edit all my comments. But im assuming this happend because of the amount of regular users who got banned for nothing and wanted to protest the ban.
Just another way to control the narrative imo
Reddit is complicit with the facist takeover of wetsern democracy. I got banned from there for saying "the only good nazi is a dead nazi"
Reddit has now removed the ability to edit comments after a ban
In the past we had the ability, and ive done this before. To mass edit my reddit comments so they no longer can use my data for profit. As of earlier this month, reddit has removed the ability to do this if youve been banned
Executive order to resettle "white South African refugees"
Trump also shut down all South African aid, much of which is used to battle AIDS and HIV
Would be a better use of nasa resources
I got perma banned for “doxxing” the techs that work for Elon. Even though all I did was post a picture with their names that was included with a daily mail article.