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  • See the trick is to work with computers, not people. People are what fuck everything up. Especially if it's customers and not coworkers.

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    Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread
  • Fair, but given the degradation of gaming these days I think a lot of people who aren't paying attention have an outdated and understated view of just how bad things are. A parent might be thinking: wow had a subscription, so this game with micro transactions isn't all that bad, not recognizing just how tuned modern predatory gaming has become at extracting money and addicting its users.

    WoW mostly addicted people to playing (consuming their time), you can go hours and hours of gameplay without inputting more money. But mobile games maximize extracting maximal profit for minimal gameplay. There's no functional difference between a gacha pull and a slot machine pull. It's an endless, mindless set of pretty lights where you just hit the buy button over and over and over. If you sat people down and made them watch (with a running cost total) most people would immediately see the resemblance to a casino.

    I think it's helpful to break things down into more granular levels of predation, just to help clarify how bad it's getting, even if all of it is problematic.

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    Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread
  • I don't allow myself to play any mobile games anymore. Spent like $300 on one of those idle games. Not worth it. I refuse to play any free to play titles at all, no matter the platform these days.

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    Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread
  • Haven't played WoW in awhile, but do they now have 'you can spend unlimited money' mechanics? Previously it was just stuff like mounts and character transfers and stuff. I know you can also sell tokens for gold, but I thought gold kind of becomes irrelevant at some point. The best gear is bind on drop right? Theoretically I guess you can pay gold for boost runs, which probably counts as an endless money sink.

    I kind of have a mental separation in my head between games with unlimited money sinks (like games with energy mechanics) where you can spend and spend and spend and it never stops, vs games that have a finite of things to buy.

    It can still be way over priced, but there's a maximum amount of money you can throw at the game. Even Diablo 4, with a relatively huge and highly priced number of cosmetic items has effectively a maximum price (though every new cosmetic increases that price). Vs Diablo Immortal allowing you to spend 10s of thousands of dollars and still need to keep spending. I think unlimited money mechanics should be outlawed or at least fully classified as gambling and regulated accordingly.

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    Jon Bon Jovi helped persuade a woman to come off the ledge of a Nashville bridge, police say
  • I how you're doing better, but also this sounds like the start to a fun romantic comedy or bro movie. Two strangers doing research on the best bridge to jump off of becoming unlikely friends.

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    Ursula LeGuin puts the publishers in their place
  • Honestly the last decade plus does feel like the lead up paragraph in a history textbook to some major paradigm shift. But it could still be years and years away. But it does feel inevitable.

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    Google is preparing to integrate Extra Dim into Android's brightness slider
  • That would be great. The only time I'm ever adjusting the slider is the dimmest 5%. The top 50% of the slider really doesn't matter to me. It's annoying trying to hit exactly the right pixel on the low end though

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    Calling in healthy
  • Combined PTO (along with a salary job not needing coverage) does have its downsides, but it's nice just being able to use PTO whenever without needing any sort of proof. I can just wake up in the morning and decide I'm not working that day. No fuss, no doctors notes, no nothing. As long as I'm not blowing off important meetings or deadlines, no one cares

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    Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • Discord is great as chat program. It should've only ever been used for that. It completely sucks as forum replacement. Discord should've had very little value to any decent organization.

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    Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • Every single small game I play has effectively the entirety of their support, community and forums run through discord. Instead of easy to search and discover forums, I have to use crappy infinite chat logs. It sucks.

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    AI worse than humans in every way at summarising information, government trial finds
  • And you can absolutely trust that tons of executives will definitely not understand this distinction and will use AI even in areas where it's actively harmful.

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    The Internet Archive just lost its appeal over ebook lending
  • Agreed. I keep waffling on my feelings about it. It definitely doesn't feel like our laws properly handle the scale that LLMs can take advantage of 'fair use'. It also feels like yet another way to centralize and consolidate wealth, this time not money, but rather art and literary wealth in the hands of a few.

    I already see artists that used to get commissions now replaced by endless AI pictures generated via a Lora specifically aping their style. If it was a human copying you, they'd still be limited by the amount they could produce. But an AI can spit out millions of images all in the style you perfected. Which feels wrong.

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    Are the straights okay rule
  • How does an aromantic even get to the point of being pressured into a marriage (at least in a society without arranged marriage)? Why are they dating in the first place? Am I misunderstanding how that works?

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    Any ideas?
  • Or the beginner gear makes the hobby super tedious and difficult. Who knows if you would've liked it with proper tools instead of trying to make it work with a shitty, poorly working set up.

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    Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • You act like these companies don't already have your identity anyway. Google, Apple, Microsoft. They know exactly who you are. The idea is that those mega corps who already handle identity information are in a better position to be a 3rd party witness to other, less trustworthy websites to say 'yes this person is an adult'. So you don't have to give that random website any personal info.

    I'd have suggested the government fulfill this role, but people would freak out way more about that.

    At the end of the day, ensuring someone else’s kids don’t have access to something said parent doesn’t want them to access…? Not my problem,

    It's absolutely affecting you though. Basically every where online is now 'family friendly' because it's impossible to create adult spaces online. You can't keep the kids out no matter what you do. And that's bringing everything down to the lowest common denominator and trying to cram the entire gamut of human interactions down into a single, heavily censored experience. It's why censorship has gotten completely out of control. Something needs to change or we'll app be stuck with PG spaces for 10 year olds forever.

  • Anyone have any current working solutions? There was a discord and an extension that used to enable exporting chapters, but it's been broken for a while and the discord ('Secret!' is the name) no longer updates with any new content.

    Honestly I don't necessarily care about getting it for free, I just want to put the books into a proper epub instead of using their website or shitty app.


    I've acquired several lemmy accounts now and I'd like to reorder the list. My main two accounts are at the bottom while my alternates are stuck at the top
