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Unsealed FBI doc exposes terrifying depth of Russian disinfo scheme
  • Russia might not spend as much money on propaganda as some other entities, but they punch above their weight in terms of tactics and effectiveness.

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    Unsealed FBI doc exposes terrifying depth of Russian disinfo scheme
  • That guy gets on my nerves, but I've read enough from him on various topics that I'm pretty confident he's a genuine user. Don't get me wrong, he's for sure an ideologue who's no fun at parties, but I don't think he's a bot or that he's saying things he was instructed to say and doesn't actually care deeply about.

    There's another user, with a three-word-phrase username, that I would describe similarly.

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    Unsealed FBI doc exposes terrifying depth of Russian disinfo scheme
  • Not just that. If it's just the mods of one community, appeal to the instance admins. If the admins are part of the problem, don't just move to a different instance yourself, also try to raise awareness and convince the rest of Lemmy to defederate.

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    Environmental Impact by Sausage Type
  • People upvote because they like the content of the data or how it supports their agenda, while forgetting that this community is supposed to be about judging the representation of it specifically. And that's assuming they're even paying attention to the community name in the first place, which many may not be.

    It's been a perennial issue both here and in r/dataisbeautiful as long as I can remember.

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    Parent to Moderate YouTube
  • This situation you describe is legitimately one of my greatest fears as a parent. I have little useful advice to give; all I can really say is "good luck" and to research terms like "elsagate," "gamergate" and "PewDiePipeline" to see what advice actual experts (psychologists etc.) have about deprogramming kids from them.

    I was raised allowed to moderate my own content because I was trusted to be intelligent and wise enough to critically select what I watched or read and learn from the mistakes I made if I consumed something negatively influential.

    I was raised allowed to moderate my own content because my computer-illiterate parents had absolutely no clue what the Internet was capable of exposing me to. Frankly, it was only dumb luck on their part that I happened to have the right personality and skills not to succumb to inceldom, the Alt-Right, or some other kind of radicalization.

    (Even more frankly, maybe I did succumb to radicalization: I am, after all, an urbanist leftist Linux user (among other weird things) who likes to hang out on Lemmy, LOL!)

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    Worst examples of Treknobabble
  • JJ-Trek, hands down. From "red matter" to interstellar transporter beams to Khan's magic blood.

    The reason it's so bad is that it's fucking plot holes galore. By the end of Star Trek (2009), starships are obsolete. By the end of Into Darkness, everyone should be immortal.

    Treknobabble is supposed to serve the plot, but this shit undermines the entire premise instead. It's ridiculous!

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    Venezuela: Forces surround embassy sheltering opposition figures
  • You're not wrong, but I also think it's important to point out that just because the US interfered in 2020 doesn't mean it interfered in 2024. In fact, I can think of a reason or two -- like, say, Biden being in office instead of Trump -- why its policy on attempting coups might be vastly different.

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    Judge rules Missouri ballot measure to protect abortion rights is invalid
  • [oops so sorry]

    "But don't worry, we'll be sure to put it on the next one for ya" [which just so happens to be a low-turnout election where conservatives will have an advantage]

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    Pro-Trump media firm abruptly folds after Russia scheme exposed
  • "Neten Media" being founded with the same headquarters address and many of the same employees (purely by happenstance, of course) in 3... 2... 1....

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    the calm after the weird
  • Once the votes are counted

    You do realize the MAGAs have been appointing "stop the steal" conspiracists to positions throughout the elections bureaucracy and are trying to recruit 100,000 poll "watchers" (read: saboteurs) specifically to try to stop that from happening, right?

    Four years ago, the Trump campaign filed 50+ lawsuits trying to throw out votes because of alleged fraud that were basically all thrown out because no fraud could be found, and failed to stop states from certifying votes because the bureaucrats were doing their jobs. Now, they're in a position not only to severely obstruct the counting and certification in the first place, but also sue over accusations of fraud that will be credible because their dumbass followers will have committed it themselves!

    And of course, it'll all be juuuuust stochastic and "lone wolf" enough that the Trump campaign itself will have [im]plausible deniability for directing it. The Heritage-Foundation-stacked courts will fall over themselves in their haste to clear Trump of any wrongdoing, while simultaneously saying "aww shucks we still have to invalidate the vote tho" or slow-walking any case they can't plausibly say that about. This will result in either Trump crossing the 270 EC vote threshold by courts handing him wins for states where whole swathes of results for Democratic-leaning precincts have been thrown out, or throwing out enough results that neither candidate gets 270 votes so that the election gets decided by a "one state, one vote" poll in the House. Either way, Trump regains the Presidency "legally," all Hell breaks loose with Project 2025 and the Supreme Court ruling making the President a king, and American democracy as we know it is over.

    Please: save this comment, come back to it on Inauguration Day, and mock me for being wrong when democracy and the rule of law prevails. Be merciless about it! Ridicule me to within an inch of my life for my silly, unfounded worrying. I'm serious: please do that and I will love you for it.

    Because I have no greater wish than to be wrong about this.

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    Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray’s family ‘not white trash,’ are ‘just regular people’: relative
  • Just out of curiosity, what region are you from?

    Because where I'm from -- which is only a few dozen miles from Winder, by the way -- calling somebody "white trash" very definitely can have an extra layer of connotation that merely calling them a "trashy person" does not.

    Specifically, because of how closely correlated race and class are around here due to all the institutional racism (both historical and ongoing), calling somebody "white trash" doesn't necessarily just mean "trashy," it means --
    and please forgive for risking coming across as racist in my attempt to describe other people's racism -- "living like a black person." The idea is that black people, as an underclass, are trashy by nature, so by invoking a racial comparison the person using the phrase isn't just saying the object of their insult is trashy, but is also "othering" them and contemptuously scolding them for failing to uphold the class standard racists expect of them as a white person.

    And yes, that applies to "rich white trash," too: when a racist's worldview is that even the richest black person is inherently inferior to even the poorest white person, to call a person "white trash" is to consign them to the lowest class of society no matter how rich they are.

    Also, please note that I'm not saying that everybody who uses the phrase "which trash" is a racist! The connotation I'm describing is highly context-dependent. In other words, just because some shitty kinfolk of a murderer in Georgia are highly offended at being accused of being associated with blackness because they were called "white trash" by randos from elsewhere in the country, doesn't mean said randos actually meant it that way.

    Nevertheless, regardless of what some people mean and how other people interpret them, the bottom line is that using that phrase in this context injects race and class issues into the matter that don't deserve to be there and do nothing but distract from any legitimate goal anyone here might have, whether that be throwing the book at murderous fuckwits, reforming gun laws, trying to fix the root causes of domestic abuse and school bullying, or otherwise.

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    the calm after the weird
  • There's nothing dismissive about it at all. Quite the opposite.

    I mean, somebody downvoted your previous response. My best guess as to why is that your "either scenario... there are no winners" bit was perhaps poorly phrased and easy to misconstrue, so that's what I addressed.

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    Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray’s family ‘not white trash,’ are ‘just regular people’: relative
  • No, it's true: these parents/perps are genuinely not "white trash."

    "White trash" implies that they're poor, uneducated, or otherwise disadvantaged -- in other words, it paints the situation as a class issue and implies that they deserve some non-zero amount of sympathy for the circumstances that led to this.

    On the contrary: the killer's parents were middle-class and would be considered "normal," if not for their evil ideology, fucked-up priorities, and anti-social behavior. They deserve no sympathy and no leniency. The kid himself might, as the victim of their abuse, but the parents sure as Hell don't!

    Bringing up "white trash" as a talking point (even by denying it, unprovoked) is a misdirection. Don't fall for it!

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    but wat 'bout us on a WOKE-free diet
  • If my coffee had to be vegan, I would be kinda upset because it means I couldn't have any dairy cream in it.

    If my coffee couldn't be vegan (even served black), I would be even more upset because WTF would they be doing to it to make it inherently not-vegan‽

  • Investigation underway after man attempts to drive through protest - Winnipeg |

    Police are investigating after a man attempted to drive through a demonstration in downtown Winnipeg.

    cross-posted from:

    > Investigation underway after man attempts to drive through protest

    24 Yes in my backyard: Democrats are changing their tune on housing policy

    At a YIMBYs for Harris fundraiser, Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz argued his party was experiencing a "generational shift" in its approach to housing.

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    > Paywall removed:


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    > Another picture > > !

    6 Obsessing Over Climate Disinformation Is a Wrong Turn

    Much of the climate movement is now pouring its energies into combating disinformation. But this focus fails to address real concerns about a green transition and obscures what is needed to win the public over to effective climate action.

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    > Shoutout to the folks who plant sunflowers on boulevards, yards, or community gardens.

    8 Teacher says contract wasn't renewed because he wouldn't use trans students' preferred names

    The Wisconsin English teacher, Jordan Cernek, argues in the suit that the district violated his freedom of religion and free speech in mandating the use of the students' preferred names and pronouns.

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    > The Wisconsin English teacher, Jordan Cernek, argues in the suit that the district violated his freedom of religion and free speech in mandating the use of the students' preferred names and pronouns. > > A high school English teacher is suing a Wisconsin school district, alleging it did not renew his contract last year because he refused to use the preferred names of two transgender students. > > Jordan Cernek's federal lawsuit alleges the Argyle School District violated his constitutional and civil rights to be free of religious discrimination and to be able to express himself according to his religious beliefs when it did not renew his contract because he refused to abide by a requirement that teachers use the names or pronouns requested by students.

    70 Car park plans for old Exeter bus station site criticised

    The Green Party says the plans are "ridiculous" and do not make sense financially.

    cross-posted from:

    > Plans for a new city centre car park in Exeter have been criticised. > > Proposals to turn the former bus station site into a car park are part of a public consultation which also involves increasing car park prices across the city. > > The Green Party said the plans for a new car park were "ridiculous" and did not "make any financial sense". > > The Labour leader of the council said he wants to increase the options available for the use of the site. > > The council is considering creating a new Paris Street car park, external on part of the old bus station site which was demolished earlier this year. > > Previous plans for offices and a multi-purpose performance venue on the site were scrapped in 2023. > > Diana Moore, Exeter Green Party leader, said: "A new car park, right next to St Sidwell’s Point, a place which is meant to be a showcase for sustainability and health, and close to a dangerous roundabout and the new bus station, beggars belief." > > Ms Moore said the plan showed a "breathtaking lack of imagination". > > She said: "This decision also puts cutting carbon emissions, reducing congestion and improving air quality firmly into reverse gear. > > "As existing city centre car parks are underutilised, this decision doesn't make any financial sense either." > > The council is also looking at raising prices at car parks across the city centre. > > The council's executive met on Tuesday to approve the plan for a six-week public consultation which should begin later in August. > > Liberal Democrat group leader Michael Mitchell also raised concerns at the meeting about how the plans fitted alongside Exeter City Council's plans to become net zero on carbon emmissions by 2030. > > Phil Bialyk, leader of the council, said he understood the concerns raised by opposition parties but said the council was trying to prepare for different scenarios. > > He said: "All this will do is give us the ability to charge for whatever part of the old bus station site we might choose to use as a car park site. > > "Having a parking order will increase our options on how we can use this space for the benefit of the people in Exeter." > > Mr Bialyk said the council was working on new plans for the area which were expected to be made public in the autumn.

    1 Raffensperger blasts proposed rule requiring hand count of ballots at Georgia polling places

    Georgia's secretary of state spoke against election rule changes pending before the State Election Board, rejecting a proposal to hand count ballots.

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    > From WABE Politics News: > > Georgia’s secretary of state on Thursday came out against election rule changes pending before the State Election Board, specifically rejecting a proposal to count ballots by hand at polling places […]

    24 Toronto cops are parking illegally everywhere with impunity so they can get coffee

    Cops seem to be parking wherever the heck they want in Toronto these days, especially illegal parking spaces in close proximity to purveyors of cof...

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    Is old-school tar paper hardwood flooring underlayment and old-school tar paper roofing underlayment the same thing?

    I fixed my roof a few years ago, and have part of a roll of tar paper sitting in the basement. I’m now re-laying some hardwood flooring. Can I use that leftover stuff as underlayment, or is there some subtle but important difference between “flooring” tar paper and “roofing” tar paper that means I ought to go buy some other product?

    (If it matters, the house was built in the 1940s and uses materials typical of that era. I’m just doing repairs/small modifications, so I’m patching in like-for-like stuff.)


    cross-posted from:

    > - > - Author: /u/tyrorc > - Link Shared on Reddit > - Original Reddit Comments > ---- Wanna know how the numbers change for "Other Humans" when deaths due to car collisions are included? It gets 1.35 million added to it, and those were 2016 numbers.

    Automobile drivers are by far the most deadly animal, blowing mosquitoes completely out of the water!


    In my profile it says my cake day is today (June 13), but it was displaying a cake icon on my comments all day yesterday (June 12).

    The icon was a black and white outline so I thought maybe it was showing it the day before on purpose so other people would see ahead of time, and that it would turn colorful on the actual day. But then midnight hit and it disappeared, so it must be a bug instead.


    Wall framing question: stud spacing between openings

    I'm framing up a non-load-bearing wall that has two closet doors on it, close together (the king studs for the two openings are 13" apart). Unfortunately, they are aligned such that one of the 16" OC common studs would fall within that gap. In fact, it would only be 1/2" away from the left king stud, so not even anywhere near the middle of the space.) Is it still normal/expected to include that stud, or can I omit it?

    (BTW: both doors will go to the same closet so there's no perpendicular wall teeing into this one, in case that matters.)

    3 Colorado’s Bold New Approach to Highways — Not Building Them

    The state has made it harder to widen highways, and transportation officials are turning their eyes to transit.

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    > cross-posted from: > > > > In Colorado, that new vision was catalyzed by climate change. In 2019, Gov. Jared Polis signed a law that required the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent within 30 years. As the state tried to figure out how it would get there, it zeroed in on drivers. Transportation is the largest single contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, accounting for about 30 percent of the total; 60 percent of that comes from cars and trucks. To reduce emissions, Coloradans would have to drive less.

    10 Colorado’s Bold New Approach to Highways — Not Building Them

    The state has made it harder to widen highways, and transportation officials are turning their eyes to transit.

    cross-posted from:

    > > In Colorado, that new vision was catalyzed by climate change. In 2019, Gov. Jared Polis signed a law that required the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent within 30 years. As the state tried to figure out how it would get there, it zeroed in on drivers. Transportation is the largest single contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, accounting for about 30 percent of the total; 60 percent of that comes from cars and trucks. To reduce emissions, Coloradans would have to drive less.

    3 Cyberyuck - Penny Arcade

    Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.



    cross-posted from:

    > Alt text: pictures of suburban neighborhoods and homes with text over it that reads: “this is no place of honor. No esteemed deed is commemorated here. What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. Turn back.”


    Ikea launches deliveries by cargo bike (in Florence, Italy)

    The article is in Italian; here's an automatic translation by Firefox:

    > New sustainable delivery service by the Swedish giant Ikea on Florence. In fact, customers will be able to choose to receive in their homes light products - up to a total weight of 30 kilos - via cargo bike. A way to help reduce traffic and city pollution that will be made possible by the Ikea Italia agreement with Ecopony and Robin Food, local and ethical delivery specialized in deliveries on two wheels. A green experimentation that sees Florence as the protagonist. > > “With the increasing diffusion of sales methods such as e-commerce and new purchasing habits, it is necessary to put in place actions that are sustainable in the long term – says Carlo Guandalini, IKEA Market Manager Florence – For this reason, even in the city of Florence, we have implemented an important plan linked to the logistics of the last mile to ensure that the path of our products has a positive impact, not only for the environment but for the entire community”. > > Florence was also among the first Italian cities that saw IKEA equip itself with a fleet of electric vehicles to make deliveries to the plan in zero emission mode: from last June 10 electric vehicles were progressively introduced to cover all deliveries in the city. The Swedish giant aims to deliver zero-impact deliveries by 2025.
