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'A lot of fear': Rent hikes across US mean eviction notices for many Americans
  • But yet they can keep finding people willing to pay such high rent.

    Not always, especially if it's a company that's holding a lot of units -- they'll keep the rents high even if they can't fill all of them to ensure the valuation of the others stays high. The math works out such that they'll earn more from 12x$2000 than 20x$1000, for example. Plus, not as much money spent on upkeep for unused units.

    Edit: And quick edit to add, the best way to fix this is to tax unused units or property (roughly, there's a lot of nuance there). In fact, that would fix a lot of the current housing and rental market insanity. It'll be a monumental effort to push past realty lobbying, but any time you see this proposal pop up in regional politics, please show up and voice your support if able.

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    They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub
  • But valuation is a very real predictive measure on IPOs, and what Reddit is making all these bad decisions in preparation for. They tried to cut a little more pie by dragging third party app users onto their app to try and increase revenue and bump valuation, it's just that it was so terribly misguided and executed that it had the opposite effect and blew up in their face.

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    Looking for FULL stack developer
  • I mean, reading that, it's a stretch but not that much of a stretch. They're basically saying "JVM, .NET, Node, a bunch of CI/CD and DevOps tools" and then a bunch of repeats and calling out adjacent technologies/specific dependencies. It's not something where you'd be expected to work on all of those every day, but work full-stack at a company a bit and drift into a few different projects and you'd check those boxes. This is just a very bad/scary job posting calling out every minutiae.
