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As War Drags On, Gazans More Willing to Speak Out Against Hamas
  • Let's be honest though: if Israel stopped bombing immediately, do you think Hamas would stop randomly bombing and mortaring Israel? Sure, Israel is fucked up, but there's a certain point where Palestine needs to realize they'll never have peace with Hamas always looking to fight someone. It's like complaining about the crime in your neighbor but you refuse to tell the cops where the local drug house is even with all the anonymity that technology offers.

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    Why do used electrics drop so quickly in price?
  • Another point people aren't bringing up is the fear of how soon a battery goes out. There are still a lot of fear mongering articles out there and no one wants to pay 30k for a car if they have to pay another 15k in three years. Until the lifetime of batteries becomes common knowledge people will only look for new EVs where the warranty is just starting for them.
