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Anon fights back against chasermisia
  • Oh, I was all confused interpreting chasers as gay guys into stocky hairy guys.

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    From racist Central Park encounter with a ‘Karen’ to Emmy-winning birdwatcher
  • Clearly he wasn't afraid of the dog.

    That isn't the problem about the dog being off leash, the problem is it being able to go after the wildlife.

    Maybe he should have been colder headed maybe not, we could critisize his being in the right but being an asshole about it, but we cannot equate that to her being in the wrong and doubling down by consciously making use of her white privilege to make a false accusation that could have ended very badly for him. This is not a both sides situation.

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    State of Liberal Democracy 2023
  • Figure 12 of the source is depressing :(

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    *depressed blow job noises*
  • What so many people probably want is homeless having somewhere safe to go and resources to go out of homelessness. They get hostile architechture instead.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Counterpoint: dictators that died in their beds because of course they couldn't be prosecuted under their own regime and have them undergo fair trial. Bonus points if their victims are still alive so they can get some closure. Spain's Franco comes to mind.

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    Commercial spyware vendor exploits used by Kremlin-backed hackers, Google says | Ars Technica
  • Isn't the IQ adjusted to always have an average of 100?

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    What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • You have (normally) 4 fingers with 3 phalanxes each, plus a fifth one (the thumb) to point at each one of those phalanxes.

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    Redesigning Australian State Flags
  • I just learned that the British colony of Queensland, Australia, adopted the Maltese cross as the state badge and on the flag in 1876 for reasons unknown

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    Maria Branyas Morera, the world's oldest person, dies at age 117
  • We also use the article for personal names, might as well be a cat or dog.

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    GIMP 3.0 Enters String Freeze, Inching Closer To Release
  • I don't want to answer a specific user about the name connotations but, isn't the load of a word dependant of the intention? My friends and I call each other whores. And conversely one can use "woman" as a very badly loaded vocative.

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    Amerirule exceptionalism
  • Probably every single European bridge called "Devil's Bridge" has a story about how he was tricked into making it in one single night and then denied his prize because

    • they made a rooster sing before dawn because the contract specified that as the deadline
    • they made an animal cross the bridge first because the first soul was to be taken per contract
    • they bully him into giving it up with some divine intercession.
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    saying that homophobes are just "secretly gay and trying to repress it" is homophobic itself
  • There is some correlation I guess, but I generaly agree. Not all homophobes are secretly gay but those who are, guess what, wouldn't be if it weren't for the systemic homophobia.

    It rubs me the wrong way because it appears in the comments everytime a homophobic crime happens. Yeah, he must be secretly gay. Might be, might be not, but meanwhile we have already closed the case as an internal problem. Just queers killing/abusing/assaulting each other.

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    Which (web)apps do you use to contribute to OpenStreetMap?
  • It's so fun and such an easy way to give back to osm.

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    Queensland premier floats cap on petrol price rises, state-owned fuel stations in re-election bid
  • New to Australian politics... Is it "to be determined after the election so everybody hopes they will get one" or am I being too cynic?

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    A Cool Guide About The 4 Types Of Trauma Responses
  • Enter three or four of those on Google and the rest will pop everywhere in different lengths and combinations.

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    A Cool Guide About The 4 Types Of Trauma Responses
  • I swear a new F word gets added to that list every time I see it.

    So far I've seen friend, flock, flop, flail, funster, fib...

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    Robot racism?
  • Or 80s-Braun-appliances hues, that would be so cool.

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    The Most Progressive Countries For Trans People To Live Right Now
  • Been hearing them expressing themselves all my life.

  • https:// /chat/r/L7TpBCf

    I just told it to

    >Make a cheatsheet with two columns: on the left, Markdown syntax; on the right, the ReStructured Text equivalent.

    and it started well but after a minute it seemed to enter a loop outputting the same thing over and over again.

    Is this something one should report, or is it something that sometimes happens with ai chats?


    It was a huge thing for me when it was released, due to my discovering queer activism around the time; and I think it was a huge thing, culturally speaking, for many queer people in many countries.

    I rewatched it yesterday but of course through the lenses of nostalgia, so I wondered if it has aged well, if it resonates with the younger people...
