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Oracle, it’s time to free JavaScript
  • Yeah, sure, just as easily as people switched from saying "Twitter" to saying "X"

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    The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss
  • In British supermarkets, they often don't even put the beans on shelves. Instead they have stacked palettes of them, because they need to restock so often it'd be inefficient to have to unpack and shelve them.

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    Toilet-specific plungers get the job done faster with way less effort and mess
  • Are you American though? Here in the UK, nobody really owns a plunger and they don't need to, the plumbing is different, it doesn't clog. Do need to own a toilet brush though, to wipe off the skidmarks, which is more rare in the US.

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    "Maybe even sleep a little, if I'm lucky."
  • Those names were chosen because they stereotypically fit these people, like Karen does a Karen. But popular names and connotations change over time. I feel like Stacy is a name befitting of an older person now than originally intended for the memes. I wonder if we're going to collectively keep these names locked in time, or rename them ever

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    Are you happy with your username?
  • No chance I'm getting a username this simple on most platforms

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    No one is having fun on lemmy.
  • I'm having fun ☹️

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    A cool guide to U.S. states with the most book bans
  • These Øs make it read like the subtitles to the intro for Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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    A cool guide to U.S. states with the most book bans
  • Making grey 0, black the highest and intense red the lowest above 0 is a weird palette choice

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    Yellow screen of death in the wild
  • Spanish, is this Latin America? Because if so, then damn, the movies were correct, even the BSOD has an orange tint to it

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    Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration?
  • Not a car, but I've got a bicycle light that does this. Turns on when it's dark and also when you brake. So definitely possible

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    What bizarre misconceptions do people have about your field?
  • Haha, most people here do tech it seems. Well, me too.

    People seem to think I'd be good at maths and my entire job is like maths. I'm not and I don't view it that way. There's a lot of problem solving and engineering, but I find it very creative and expressive

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    Used to do this to my rule all the time
  • I always see comments like these online, but they seem kind of absurd to me, coming from a country where it's not only totally common to walk dogs off-leash, but completely legal. There's really very few incidents of dogs darting into the streets here, and actually half the ones I've ever seen have been dogs on a lead anyway. A well trained dog doesn't do that.

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    molten cheese
  • The oddest spelling of "colourize", with both a U and a Z

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    Life is pain
  • YouTube Music still has this at least

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    Python is great, but stuff like this just drives me up the wall
  • Oh that makes sense. I didn't consider it might be treated as a char

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    LaTeX coffee stains
  • The whole document is a pretty funny read actually

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    Python is great, but stuff like this just drives me up the wall
  • "1" + 2 === "12" is not unique to JS (sans the requirement for the third equals sign), it's a common feature of multiple strongly typed languages. imho it's fine.

    EDIT: I did some testing:

    What it works in:

    • JS
    • TS
    • Java
    • C#
    • C++
    • Kotlin
    • Groovy
    • Scala
    • PowerShell

    What produces a number, instead of a string:

    • PHP
    • SQL
    • Perl
    • VB
    • Lua

    What it doesn't work in:

    • R
    • C
    • Go
    • Swift
    • Rust
    • Python
    • Pascal
    • Ruby
    • Objective C
    • Julia
    • Fortran
    • Ada
    • Dart
    • D
    • Elixir

    And MATLAB appears to produce 51, wtf idk

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    Encrypted DMs Are Coming to ActivityPub
  • I was under the impression it wasn't even truly private, nevermind encrypted. Not actually sure how it works though

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    Encrypted DMs Are Coming to ActivityPub
  • On Lemmy you can't exchange email addresses though... else you'd be exposing the addresses publicly and that's also rife for spam

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    Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • Exactly. When I was clean shaven, it was easy, I could just hold the shaver against the contours of my face.

    Now, with a large beard, I only need to shave every one or two weeks, but it takes much longer to do so and is much trickier. I've got to sculpt and shape a mound of hair manually. And every day I still brush and oil it.

    Clean or short shaven was actually less effort.
