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How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • 43 year old here. By the late 90s most of the laces and braces stuff was over in my local scene (Austin, TX). SHARPs learned it was easier to just have a mowhawk or spikes than explaining that yes they were a skinhead but not Nazis or racist.

    With that said there were still Nazis that would come around to the clubs from time to time. And it usually ended up with them getting thrown out. Then one night one of them went into the pit and started throwing punches. The whole lot of them got dragged out the back by a bunch of guys a lot larger than me. 10 minutes later they came back in minus the Nazis. After that night I never saw another Nazi at a show again.

  • Giants 3 touchdowns, 1 failed PAT, 2 failed 2 point conversions

    Washington 7 field goals

    Seriously one of the strangest score summaries I've seen.

    Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • I got really into industrial my freshman year of highschool, then I got really into punk my sophomore year. I still remember the day I discovered Lard. Went to the record store and heard Forkboy playing on the PA. I was like, that Jello, but not the Dead Kennedy's. I asked the guy at the counter who it was and ended up leaving the store with both of their albums. They are still in my regular rotation of albums.

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    Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • Albums that I have probably listened to the most times in my life:

    These two don't really need introductions.

    • The Beatles: Abbey Road
    • Nirvana: Nevermind
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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • In my state all state run sites they use the terms LMHA (local mental health authorities) and LBHA (local behavioral health authorities). But a large majority of the local offices call themselves <County Name> MHMR (mental health mental retardation).

    All the laws and support systems use the term IDD (intellectual or developmental disability). And you'd be hard pressed to find any county that actually lists the full name for their MHMR office. So it seems like they are trying to phase it out. In the meantime it just makes things confusing.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • The Sandlot is such a great film. Even my daughter who doesn't know anything about baseball loves watching it with me. There is no other movie that gives me the same feelings as that. There is no major drama or traumatic incidents. Just kids having fun over the summer.

    You know nowadays they would have made the stepdad an alcoholic or animal control would have come and taken Hercules away after they found out he was nice, or some other kind of drama like that. But this movie doesn't do any of that. It's just a fun story about a bunch of kids being kids.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • Same. Growing up anytime I saw it on TV (which was often on TBS in the 90s) I watched it. I got my first DVD player in 2000 and that was one of the first DVDs I bought. I've watched it at least twice a year since then. So chances are I've seen it close to 100 times.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • Every time I drive by a Taco Bell I have to sing, "Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell."

    My kids think I'm insane.

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    What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?
  • Don't make excuses. If you fucked up admit it and make a plan to prevent it from happening in the future. Excuses themselves do nothing to help a situation.

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    If you're not careful, you're going to lose me
  • No, but according to my wife they are family heirlooms. They start with her great-grandmother, her grandmother, her mom, and her's.

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    Even if your parents weren't truly bad, what was the most narcissistic/narcissist-esque trait or thing they ever did?
  • Our neighborhood had large community mailboxes and my dad would always make me walk down the street to get the mail. One day there were some older kids outside and they started squirting me with water-guns. I got home and told my dad and he asked me to show him where the kids were. When I did he yelled at them saying, "don't squirt my mail!"

    The sad thing is I though he was talking about me, as in male. It wasn't until years later I realized he didn't give a crap about me, he was mad his mail got wet.

    It's by far not be the most narcissistic thing my dad did, (that would be beating the shit out of me for not wanting to go to church because it made him look bad). But I think about it often because I want my kids to know they are the most important thing to me, and I never want to say something that would make them think otherwise.

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    It's so rare for me that it's always welcomed with open arms.
  • There is a road about 10 miles from my house that is just rural and empty, has a huge shoulder to ride on, and no major elevation changes. My perfect Saturday morning was riding 20-30 miles on that road.

    ...And then the county went and put chipseal down. It created so much resistance on my tires that it felt like pedaling in mud. And it only got worse overtime because all the loose chipseal the cars kick up piles up on the shoulder. It just breaks my heart.

  • Mr Gatti's Pizza to open inside Walmart locations in Texas, 3 other states

    Fort Worth-based Mr Gatti's Pizza has announced plans to open 92 Walmart locations in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Kentucky.


    I think I'm ready to give vegan a try, but I'm struggling with breakfast ideas. Mostly I'd meal prep egg and bacon burritos or just have some toast with jam.

    I used to be a cereal person but after having my gallbladder removed I developed an intolerance to lactose. And I haven't found any good alternatives for milk or cheese that I like, so I've basically cut them out of my diet. Plus most cereal is loaded with sugar, and...

    I found out yesterday that I'm prediabetic and my cholesterol is a little high. So, I'm trying to move away from animal products and sugar.

    I will occasionally have toast with peanut butter and banana on it, but that's so calorie dense, I only eat it on days I know I'll be doing a lot of physical activities. Most days I sit at a desk for 8-10 hours.

    So really the only other thing I can think of is oatmeal. And eating a bowl full of something hot is the last thing I want to do after my morning walk. I'm in Texas so it's hot even when I go out at 5 AM.

    I'm looking for ideas that can, preferably, be meal prepped or take less than 5 minutes to make. But I'm open to any ideas. Thanks!

    13 Quinyon Mitchell Draft and Combine Prospect Profile |

    All Combine and Draft-Related Analysis, News, Video, and Biographical Information for Quinyon Mitchell

    I'm so glad to see Howie focusing on the defense


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    I'm looking for some games for my son that lets him explore and play around at his own pace. Things similar to First Contact, which he loved. He has motor control problems, so games that requires precise movements are difficult for him. For example, he cannot make it though the first song on Beat Saber when it is set to easy and the directions are turned off.

    If you know of any that just allow a player to just explore or manipulate the things around them, while also hopefully being entertaining for a 12 year old, please let me know. Thanks!


    I’m looking for some advice on setting up a retro gaming system for my son. He absolutely loves the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and some Atari classics like Frogger. The problem I have is he is autistic, which leads to two very different issues to solve. First is he loves to tinker with things. Which I don’t mind, and actively encourage in kids because that's how you learn. However, when he breaks something, it can cause full blown meltdowns. Like you would think the end of the world is coming level meltdowns. Therefore, things like the Nintendo Switch are great because there is not much he can do in the settings. Especially, with the built-in parent controls. However, when I’ve tried setting him up with a laptop with Retro Arch, he will jack with the settings and break it in a matter of minutes.

    I’d like to figure out something I can plug into a TV that will allow him to play retro games, preferably with a wireless controller (because I’ll be damned if I can get him to sit still why playing Sonic). The best solution I’ve used in the past was a Nvidia Shield TV running Arch Browser. He still managed to factory reset once, but outside of that it worked well. However, the fact that it is a full streaming/media system is overkill for what I’m looking for. Plus, I really don’t like the direction it has been heading with the built-in ads and other Google crap.

    I looked into the Sega Genesis mini, but they are selling for more than a Shield TV and have wired controllers. I have an Atari flashback, but it is crap with it's IR controllers. Whoever though of that obviously has never tried to get a child to maintain line of sight while playing a game.

    So, I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestion for hardware/software that will allow for the playing of retro games on a TV, but also have a way of either preventing tampering with settings, making it more difficult to get to the settings, or even something that can be reset and configured with a few clicks. I’d love to be able to tell him, look if you mess it up just reboot and it will reset.

    https:// /title/tt0093833/

    They're Tobacco Chewin', Gut Chompin', Cannibal Kinfolk from Hell!

    In the backwoods of America live a very special kind of people: Friendly, decent, hard-working dirt farmers. When they accidentally drink a barrel of nuclear waste, they turn into tobacco-chewing, flesh eating, cannibal kinfolk from hell. Meanwhile, seven sophisticated city slickers on vacation get lost in the woods and encounter a nightmare world of these illiterate and extremely insensitive undead. While the tourists hikers use all their wits and courage to stay alive, more and more 'down-home' types imbibe the nasty brew until Redneck Zombies are everywhere. What started as a scenic nature hike turns into a bloodbath of dismemberment and cannibalism.


    Personal note: This was the movie that introduced me to Troma and started the B movie watching parties I had in high school


    After cutting the cord 7-8 years ago, BattleBots kind of feel off my radar. That's why I was stoked when they added it to Max streaming service. And I've been binging it for the last month or so.

    My absolute favorite thing to watch for is, when you can see the judges in the background of a fight, it never fails that Lisa will have the biggest grin on her face. I don't know why, but I love seeing a judge enjoying themselves like a fan would.


    Thankfully big sis has unlimited patience


    what's ya doing sis
