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"Don't confuse the Putin regime with Russia", say exchanged Russian prisoners. "There are many people in Russia who oppose Putin's war in Ukraine." --- [video, 2min]
  • Don't confuse any country's government or group in power with its people. Just think about wherever you live and how divided citizens are about different things that are done. There's pretty much always going to be a pretty significant chunk of the population that does not agree with what is happening.

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    Tesla warns that a federal probe into whether it exaggerated the range of its cars may lead to a 'material adverse impact on our business'
  • Why are there so many comments that start with "@five"? I feel like there's something about how the site works that I'm misunderstanding. Isn't the user who posted the article automatically notified when someone posts a comment?

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    Warning: just got hacked
  • Not sure exactly how they were hacked, but if the server is still compromised then changing your password now doesn't do any good.
