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Mastodon forms new U.S. non-profit
  • The open AI governance model was doomed to fail, however, and structurally had no chance to work. By ignoring human nature and greed, things ended up with the profit side getting backing from a massive for profit company and employees voted with their pocket instead of sticking to some mission statement idealized by the non-profit board.

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    Tapeworms found in brain of US man who ate undercooked bacon
  • The real question everyone is not talking about is the overall safety of pork products in the USA as tapeworm infections in pork meat should be detected and the meat discarded at the processing plants

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    A Chinese airline warned passengers not to throw coins into plane engines after an Airbus A350 was delayed for 4 hours
  • Also note China modernized faster than any country. China went from farming-based to post-industrial in about 30 years and population behaviours and beliefs didn't follow it at same speed. So they have more hicks with ability to damage stuff than most of Africa and Central Asia

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    US safety agency says Boeing video of door-plug removal was overwritten
  • As much as I would like to see a drastic solution for Boeing, America also has a very poor track of nationalization outcomes. Everything the government touches becomes bloated and inefficient. Best solution would be for Boeing board of directors and the C-level executives to be entirely replaced or just let Boeing die a slow death under litigations.

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    Trump Tells Right-Wing Christians They Will Have Power at 'Level You've Never Used Before'
  • See, but that dividing line is the issue - that minority figured out how to use the political process for their needs. We can debate whether they got external help or not, but they face no visible opposition and the many different varieties of opposition have no coherent plan to counter that, as each of the opposition have their own particular and absolutist view of how it should be done and can't agree on a way forward, either.

    Basically we are living that Austin Powers gag of the guy who was squashed by the steamroller until November comes

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    Trump Tells Right-Wing Christians They Will Have Power at 'Level You've Never Used Before'
  • The public and politicians needs to understand that "Christian" in the context of MAGA is just shorthand for "marginalized white non-catholic Americans who mostly lives away from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts" who got screwed by a severe deterioration of living standards as globalization only harmed their livelihoods (although allows them to buy cheap stuff that, in the end, does not make it for the lack of long term life prospects for them and their communities).

    America has a way of not caring for communities and livelihoods in the midst of economic changes and the electoral influence of MAGA is the ultimate symptoms of this culturally-ingrained and supported lack of care. And Dems also have no plans or policies for them, so it is a one way ticket to political extremism.

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    Reddit has a new AI training deal to sell user content
  • Oh the carousel. Anyway I just wished voters would vote more consciously but even that has been rigged so that people vote to those who appeal to their own fears and anger 😞

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    Reddit has a new AI training deal to sell user content
  • America is truly exceptional... Nonagenarian politicians serve as lawmakers of an economy they barely understand, and part of a system of legalized bribery that reinforces their lack of interest in not understanding, while septuagenarian supreme court interpets and applies laws made in the aftermath of the civil war but are free to bend the meaning of laws as their personal political biases allow, and octagenarian presidents wield extreme unchecked power.

    In this system, laws against abuse of personal information and exploitation of data will only be written in 2080 or later, after many lives of common people are damaged, until it damages the life of a congressman and then change happens.

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    Japan Loses Its Spot as World's Third-Largest Economy as It Slips Into Recession
  • The BOJ is counting on low interest to force a devaluation of peoples savings to drive consumption and, given the massive amount of savings, it will take time to burn through that
